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我們在西也拉·內華達山裏工作。從早到晚,我們 在砍大紅木樹,抬很重的鋼鉄和石塊,工作很辛苦。有 時,惡人還聚眾給我們麻煩。有一天,他們用炸葯炸死 了幾個我們的人。那時,有三位兄弟,関明,関强和関合, 他們實在看不過眼,関家兄弟三人帶了一隊中國人,去找 那些殺害中國人的兇手。結果,我們找到了放炸葯的 人,將他們懲罰了一頓。從此以後,那些番鬼再不敢 欺負我們了。関家兄弟告訴我們,他們是関公的後代。 関公是一個非常勇敢和忠心的神,所以又叫「戰神」。

We worked high in the Sierra Nevada mountains. From sunrise to sunset we chopped down the giant redwood trees and lifted tons of steel and rock. Sometimes hostile gangs tried to make trouble for us. One day, they set off an explosion that killed several of our men. We decided to fight back.

Our three best fighters, the Kwan cousins, Kwan Ming, Kwan Cheong and Kwan Hop, set out with a band of men to hunt down the gang who had killed our men. The guilty ones were found and punished. After that, troublemakers stayed clear of us. The Kwans told us they were only living up to their ancestor, Kwan Kung, god of war, who is famous for his bravery and loyalty to his friends.