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一天晚上,㕑子亞丁不小心,將大鍋 熱湯倒翻了,只聼到他在叫喊:「王 三你為什麼跟着我?你是否餓了?」 関明說:「哎啊!亞丁,你見鬼了。王 三是在去年冬天山崩時已死了。」 亞丁的助手張然也說:「當我睡 覺時,我常夢見哥哥鬼魂在找尋 炸石時失去的兩隻手臂。」張然 很憤怒地說:「都是大老闆們 要我們建築鉄路,才令到我們 的朋友和兄弟死去,我們很痛 恨這些鉄路,我真想把這些 要建築這條鉄路的番鬼殺 死,甚至毀壞這條鉄路,好 讓我們唐人出一口氣。 

One night, the cook, Ah Ding, dropped a big pot of hot soup, shouting, "Wang Sam! Why do you follow me? Are you hungry?" "Aiya!" cried out Kwan Ming. "Wang Sam died in the landslides last winter. You're seeing a ghost spirit!"

Jeong Yum, the cook's helper, was so troubled by the spirits that he could not sleep. "When I sleep I dream of my brother," he said. "I dream that his ghost is looking for the arms he lost in the explosion."

Then Jeong Yum became angry. "It's because of the bosses and their railroad that our friends and brothers have died! I hate the railroad! I'd like to blow it up! I'd like to kill all those turtle-headed demons or die fighting them!"