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EDWARD YII the United States, most of the justices of the Supreme from the German universities. The degree of Master of Court, about one-half of the Cabinet officers and United Arts is conferred upon students who, after one year States senators, and nearly one-third of the House of of university residence and study, pass certain preRepresentatives. Before the Revolution eleven colleges scribed examinations. This degree, like those of D.D., were founded. From 1776 to 1800, twelve more were S.T.D., and LL.D., is often conferred by colleges and added; from 1800 to 1830, thirty-three; from 1830 to universities as a purely honorary distinction. The degree 1865, one hundred and eighty; from 1865 to 1898, two of Ph.D. is not so conferred any longer by the best hundred and thirty-six. The present total is 472. Their universities. Hot a few of the universities maintain • standards, efficiency, and equipment are very diverse, schools of law and medicine. Harvard and Yale univermany of the so-called colleges being less effective than sities maintain schools of theology as well. The learned some of the better organized secondary schools. Except publications issued by the universities, or under the in Hew York and Pennsylvania, there is no statutory direction of university professors, are of great importance, restriction upon the use of the name college. This is an and constitute an imposing body of scientific literature. abuse which is beginning to attract public attention. The The national and State governments make increasing use number of undergraduate collegiate and technical school of university officials for public service requiring special students has increased from 573 to each million of inhabit- training or expert knowledge. In 1871-72 there were ants in 1872, to 1193 in 1898. In 1897 the whole number only 198 resident graduate (or university) students in the of professedly collegiate students enrolled in colleges for United States. In 1887 this number had risen to 1237, men, for women, and for both sexes was 84,955, of whom and in 1897 to 4392. These figures are exclusive of 52,439 were men. There was, therefore, one college professional students, and include only those who are student to each 831 of population. There are 114 studying in what would be called, in Germany, the colleges, exclusive of those for women, enrolling 31,941 philosophical faculty. (See also Universities.) Most students, and as a rule possessing the largest endowments, extensive provision is made for professional, technical, and which are under no ecclesiastical control. Fifty-nine special education of all kinds, and for the care and colleges, enrolling 5954 students, are Roman Catholic. training of the dependent and defective classes, as well as Two hundred and eighty-four, enrolling 29,104 students, for the education of the Indian and—in the Southern are under the control of some one of the Protestant states—of the negro. denominations. The most complete exposition of education as it now exists will In the United States the title “university” is used be found in Butler, Education in the United States, Albany, N.Y., 1900, a series of nineteen monographs which, taken together, cover indiscriminately of institutions which are in reality the whole educational activity of the United States, prepared for universities, of institutions which are colleges, the Government educational exhibit at the Paris Exposition of Tbe and of institutions which are so ill-equipped as not 1900. The official Reports, issued annually, of the Commissioner Education, at Washington, contain the latest and most authorisities^ to take rank with good secondary schools. Only of educational statistics of every sort. They also include time and a greatly increased capacity to dis- tative treatises on special topics, and are indispensable works of reference. tinguish the various types of higher schools will remedy The only historical sketch is Boone’s History of Education in this error. Putting aside tentative and unsuccessful the United States, New York, 1889. Martin, Evolution of the attempts to develop genuine university instruction much Massachusetts School System, New York, 1894, is accurate and earlier, it may safely be said that the opening of the Johns valuable. Contemporary discussions of educational topics of interare provided from year to year in the published Proceedings Hopkins University at Baltimore in 1876 began the est of the National Educational Association, a voluntary organization present movement to organize carefully advanced study of teachers of every grade. (n. M. B.) and research, requiring a college education of those who Edward VII. (Albert Edward), King of Great wish to enter upon it. This is university instruction properly so-called, and though found elsewhere, it is Britain and Ireland, and of the British Dominions beyond ), the eldest son given chiefly at fourteen institutions: California Univer- the Seas, Emperor of India, (1841sity, Catholic University of America, Chicago University, and second child of Queen Victoria and of Albert, Prince Clark University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Consort, was born at Buckingham Palace on 9th November Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, Michigan 1841. He was created prince of Wales and earl of University, Pennsylvania University, Princeton Univer- Chester on 4th December following, and was baptized sity, Stanford University, Wisconsin University, and by the archbishop of Canterbury on 25th January 1842. Yale University. All of these institutions, except the In his childhood he was carefully educated, under the Catholic University and Clark University, are also immediate supervision of the Queen, by the Dowager colleges. The combination of collegiate and university Lady Lyttelton, governess of the royal children; and in instruction under one corporation and one executive his boyhood successively by the Rev. Henry Mildred Birch, administration is distinctive of higher education in the formerly an assistant master at Eton, and by Mr F. W. United States, and its chief source of strength. The Gibbs, assisted by the Rev. C. F. Tarver and Mr Herbert W. crowning honour of the university student is the degree of Fisher. He afterwards resided successively at Edinburgh, Ph.D., although that of A.M.—obtainable in less time studying chemistry in its industrial applications under and much easier conditions—is also sought. The minimum Professor (afterwards Lord) Playfair at the University; period of study accepted for the degree of Ph.D. is two at Christ Church college, Oxford; and at the University of years after obtaining the bachelor’s degree ; but in practice, Cambridge, where he was a student at Trinity under Dr three, and even four, years of study are found necessary. In Whewell. In November 1858 he was made a Knight of addition to carrying on an investigation in the field of his the Garter, and received a commission as colonel in the main subject of study, the candidate for the degree of army, ascending in due time to the rank of field-marshal. Ph.D. is usually required to pass examinations on one or In 1859 he travelled in Italy and Spain, returning to two subordinate subjects, to possess a reading knowledge pursue his studies at the universities, and availed himself of French and German (often of Latin as well), and to of the long vacation of 1860 to pay a visit, under the submit—usually in printed form—the dissertation which incognito of “Lord Renfrew,” to the United States, where embodies the results of his researches. The methods of he was received with cordiality, and to Canada, which instruction in the universities are the lecture, discussion, welcomed him with enthusiasm. The duke of Newcastle, and work in laboratory or seminary—the latter transplanted secretary of state for the colonies, acted as his guide and