Page:1863-64 Territory of Dakota Session laws.djvu/163

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be liable, by any by-laws or rules, and regulations of said company, to be assessed for the construction, equipment or management of rail road, or in any manner taxed by said corporation. The balance of said original stock, and all ether stock created under the privileges of this charter, by said company, shall be chargeable and liable to be assessed, pro rata, for the expenses incurred in the construction and equipment of said road.

Sec. 13. It shall be lawful for a majority of the persons named in this act, or their successors, by giving thirty days notice, stating the objects, to call a meeting of the stockholders of said company, and the secretary of said company shall certify said call, and record the same, as well as all matters that may be transacted under said call in a suitable book provided for such purpose.

Sec. 14. Sail company shall have power to unite its road, in whole or in part, with the transit railroad of Minnesota, or any other railroads either in this Territory or in the States of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, New York, or the Territory of Nebraska, and to grant to any such company or companies the right to construct, operate or use this line cf read, and to lease its right of way and franchise, together with its cruinmerts, rolling stock, furniture and materials used in constructing or operating said road, and authorize such railroad company or companies to complete, finish, us€ and operate such line c? roads so purchased or leased, upon such terms as may be mutually agreed between the said company or companies, or may consolidate the capital stock with the capital stock of any rail road company or companies, with which it shall intersect, and shall have power to place the road of said company and its capital stock so consolidated, under the direction of a board of directors of not less than five persons, who shall be chosen from the stockholders of the company so consolidated, not less than two of which shall have been members and stock-holders of the company so consolidated previous to its consolidation as aforesaid.

Sec. 15. Notice shall be published in at least one newspaper printed in the Territory, for the election of directors and calls for instalments [sic] be made upon the capital stock, and all meet-