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有些人在叫喊,要炸壞這條鉄路。関明很 冷静地說:「朋友們,我們要理智些。因為這 條鉄路是用唐人血汗建成的。我們要因它而 感到驕傲,因為我們中國人有一句說話——不 要半途而廢。」

大家沉默了一會兒,亞丁說:「我們的 朋友和弟兄的鬼魂都留落在這荒山裏, 我們必須要照顧他們,否則我們也 得不到安寧。」

The other men began to shout and talk about blowing up the railroad, but Kwan Ming calmed them down. "Talk sense, men," he said. "The railroad is our work and we should be proud of it. We're going to finish it because when we Tong Yun say we'll do something, we don't stop halfway."

The men were quiet for a few moments, then Ah Ding said, "The spirits of our friends and brothers are lost and alone in these barbarian mountains. We must take care of them somehow, or we'll know no peace ourselves."