Page:1902 Encyclopædia Britannica - Volume 26 - AUS-CHI.pdf/36

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AU STRIA-HU N GARY [AUSTRIA brown coal, the mines of Austria yielded 218 million metric on only in Tirol and Gbrz ; silk and velvet weaving principally in centners, of which Bohemia contributed 180 millions ; Styria, 26 Vienna. The woollen industry employed :— millions ; Upper Austria, 4 millions. Of iron ores, over 17 million 1890. metric centners were mined, Styria yielding 10 millions ; Bohemia, 5 millions. 2-8 million metric centners of petroleum were produced 392,000 570,000 Carded yarn spindles . in Galicia; 923,000 metric centners of quicksilver in Carniola. 262,256 73,200 Worsted yarn spindles. Austria yielded 318,000 metric centners of graphite, of which 2,045 17,600 Carded yarn handlooms Bohemia produced 199,000; while Moravia, Styria, and Lower 6,351 3,130 ,, ,, power-looms Austria also contributed their quotas. Of 371,000 metric centners 7,600 7,560 Worsted yarn handlooms of zinc ores for all Austria, Carinthia produced 219,000; Galicia, 15,700 5,000 ,, ,, power-looms 71,000 ; Bohemia, 21,000 ; and Tirol, 43,000. Of alum and alum slate 199,000 metric centners were dug out in Bohemia ; 215,000 The woollen industry has its principal seats in Bohemia, Moravia, metric centners of silver ores in Bohemia. Out of 135,000 metric Silesia, and Lower Austria. centners of lead ores produced in Austria, 99,000 were the product The cotton industry employed :— of Carinthia, and 19,000 of Galicia. Austria yielded 67,000 metric centners of copper ores, to which Salzburg contributed 1890. 58,000 ; and Tirol, 9000 metric centners. 69,000 metric centners of ozocerite were raised in Galicia ; 54,000 metric centners of Fine spindles ..... 1,760,000 3,121,000 manganese ores in Carniola and Bukovina. Small quantities ^ of 5,200 Handlooms gold ores are mined in Bohemia and Salzburg. Uranium, tin, 48,000 31,000 Power-looms ..... bismuth, antimony, and wolfram ores are dug out in Bohemia ; (In connexion with the power-looms) pyrites in Tirol, Bohemia, and Styria ; asphalt in Tirol. The 21,300 62,000 handlooms ..... increase in the value of the mining products in the most important branches is seen in the following table :—• The industry is mostly carried on in Bohemia, Lower Austria, and Vorarlberg. Handloom weaving is in fast decline. (In millions of florins.) The linen and jute industry has likewise reached a high degree Minerals. 1875. 1885. 1895 1899. of development, forming an important branch of the textile industry. It employed :— 18-2 22-2 34 T 477 Pit coal . 1880. 15 T 17-8 34-9 47'6 Brown coal 2*8 2-2 3*0 4-9 Iron ores 356,000 320,000 Flax yarn and thread-fine spindles 0-7 1-6 4-5 3-0 Petroleum 1,560 500 Power-looms for linen weaving 0-9 9 0-2 1Ozocerite 11,150 36,500 Handlooms 1-8 3 2-4 3'2 2Silver ores 39,000 12,696 Hemp and jute spindles 1,440 873 Power-looms for hemp and jute . The total annual value of the mining products amounts to about 100 million florins. The total value of the products of the foundries amounts to 40 million florins. Of this amount, 32 millions represent The most important places for linen spinning are in Bohemia the value of the fined iron and steel and pig-iron; 1'8 millions, of lead (Trautenau), Moravia, and Silesia, where, too, linen weaving is also and litharge ; 1‘95 millions, of silver ; 1'2 millions, of quicksilver ; chiefly carried on. Both branches of the linen industry export 1 -2 millions, of zinc. On account of the Government monopoly, their products in large quantities. The manufacture of ribbons, the production of salt is wholly under state control, and is there- embroidery, and lace, the two latter being carried on principally as fore almost exclusively restricted to - the satisfaction of the home a professional house industry in Vorarlberg and in the Bohemian demand. In 1899 somewhat over 3 3 million metric centners of Erzgebirge, also thrives. The industry in stitched stuffs is salt were produced, of which 0'43 million metric centners were rock- especially developed in Northern Bohemia. Ready-made men s salt, obtained almost wholly from Galicia and Bukovina; 1-85 clothes and Oriental caps (fezes) are produced on a large scale in million metric centners salt obtained by decoction from the salt-pits Bohemia and Moravia. The industry in paper suffices also for export. The total pro. in the Salzkammergut, in Tyrol, Galicia, and Bukovina ; 0%31 million metric centners sea-salt obtained in Istria and Dalmatia; duction of paper in 1890 amounted to over 1,300,000 metric 0-66 million metric centners salt for manufacturing purposes, centners in 191 mills. Its principal seats are Bohemia, Moravia, obtained principally in Galicia. On the basis of the prices of the Lower and Upper Austria. Of eatables and drinkables, besides monopoly, the value of the yearly salt production is calculated at flour products, there are manufactured sugar, Kaffee-surrogate and chocolate, beer and brandy. Of sugar factories there were in 1897 25,310,000 florins. Since 1875 industry has, in many branches, made very con- 210, with a net production of more than 7 million metric centners. siderable advance. Out of every 1000 persons there were in 1870 Of beer breweries there were 1553, producing more than 19 million ... 200 engaged in any industries ; in 1880 the hectolitres. Of brandy distilleries there were about 1100 large, n us ry. hardly nuraj3er per 1000 had risen to 228, and in 1890 to 258. 6000 medium, and 25,000 small establishments, yielding a total The industrial development applies principally to the following production of 1,400,000 hectolitres of alcohol. The sugar industry branches:—For the production of raw iron wares there were in is carried on almost exclusively in Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, and 1890, 74 blast furnaces at work, giving a yearly output of about Galicia. Beer-brewing is most active in Bohemia, Lower Austria, 6 million metric centners of bloom-iron and 1 million metric Moravia, and Upper Austria. The manufacture of brandy is centners of pig-iron. The production of fined iron and steel mainly conducted in Galicia, Bohemia, Moravia, and Lower amounted to about 5 million metric centners ; just as much was Austria, which all produce large quantities for export. Internal communication is effected by land, water, and railthe amount of the production of the iron and steel refining works. A speciality are the rod-iron wares produced in the Alpine lands. ways. The highways by land have a total length of 67,500 miles. For metallic alloys (Packfong or German silver, an alloy of nickel Of this 10,000 miles are highways belonging to the Commuai~ and copper, and another alloy of nickel and tin), the works in state ; 3560 miles belong to the provinces and districts ; catioas, Lower Austria (particularly those at Berndorf) are celebrated. The the rest of the highways belong to the communes. The manufacture of machinery employed in 1890, 304 works, chiefly in navigable waterways have a total length of 4050 miles, of which Lower Austria and Bohemia. The industry in the means of 60 per cent, are navigable only for rafts, 40 per cent. for. ships. transport (carriages and railway waggons) yields an excess for The waterways of greatest value as means of intercommunication export. In the manufacture of musical and scientific instruments, are the Danube, the Elbe, the Vistula, and the Dniester. On the and also in pottery wares, Austria plays an important part. Danube there ply 190 steamers of the Danube Steam Navigation The porcelain industry of the Eger district has a world-wide repu- Company and 10 other steamers, to which have to be added 3000 tation. The glass industry, too, in Bohemia is richly developed, rowing craft and rafts. The total goods traffic on the Danube and rules the markets of the world. The production in bottle, amounts to about 7,000,000 metric centners. The Elbe is a waterplate, and mirror-glass amounts in round figures to one million way for four steam navigation companies, running within its metric centners yearly. The industry in wood, particularly in Austrian limits about 150 steamers altogether. In all, the shipstylish furniture, has attained great development, and large ping traffic on the Elbe comprises about 13,000 ships and 2000 supplies are exported. The manufacture of buttons is also a rafts, with a total goods traffic of 27,000,000 metric centners down very active branch of industry. The leather industry, which is the river and 5,000,000 metric centners up the river. The traffic widely extended, yields, particularly in gloves and fancy articles, on the Vistula at all the stations gives a total of over 8000 vessels, excellent products also for export. The manufacture of silk and more than half of which, however, might be reckoned twice ; the velvet goods employed in 1890 about 52,000 spindles (against goods traffic amounts to about 2,500,000 metric centners. Other 70,000 in 1880), 4900 handlooms (against 4000 in 1880), and over rivers with a service of steamers and sailing vessels, are the Arsa 3000 power-looms (against 700 in 1880). Silk-spinning is carried (in Istria), Kerka, Zermagna, and Narenta in Dalmatia. There is, 8