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BROWN — BROWNE well on his Farm” ; “Cromwell, Protector of tlieVaudois”:— life. He won a double first, however, and was elected covering the period from 1849 to 1877. “Sardanapalus and a fellow of Oriel in April 1854, Dean Gaisford having Myrrha,” begun within the same period, was finished later. refused to promote him to a senior studentship of his own He produced, moreover, a great number of excellent car- college, on the ground that no servitor had ever before toons for stained glass, being up to 1874 a member of attained to that honour. Although at that time an Oriel the firm of decorative art, Morris, Marshall, Faulkner, and fellowship conferred a deserved distinction, Brown never Co. He also executed, in colours or in crayons, various took kindly to the life, but, after a few terms of private portraits, including his own. From 1878 he was almost pupils, returned to the Isle of Man as vice-principal of his engrossed by work which he undertook for the town old school. He had been ordained deacon, but did not prohall of Manchester, and which entailed his living for ceed to priest’s orders for many years. In 1857 he married some few years in that city—twelve large wall paintings, his cousin, Miss Stowell, daughter of Dr Stowell of Ramsey, some of them done in a modified form of the Gambier- and soon afterwards left the island once more to become Parry process, and others in oils on canvas applied to the headmaster of the Crypt School, Gloucester—a position wall surface. They present a compendium of the history which in no long time he found intolerable. From Glouof Manchester and its district, from the building of the cester he was summoned by the Rev. John Percival (afterRoman camp at Mancunium to the experimental work of wards Bishop of Hereford), who had recently been appointed Dalton in elaborating the Atomic Theory. This is an to the struggling young foundation of Clifton College, extremely fine series, though with some diversity of which he soon raised to be one of the great public schools. individual merit in the paintings, and is certainly the Percival wanted a master for the modern side, and made chief representative, in the United Kingdom, of any such an appointment to meet Brown at Oxford; “and there,” form of artistic effort—if we leave out of count the works he writes, “ as chance would have it, I met him standing at the corner of St Mary’s Entry, in a somewhat Johnsonian (by various painters) in the Houses of Parliament. Madox Brown was never a popular or highly-remunerated attitude, four-square, his hands deep in his pockets to keep artist. Up to near middle age he went through trying himself still, and looking decidedly volcanic. We very straits in money matters; afterwards his circumstances soon came to terms, and I left him there under promise improved, but he was not really well off at any time.. In to come to Clifton as my colleague at the beginning of the youth he followed the usual course as an exhibiting following term.” At Clifton Brown remained from Seppainter, but after some mortifications and heart-burnings tember 1863 to July 1892, when he retired—to the he did little in this way after 1852. He held, how- great regret of boys and masters alike, who had long since ever, in 1865, an exhibition of his own then numerous come to regard “T. E. B.’s” genius, and even his eccenpaintings and designs. He also delivered a few lectures tricities, with a peculiar pride—to spend the rest of his on fine art from time to time. From 1868 he suffered days upon the island he had worshipped from childhood from gout; and this led to an attack of apoplexy, from and often celebrated in song. His poem, “Betsy Lee,” which he died (in St Edmund’s Terrace, London) on 6th appeared in Macmillan's Magazine (April and May 18/3), October 1893. He was a man of upright, independent, and was published separately in the same year. It was and honourable character, of warm affections, a steady and included in Fo’c's'le Yarns (1881), which reached a second self-sacrificing friend; but he took offence rather readily, edition in 1889. This volume included at least three and viewed various persons and institutions with a degree other notable poems—“Tommy Big-eyes,” “Christmas of suspicion which may be pronounced excessive. He Rose,” and “ Captain Tom and Captain Hugh.” It was felt interest in many questions outside the range of his followed by The Doctor and other Poems (188 /), The Manx art, and, being a good and varied talker, had often some- Witch and other Poems (1889), and Old John and other thing apposite and suggestive to say about them. On Poems (a volume mainly lyrical) (1893). Since his more than one occasion he exerted himself very zealously death all these and a few additional lyrics and fragments for the benefit of the working classes. In politics he was have been published in one volume by Messrs Macmillan a consistent Democrat, and on religious questions an under the title of The Collected Poems of T. E. Brown (1900). His familiar letters (edited in two volumes by an Agnostic. The life of this artist has been well written by his grandson, old friend, Mr S. T. Irwin, in 1900) bear witness to the Ford M. Hueffer, in a handsomely-illustrated volume named Ford zest he carried back to his native country, although his Madox Brown, London, 1896. This volume contains some extracts thoughts often reverted to Clifton. In October 189/ he from Brown’s diary, extending in the whole from 1847 to 1865 ; and returned to the school on a visit. He was the guest of one other lengthier extracts appear in two books edited by William M. Rossetti — Buskin, Rossetti, Pre-Raphaelitism, 1899, and Pre.- of the house-masters, and on Friday evening, 29th October, Raphaelite Diaries and Letters, 1899. See also the Preferences in he gave an address to the boys of the house. He had Art, &c., by Harry Quilter, 1892. (w. M. R.) spoken for some minutes with his usual vivacity, when Brown, Thomas Edward (1830-1897), his voice grew thick and he was seen to stagger. He died English poet, scholar, and divine, was born on 5th May in less than two hours. Brown’s more important poems 1830, at Douglas, Isle of Man, where his father, the Rev. are narrative, and written in the Manx dialect, with a free Robert Brown, held the living of St Matthew’s—a homely use of pauses, and sometimes with daring irregularity of church in a poor district. His mother came of Scottish rhythm. A rugged tenderness is their most characteristic parentage, though born in the island. Thomas, the sixth note; but the emotion, while almost equally explosive in of ten children, was but two years old when the family mirth and in tears, remains an educated emotion, disciremoved to Kirk Braddan Vicarage, a short distance from plined by a scholar’s sense of language. They breathe the Douglas, where his father (a scholar of no university, but fervour of an island patriotism (humorously aware of its so fastidious about composition that he would have some limits) and of a simple natural piety. In his lyrics he is sentences of an English classic read to him before answer- happiest when yoking one or the other of these emotions always ing an invitation) took share with the parish schoolmaster to serve a philosophy of life, often audacious,A but T genial. ( ^ in tutoring the clever boy until, at the age of fifteen, lie was entered at King William’s College. Here his abilities Browne, Hablot Knight, (1815- 1882), soon declared themselves, and hence he proceeded to Christ English artist, famous chiefly as “ Phiz,” the illustrator Church, Oxford, where his position (as a servitor) cost him much humiliation, which he remembered to the end of his of the best-known books by Charles Dickens, Charles 410