Page:1751 A collection of all the public acts of Assembly, of the province of North-Carolina now in force and use.pdf/360

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Page. ACTS palled 1746. An Aft, for the better regiilaring the Militia of this Government, 215 An Ad:, for Erefting the upper i-'art of Craven County into a County and Parilh j and for appointing a Pluce for building a Court-houfe, Prifon, and Stocks, in the faid County, 219 An Ad, for dividing Edgcomh County and Parifli, and for .erefting the upper Part thereof into a County and Parifh, by the Name of Gran-vtlle County, and St. Jobjt?, Parilh •, and for appointing Veftrymen of the faid Parifh, 220 An Aft, for the better afcertaining the Number of Members to be chofen for the fsveral Counties within this Province, to fit and vote in General Ailembly ; and for Edablifhing a more equal Reprefentative of all his Majefty's Subjefts in the Ploufe of Burgcfies, , 223 Ah Aft, to fix a Place for the Seat of Government, and for keeping Public Offices -, for appointing Circuit Courts, and defraying the Expence thereof; and alfo for eftablifliJng the Courts of Jufcice, and regulating the Proceedings therein, 224 An Aft, for appointing Commiuioners to Revife and Print the Laws of this Province, and for granting to his Majclty, for defraying the Charge thereof, a Duty on Wine, Rum, and diftilled Liquors, and Rice, imported into this Province, 241

ACTS paiTed 1748. Chap. Chap. Chap. • A

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x'^n Aft, to appoint Public Treafurcrs, 247 An Aft, for recfulating the feveral Gfficers Fees v/ithiri this Province, and afcertaining the Method of paying the fame, 250 An Aftj for laying aTax on the Inhabitants of Granville County, and for ap3 pointing CommilTioncrs to compleat and finilli the Public Buildings already begun in the faid County, ' ■ , 258 4 An Aft, to prevent the Exportation of raw Hides, Pieces of Hides, and Calf Skins, out of this Governmeht, 259 An Aft, to appoint Commifliontrs to continue running the Boundary Line be5 tween ii'^^cw?/'County, 'J'yreU and Part of 5f(7«/or/Counties, 261 An Aft, for deftroying Vermin in this Province, 261 6 7 An Aft, to enlarge the Time for the Commiflioners of the Roads appointed by the Act of AlTembly palled y?//'// 20, 1745, intituled. An A5i^ to impower the feveral CommiJJioners herein nfternamcd, to make^ niend, and repair all Roads., &Ci to recover the fcveral Sums due from Defaulters, 263 8 An Aft,' to provide indifierent Jurymen in all Caufes, both Civil and Criminal, and for an Allowance for their Attendance, 263 9 An Aft-, to alter the Times for holding the Courts for the County of NiwHcnover^ _ 266 10 An Aft, for granting unto his Majefty the Sum of Twenty One Thoufand Three Hundred and Fifty Pounds, Proclamation Money, and forflamping and emitting the faid Sum of Twenty One Thoufand Three Hundred and Fifty Pounds, Public Bills of Credit of this Province, at the Rate of Proclamation Money -, to be applied towards building Fortifications in this Province, Payment of the Public Debts, exchanging the prefent Bills of Credit, and for making proper Pfovifion for defri^j'ing the contingent Charges of the Government; and for • repealing the feveral Laws herein after mentioned^ 266 I An Act, to appoint a convenient Place for holding the County Court of Granville^i and to impower the Commiffioners hereafter named, to build a Courthoufe, Prifon, and Stocks, in the faid County, ^ -^ 271 2 An Act, for defraying the Expence of the Members of his Majefly's Honourable Council, and the Members of the General Afiembly of this Province, in their travelling to, from, and attending at the laid Aliemblies •, and to compell their Attendance, 272 1 2
