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Which can be no other but changing bread and wine into his bodie & bloud, seing him selfe expresly sayeth: This is my bodie, this is my bloud.

And though Gods blessing in this place, be also a precept, yet it is not to al men for euer, but for the propagation of mankind, which being long since abundantly propagated, the obligation of the precept ceaseth the cause ceasing. So S. Cyprian, S. Ierome, S. Augustin, and other Fathers expound this place. And confirme the same by the text, for immediatly God signifying to what end he spoke, saith: and replenish the earth. Which benig replenished, Gods wil is therin fulfilled.

Chap. II.

The worke of six dayes being finished, God rested the seuenth day & blessed it. 8. Then placing man in paradise (planted with bewtiful & swete trees, & watered with foure riuers) 16. commandeth him not to eate of the tree of knowledge of good & euil. 18. & formed a woman of a ribbe of Adam.

The heauens therfore & the earth were fully finished, and al the furniture of them. 2And the seuenth day God ended his woorke which he had made: &[1] rested the seuenth day, from al woorke that he had done. 3And he blessed the seuenth day and sanctified it: because in it he had ceased from al his woorke which God created to make.

4These are the generations of heauen & earth, when they were created in the day, when our Lord God made the heauen, and the earth. 5And euery plant of the filde, before it shot vp in the earth. And euerie herbe of the ground before it sprang: for our Lord God had not rayned vpon the earth: and man was not to til the earth: 6But a spring rose out of the earth, watering al the ouermost part of the earth. 7Our Lord God therfore formed man of the slyme of the earth: and[2] breathed into his face the breath of life, & man became a liuing soule.

8And our Lord God had[3] planted a Paradise of pleasure from the beginning: wherin he placed man whom he had formed. 9And our Lord God brought forth of the ground al maner of trees, fayre to behold: and pleasant to eate of: the tree of life also in the middle of Paradise: and the tree of knowledge of good & euil. 10And a riuer issued out of the place of pleasure to water Paradise, which from thence is diuided into four heades. 11The name of the one is Phison: that is it which compasseth al the land of Heuilath, where gold groweth. 12And the gold of that land is very good:

  1. God createth not new kindes of creatures, yet stil worketh. Io. 5, 17. conseruing & gouerning al things and createh soules, grace, and glorie of the same kind S. Aug. li, 4 de Gen. ad lit. c. 12.
  2. Mans soule is immediatly created by God not produced of other substance as the soules of beastes and plants are.
  3. Whether this paradise be now extant is vncertayne, though it be certaine that Enoch and Elias are yet liuing in earth. S. Aug. li. 2. cont. Pelagi. c. 23. See Perereus. li. 3. q. 5. & li. 7. q. vltima.