Page:1902 Encyclopædia Britannica - Volume 25 - A-AUS.pdf/436

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ANACONDA — ANARCHISM railway along tlie Amur induced tlie Ptussian Government per cent., and the proportion of girls 2 per cent. The to obtain from China permission to build a railway registered death-rate in 1897 was 26'9 per thousand. through Manchuria. For the navigation on the Amur Anarchism, a theory of politics, according to there are now 112 steamers of 29,300 horse-power, and 152 barges of 37,000 tons. The Amur province has a con- which all forms of organized government, except the free tinental climate, the yearly average at Blagovyeschensk commune, are objectionable, since the individual should be (50° N. lat.) being 30° Fahr. (January -17°, July 70°). a law to himself ; and a theory of economics, according to It experiences the influence of the monsoons, and has which land and capital ought to be the common property mostly cold north-west winds from October to March, of society. There is also a propaganda of revolution wdiile in July and August it receives torrential rains, by violence. The principal writers who treat of the resulting in a sudden and very considerable rise of water theory of anarchy in its different aspects are Proudhon, in the Amur and all its r.b. tributaries. The chief and Elisee Reclus, Herbert Spencer, Kropotkin, and Bakounine. in fact the only towm of the province is Blagovyeschensk, In America, Mr Benjamin R. Tucker has published since but the chief centre of the administration of the 1882 a journal named Liberty, ‘which is devoted to philoAmur region is now Khabarovsk. The settled popu- sophical anarchism. In the congress of the International lation in 1897 was 118,570 (51,975 women), of whom Working People’s Association, at the Hague, September 1872, the followers of Bakounine separated themselves 31,515 lived in towns. (p. a. k.) from those of Karl Marx. This was the definitive beginAnaconda, a city of Montana, U.S.A., the capital ning of the anarchist propaganda. The Bakounine party of Deer Lodge county, situated in the mountains on organized the “Federation Jurassienne,” and established the west side of Deer Lodge Valley, in the south-western a paper at Geneva, LAvant Garde. This journal was, in part of the state. It is entered by the Montana Central, 1878, succeeded by La Revolte, founded by Reclus and a branch of the Great Northern, and the Butte, Anaconda Kropotkin. Revolutionary organizations of working men and Pacific railways. Its chief industry is the smelting were also formed in France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, of copper ores, obtained from mines in the neighbour- Belgium, Germany, England, and the United States. hood. The population in 1890 Avas 3975, and in 1900 Between 1882 and 1886, in France, Prince Kropotkin, it was 9453. Louise Michel, and others were imprisoned, and their journal suppressed. In England, Most, one of the An am, or Annam. See Cochin China. German anarchist leaders, founded Die Freiheit, and, Anamalai Hills, a range of mountains in for defending in it the assassination of Alexander II. Southern India, in the Coimbatore district of Madras, at St Petersburg, was sentenced to eighteen months’ lying between 10° 13' and 10° 31' N. lat., and between imprisonment with hard labour. After this he moved to 76° 52' and 77° 23' E. long., forming a portion of the the United States, and re-established his paper there in Western Ghats, after this range has been broken by the New York, in May 1886. During this period there were Palghat Pass, south of the Nilgiris. They really consist several anarchist congresses in the United States. In one of a forest-clad and grassy tableland, with summits rising at Albany, in 1878, the revolutionary element, led by above 8000 feet. Their geological formation is metaJustus Schwab, broke awTay from the others; at Allemorphic gneiss, veined with felspar and quartz, and intergheny City, in 1879, again there was a rupture between spersed with reddish porphyrite. The lower slopes yield the peaceful and the revolutionary sections. The Voice of valuable teak and other timber; and some land has been taken up for coffee-planting. The only inhabitants are a the People at St Louis, the Arbeiter Zeitung at Chicago, few wild tribes, who live by hunting and collecting jungle and the Anarchist at Boston, were the organs of the revolutionary element. In 1883, at Pittsburg, a congress produce. of twenty-eight delegates, representing twenty-two towns, AnaniefF, a district town of Russia, government drew up an address to the working men of America. of Kherson, on Tiligul river, 118 miles N.W. of Odessa, The programme it proposed was as follows :— 12 miles from Zherebkovo, a station of the South-Western First, Destruction of the existing class rule by all means, i.e. railway. It has trade in corn and cattle. It was annexed energetic, relentless, revolutionary, and international action. to Russia in 1792. Population (1897), 16,713—Russians, Second, Establishment of a free society, based upon co-operative organization of production. Jews, and Moldavians. Third, Free exchange of equivalent products by and between the Anantapur, a town and district of India, in the productive organizations, without commerce and profit-mongery. Fourth, Organization of education on a secular, scientific, and Madras presidency, situated in 14° 41' N. lat. and 77° 39' E. long. It has a station on the Madras railway, 62 equal basis for both sexes. Fifth, Equal rights for all, without distinction of sex or race. miles S.E. from Bellary. Population (1891), 6994. The Sixth, Regulation of all public affairs by free contracts between municipal income in 1897-98 was Bs.20,410. There is a the autonomous (independent) communes and associations, resting municipal high school. on a federalistic basis. The district of Anantapur was constituted in 1882 This, together with an appeal to the working men to out of the unwieldy district of Bellary. It has an organize, was published in Chicago, November 1883, by a area of 5725 square miles, and its population in 1891 local committee of four, representing French, Bohemian, was 708,549, being 134 persons per square mile; in 1901, German, and English sections, the head of the last being 788,896, showing an increase of 8 per cent. The land August Spies, who was hanged in 1887 for participation revenue and rates were Rs.9,63,538, the incidence of assess- in the Haymarket affair in Chicago, 4th May 1886 This ment being R.O . 12 : 5 per acre • the number of police was affair was the culmination of a series of encounters 702. In 1897-98, out of a total cultivated area of 1,428,404 between the Chicago working men and the police, which acres, 169,655 were irrigated, including 34,723 from had covered several years. The meeting of 4th May wTas government canals; the principal crops are millet, rice, called by Spies and others to protest against the action of other food grains, pulse, oil-seeds, and cotton. There are the police, by wdiom several working men had been killed three steam factories for pressing cotton. Two railways in collisions growing out of the efforts to introduce the traverse the district. The number of schools in 1896-97 eight hours’ day. The mayor of the city attended the was 577, with 11,636 pupils; the proportion of boys at meeting, but, finding it peaceful, went home. The meetschool to the population of school-going age being 19’5 ing was subsequently entered by the police and commanded 390