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CROIX — CROMER the most important. Excepting Zagrab (Agram), the Artillery in 1858, he was appointed in 1861 A.D.C. to Sir rapidly rising capital of Croatia-Slavonia, and its surround- Henry Storks, High Commissioner of the Ionian Islands, ings, the greatest traffic is in the regions near the Danube and acted as secretary to the same chief during the inquiry into the Jamaica outbreak in 1865. Gazetted captain in and the frontier passes towards Bosnia. 1870, he went in 1872 as private secretary to his cousin Croix, or Croix Wasequehal, a town of Lord Northbrook, Viceroy of India, where he remained France, in the department of Nord, arrondissement of until 1876, when he became major, received the C.S.I., and Lille, 5 miles north-east of Lille and 2 miles south-west of was appointed British Commissioner of the Egyptian Eoubaix, with station on railway to Courtrai. The town Public Debt Office. Up to this period Major Baring had is situated near the Marcq, an affluent of the Deule, and given no unusual signs of promise, and the appointment, is practically a suburb of Roubaix. Port traffic (1899), of a comparatively untried major of artillery as the British 71,145 tons. Population (1881), 3260; (1896), 13,895; representative on a Financial Board composed of repre(1901), 15,933. sentatives of all the Great Powers was considered a bold Croll, James (1821-1890), Scottish man of one. Within a very short time it was recognized that the science, was born of a peasant family at Little Whitefield, Englishman, though keeping himself carefully in the backin Perthshire, 2nd January 1821. He was regarded as an ground, was unmistakably the predominant factor on the unpromising boy, but a trifling circumstance aroused a Board. He was mainly responsible for the searching passion for reading, and he made great progress in self- report of the Commission of Inquiry that had been ineducation. Debarred by ill-health from manual labour, he stituted into the financial methods of the Khedive Ismail; became successively a shopkeeper and an insurance agent, and when that able and unscrupulous Oriental had to and in 1859 was made keeper of the Andersonian Museum at submit to an enforced abdication, it was Major Baring Glasgow, a humble appointment, which, however, gave him who became the British Controller-General and practical what he most required. In 1857, being deeply impressed director of the Dual Control. Had he remained in Egypt, by the metaphysics of Jonathan Edwards, he had published the whole course of Egyptian history might have been an anonymous volume entitled The Philosophy of Theism; altered, but his services were deemed more necessary but his connexion with the Museum induced him to take in India, and under Lord Ripon he became Financial up physical science, and in 1864 he wrote his celebrated Member of Council in June 1880. He remained there essay “ On the Physical Causes of the Changes of Climate till 1883, leaving an unmistakable mark on the Indian during the Glacial Epoch.” This led to his receiving an financial system, and then, having been rewarded by appointment on the Scottish Geological Survey in 1867. the K.C.S.I., he was appointed British Agent and ConsulIn 1875 he summed up his researches upon the ancient General in Egypt and a Minister Plenipotentiary in the condition of the earth in his Climate and Time, in which he Diplomatic Service. Sir Evelyn Baring was at that time only a man of fortycontends that terrestrial revolutions are due in a measure to cosmical causes. This theory excited warm controversy. two, who had gained a reputation for considerable financial Croll’s replies to his opponents are collected in his Climate ability, combined with an abruptness of manner and a and Cosmology (1885). He had been compelled by ill- certain autocracy of demeanour which, it was feared, health to withdraw from the public service in 1881; yet, would impede his success in a position which required working under the greatest difficulties, and harassed by considerable tact and diplomacy. It was a friendly the miserable inadequacy of his retiring pension, he colleague who wrote— managed to produce Stellar Evolution, discussing, among The virtues of Patience are known, But I think that, when put to the touch, other things, the age of the sun, in 1889; and The PhiloThe people of Egypt will own, with a groan, sophical Basis of Evolution, partly a critique of Herbert There’s an Evil in Baring too much. Spencer’s philosophy, in 1890. He died on 15th December When he arrived in Cairo in 1883 he found the adminis1890. The soundness of Croll’s theories remains a subject of controversy, but his character as a scientific worker tration of the country almost non-existent. Ismail had under the greatest discouragements was nothing less than ruled with all the vices, but also with all the advantages, heroic. His life, prefaced by an unfinished autobiography, of autocracy. Disorder in the finances, brutality towards the people, had been combined with public tranquillity was written by Mr J. C. Irons in 1896. (r. g.) and the outer semblance of civilization. Order, at least, Cromarty. See Ross. reigned from the Equator to the Mediterranean, and such Cromer, a parish and fashionable watering-place in trivial military disturbances as had occurred had been of the northern parliamentary division of Norfolk, England, Ismail’s own devising and for his own purposes. Tewfik, 22 miles north of Norwich by rail. Standing on cliffs of who had succeeded him, had neither the inclination nor considerable elevation, the town has repeatedly suffered character to be a despot. Within three years his governfrom ravages of the sea. In 1894 a wall and esplanade ment had been all but overthrown, and he was only were built at the bottom of the East Cliffs, and these are Khedive by the grace of British bayonets. Government being extended to the west. A pier, 183 yards long, is by bayonets was not in accord with the views of the to be constructed at a cost of £11,000. A water reservoir House of Commons, yet Ismail’s government by the to hold 600,000 gallons was finished in 1896. There are a kourbash could not be restored. The British Governtown-hall, a cottage hospital, and a lecture hall. On a site ment, under Mr Gladstone, desired to establish in Egypt of three acres stands the Convalescent Home of the Norfolk a sort of Constitutional Government; and as there existed and Norwich Hospital. There is an excellent golf course. no single element of a constitution, they had sent out Lord There are herring, cod, lobster, and crab fisheries. Area Dufferin to frame one. That gifted nobleman, in the of urban district, 938 acres. Population (1881), 1597 ; delightful lucidity of his picturesque report, left nothing (1901), 3776. to be desired except the material necessary to convert the Cromer, Evelyn Baring, 1st Earl (1841 . flowing periods into political entities. In the absence British statesman and diplomatist, was born on of that, the constitution was still-born, and Sir Evelyn the 26th February 1841, the ninth son of Henry Baring, Baring arrived to find, not indeed a clean slate, but a M.P., by Cecilia Anne, eldest daughter of Admiral Wind- worn-out papyrus, disfigured by the efforts of centuries to ham of Felbrigge Hall, Norfolk. Having joined the Royal describe in hieroglyph a method of rule for a docile people.