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E I F F E L —E K A T E R I 1ST 0-N I K 0 L S K A Y A Eisenerz (“Iron ore”), a market-place and old ficial width, 100 feet; depth, Ilf feet. It was hampered by six sluices, but was used annually by some 4000 mining town in the government district of Leoben, Upper vessels. This was in 1887-95 converted into the Emperor Styria, Austria, the chief centre of the Styrian iron industry. It is situated in a deep valley, dominated on the east by William Canal, for which see Canals. the Pfaffenstein (6140 feet) and on the west by the Eiffel Tower.—Erected for the Exposition of Kaiserschild (6830 feet). It has an interesting example 1889, the Eiffel Tower, in the Champ de Mars, Paris, of a mediaeval fortified church, a Gothic edifice founded is by far the highest artificial structure in the world, and by Rudolph of Hapsburg in the 13th century and reits height of 300 metres (1092 feet) surpasses that of the built in the 16th. The Erzberg, or Ore Mountain, which obelisk at Washington by 537 feet, and that of St Paul’s closes the valley on the south, furnishes such rich ore that Cathedral by 688 feet. Its framework is composed essen- it is quarried in the open air like stone, in the summer tially of four uprights, which rise from the corners of a months. There is documentary evidence of the mines square measuring 100 metres on the side; thus the area having been worked as far back as the 12th century. it covers at its base is nearly 2| acres. These uprights They afford employment to two to three thousand hands are supported on huge piers of masonry and concrete, the in summer and about half as many in winter, and yield foundations for which were carried down, by the aid of some 150,000 tons of iron per annum. ^ Eisenerz possesses, iron caissons and compressed air, to a depth of about 15 in addition, twenty-five furnaces, which* produce iron, and metres on the side next the Seine, and about 9 metres on particularly steel, of exceptional excellence. It is conthe other side. At first they curve upwards at an angle nected with the neighbouring mining and smelting centre of 54°; then they gradually become straighter, until they of Yordernberg, at the other side of the Erzberg (3000 unite in a single shaft rather more than half-way up. The inhabitants), by a mountain railway on the cogged-wheel first platform, at a height of 57 metres, has an area of 5860 system, with an average gradient of 68 :1000. Population square yards, and is reached either by staircases or lifts. (1890), 5740; (1900), 6494. The next, accessible by lifts only, is 115 metres up, and Eisleben, a town of Prussia, province of Saxony, has an area of 32 square yards; while the third, at 276, 24 miles by rail west by north from Halle. It was the supports . a pavilion capable of holding 800 persons. birthplace and deathplace of Luther, to whom a monuNearly 25 metres higher up still is the lantern, with by Siemering was unveiled in 1883. Eisleben has a gallery 5 metres in diameter. The work of building ment mining school, and is the seat of copper, silver, and this structure, which is mainly composed of iron lattice- airon mines, and of works for smelting the ore, and work, was begun on 28th January 1887, and the full also produces and vegetable seeds. Population height was reached on 13th March 1889. Besides being (1885), 23,175;flower (1900), 23,898. one of the sights of Paris, to which visitors resort in Ekaterinburg*, a district town of Russia, 311 order to enjoy the extensive view that can be had from its higher galleries on a clear day, the tower is used to miles by rail south-east of Perm, on the Iset river. It is some extent for scientific and semi-scientific purposes; the most important and most rapidly developing town of thus meteorological observations are carried on. It the Urals. Population (1860), 19,830; (1897), 55,488. formed the objective in the flying-machine trials of October It is the seat of the central mining administration, and has 1901, when M. Santos-Dumont succeeded in winning the a mining chemical laboratory for the assay of gold extracted Deutsch prize with an air-ship designed and constructed both in the Urals and Siberia, a mining school, an Imperial by himself. The engineer under whose direction the stone-cutting factory, the Ural Society of Naturalists, a tower was constructed was M. Alexandre Gustaye first-class magnetic and meteorological observatory, and Eiffel (born at Dijon on 15th December 1832), who had many banks. Altogether, it is one of the best provincial already had a wide experience in the construction of large towns of Russia. There are, besides, one large steam flour metal bridges, and who designed the huge sluices for the mill, candle works, several machinery works, woollen mills, Panama Canal, in connexion with which there were the paper works, soap works, and tanneries, and many stonecutting factories and workshops, the produce of which is famous scandals in 1893. widely exported. Altogether, over 2000 persons work in Ellen burg', a town of Prussia, province of Saxony, the factories, and nearly as many in the workshops. Many 31 miles by rail east from Halle. It has manufactures of of the residents are engaged in gold mining. The trade in cloth, calico, chemicals, machinery, tobacco, and baskets, goods exported from the Urals and imported from Russia quilting, and brewing. Population (1885), 11,032; (1900), is very large, and two important fairs are held. Nearly 15,145. 40 gold and platinum mines, 32 iron works, and numbers Einbeck, a town of Prussia, province of Hanover, of other works and factories are scattered in the district, 50 miles by rail south from Hanover. The municipal anti- while wheels, travelling boxes, all sorts of hardware, boots, quarian museum is preserved in the chapel (restored) of and so on are fabricated on a great scale in the villages. Zum Heiligen Geist. Here are an engineering school and Ekaterinodar, a town of Russia, North Caucasia, a textile school. Population (1885), 7091; (1900), 7974. capital of the province of Kuban, situated on the right Eisenach, a town of Germany, second capital of bank of the Kuban, 531 miles north-west of Tiflis, on the the grand duchy of Saxe-Weimar, at the north-west railway from Rostov to Novorossiysk, 85 miles by rail foot of the Thuringian Forest, 32 miles by rail west from this seaport. Founded in 1794 as a small^fort, its from Erfurt. The Nicolai Kirche was restored in 1887, population has grown from 9620 in 1860 to 65,700 m and Georg. Kirche in 1899. There are monuments to 1897. It has gymnasia for boys and girls, various proSebastian Bach (1884), to Luther (1895), and to the war fessional schools, an experimental fruit-farm, and a, natural of 1870-71. The house (now museum) in which Fritz history museum. A considerable trade, especially in gram, Reuter lived (1863-74), his grave in the new church- is carried on by its merchants. Ekaterino-Nikolskaya, a Cossack village of yard, and the Richard Wagner Museum should be mentioned. At Eisenach are a school of forestry, a school of Russia,' province of the Amur, 340 miles below Blagovyes design and the industrial arts, teachers’ seminaries, an chensk, at the spot where the Amur enters a gorge througn infirmary, and a prison. Population (1885), 19,743; which it pierces the Little Khingan. The road whic runs • along the middle Amur ends at this spot, and when the (1901), 31,580.