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completed, or nearly so by next mail.

I shall be able to send you two photos of the grave & one of the entrance to the cemetery, but I cannot get one with a general view of the cemetery at present but should there at any future time be any taken, shall then forward you one.

When James came home he had not much of a stock of clothes having been from Melbourne three years his stock got very low, & he said he lost the most of them at the wreck of the Brig his ship in Western Australia, & the heavy expenses he was at, took away of a deal of the poor fellows hard earnings & as things have turned out, it was a good thing he insured his life: or he would not have been able to settle any money to anyone: Mrs Cook answered your Mothers letter, by last mail, which I hope she received all right.

Mrs Cook with myself joins me in very kind regard to you all & I can only add that you may depend I shall close the estate & affairs as quick as possible, & hope it will be done to your satisfaction.

Believe me
My dear Sir
Yours very truly
H Cook
16th April 1876