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冬天降臨,地上積雪有四十多呎厚,把那些很高大的樹也埋没了。 但番鬼還不讓我們休息,我們要從雪地下掘洞到雪地上 面,才可以吸到新鮮空氣。為着工作方便,我們從我們住的 地方掘了一條二百多呎長的隧道,通到工作的地點。在隧 道裏,工作要非常小心,積雪是非常容易倒塌下來。所以 有很多人被活埋在隧道裏。有一天晚上,関强就一直没 有回來。

Winter came and forty feet of snow fell. The demons wouldn't let us stop working, though the snow was so high that even the tall trees were buried. We dug caves in the snow to shelter us, and tunneled up to the surface through the packed snow, making air shafts so that we could breathe. To get to and from work, we had to carve out a maze of snow tunnels, some of them two hundred feet long. Often huge hunks of the snow tunnels caved in and people were buried alive when nobody was looking. We lost many men in the cave-ins, and one night it was Kwan Cheong who never came back from work.