Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1143

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JUL-DEC. 1977

1916611. vitaniDS: a scope publicatioiu By Joseph J. Vitale« editor: Baird A. Thoaas. 72 p. &ppl. au: The Opjohn Coapaay. The Qploho Coipanr: 290ec76: &916611.

A916ei2. APL services. 1 v. Add. tl: APL service. The UplohD Coapaoy; mjul75; A916612.

A916613. Enployee benefit planDinq study guide, 1977. Issued by the school of Advanced Career Studies, Graduate School of Financial Sciences, The Aaerican Colleqe. 1 V. Appl. au: The Aaericao College. The Aaerican College; 1llov77; A916613.

A916ei4. New syndroaes. Editors: Daniel Bergsna e other editors. 26B p. (Annual review of birth defects, 1976, pt. B) (Original article series, vol. 13, no. 3B, 1977) The National Foundation; 15Jun77; A91661<(.

A916615. Nuaerical tazonoay of birth defects and polygenic disorders. Editors: Daniel Bergsaa & other editors. 163 p. (Annual review of birth defects, 1976, pt. A) (Original article series, vol. 13, no. 3A, 1977) e The National Foundation; 15Jun77: A916615.

A916616. Bibliography of aggressive behavior: a reader's guide to the research literature. By John Hichael Crabtree £. Kenneth Evan Hoyer. 416 p. O Alan B. Liss, Inc.; 310ct77; A91t616.

A915617. Bone loss: causes, detection, and therapy. By Anthony August Albanese. 209 p. Alan B. Liss, Inc.; 310ct77; A916617.

A916618. Cellular neurobiology; proceedings of the ICN-aCLA Syaposiua on Neurobiology, held at Squaw Valley, CA, Feb. 1976. Editors: Zach R. Hall, Begls Kelly e C. Fred Fox. 3 20 p. O Alan B. Liss, Inc.; 30Sep77: A916618.

A916619. aississippi; her people, places and legends, coapiled by Jean Cox Harper. 73 p. Jean c. Harper (Brs. Bobert lexl : 250ct77: A916619.

A916620. Ghosts along the Brazos. By Catherine Hunson Foster, drawings by Buth Hunson. 91 p. Catherine Hunson Foster; 18NOV77; A916620.

A916621. Clean old-fashioned hate. By Bill croaartie. 353 p. NH: coapilation of photos., revisions G additions. Bill Croaartie; 10ct77: A916621.

A9 16622. Tou, too, can canoe; the coaplete book of river canoeing. By John B. Foshee. 1135 p. Nfl: coapilation of photos., revisions & additions. John H. Foshee; 10ct77: A916622.

A916623. Eat *eB up. Cougars: Houston football. By Jerry Hizig. 368 p. Nfl: coapilation of photos., revisions G additions. Jerry siziq; 210ct77: A916623.

A916624. Han and cosaos: a theory of endeavor rhythms. By Clifford Charles Batlocli. 261 p. Clifford Charles aatloc)c; 22NOV77; A916624.

A916625. A fieal pool of quiclcsand. By Virginia H. Lytle. 68 p. Virginia lytle; 10NOV77; A916625.

A916626. Ecclesiastes, by B. J. Kidwell. Song of Soloaon, by Don ueyelt. Paraphrase e analytical outline by Arthur G. Clarke. 445 p. Appl. au: College Press. O College Press; 31Jul77; A916626.

A916627. Learning froa Jesus. By Seth iilson. 630 p. Appl. au: College Press. O College Press; 310ct77; A916627.

A916628. Isaiah. Vol. 2. By Paul T. Butler. 318 p. Appl. au: colleqe Press. O college Press; 31tlar76; A916628.

A916629. 1st and 2nd Kings. By Jaaes E. Saitfa, artwork unless otherwise indicated is by Bobert E. Huffaan. 761 p. Appl. au: College Press. O College Press; 30Nov75; A916629.

A916630. Exploring Exodus. By Uilbur Fields. 820 p. Appl. au: College Press. O College Press; 28Feb77 (in notice: 1976) : A916630.

A916631. The Shattering of silence: Job, our conteaporary. By Jaaes D. Strauss, guestions for discussion by Don DeBelt. 617 p. Appl. au: College Press. O College Press; 310ct76; A916631.

A916632. Prayers by Biff. By Louis L. Averitt, illus. by Bebecca Slaven. 50 p. Onited Methodist Hoaen of First aethodist Church (in notice: Onited flethodist Boaen) ; 1NOV77; A916632.

A916633. The Gaae breaker. By Thoaas U. Akers & Saauel n. Akers, edited by Arno Goethel. 176 p. Thomas H. Akers (Ton Akers) ; 22Aug77; A916633.

A916634. Guide to aineral identification; a laboratory & field aanual. By lillia^ F. Kohland. 175 p. NN: editorial revision £ illus. O Hilliaa F. Kohland; 15Cct77; A916634.

A916635. Tou better believe it; a playboy- turned-priest talks to teens. By Kenneth J. Boberts. 191 p. O Our Sunday Visitor, Inc.; 280ct77; A916635.

A916636. Catholic alaanac, 1978. Editor: Felician A. Foy. 703 p. O Oar Sunday Visitor, Inc.; 9Nov77; A916636.

A916637. Give ae souls! Life of Don Bosco. By Peter Lappin. 366 p. HS: coapilation & additional text. O Peter Lappin; 250ct77; A916637.

A916638. Touching hoae; a collection of history & folklore froa the Copper Basin, Fannin County area. Edited by Kathleen nary Thoapson, produced by the students of the Nest Fannin High School Photo Journalisa Class of 1976, Blue Bidge, GA. 206 p. Kathleen Hary Thoapson; 2«0ct77 (in notice: 1976); A916638.

A916639. Los Angeles blue book; 1978 society register of southern California. Editor: Hrs. Hilliaa Hord Bichardson. 1978 ed.

A916640. Three sevens; a story of ancient initiation. By the phelons, with extensive notes exeaplifyinq £ clarifying the basic fundaaentals of occult laws by B. Swinburne clymer, with foreword by Eaerson B. Clyaer, edited by Paul P. Bicchio. 238 p. NH: additions. O Beverly Hall Corporation; 15Nov77; A916640.

A916641. The First Hishna and the controversies of the Tannaia: the highest court in the city of the sanctuary. By David Hoffaann, translated froa the Geraan by Paul Porchheiaer, pref. by Paul Forchheiaer. 203 p. English, Hebrew. Araaaic C roaanized Greek. NH: translation £ pref. Paul Forchheiaer; 1Nov77; A9 16641.

A9t6642. seaaan Bill Supplies Inc., Berkleigh Power Equipment Company, Inc., A.6.E. Puap and Coapressor Company, Inc. Catalog 6. 706 p. O Seaaan Bill Supplies, Inc.; 15NOV77: A916642.

A916643. By iapressions and appraisal of poets and poetry: being a concise critique £ coaaentary on this cultural £ noble art. By Nayne K. Bood. 5 p. (The Hayside aessenger, vol. 4, no. 9) Hayne K. Bood; 2SIIOV77; A916643.

A916644. The Spinos sand shoe. By Alexander Spinos. 6 p. Alexander Spinos; 11NOV77; A916644.

A91664S. The Art of shining shoes: personal appearance. Author: Leroy Flowers. 8 p. O Leroy Flowers; 25llov77: A91664S.

A916646. Prograa evaluation in church orga- nization. By H. Jaaes Gardiner. 126 p. O Anna Publishing, Inc.; 20Jun77; A916646.

A916647. Bis and hers tailoring: a self- instructional guide. By Judy Bruabaugh £ Jean Howat. 336 p. O Anna Publishing, Inc. ; 22Apr77: A916647.

A916648. Principles and practice of industrial engineering. 2nd ed. 1 v. Appl. au: Hickael fi. Lindeburg. Prev. reg. as A805231. Hichael B. Lindeburg: 2Aug77; A916648.

A916649. Laboratory aanual for aicrobiology. By fiichard Perras. 157 p. Avery Publishing Group, Inc.; 260ct77; A916649.

A916650. Laboratory aanual for aicrobiology. By Saauel J. Levine, Philip L. Penner, Helen Bappaport £ Bichard i. Hhealey. 78 p. Saauel J. Levine, Philip L. Penner, Helen Bappaport £ Bichard i. Ihealey; 260ct77; A916650.

A916651. A Touch of elegance. No. BS-577. Folder. Appl. au: Baywood, Inc. e acCoraick Advertising Company. O Haywood, Inc.; 70ct77; A9 16651.

A9166S2. Decorate your hoae with sunlight. No. asS-777. Folder. Appl. au: Haywood, Inc. £ HcCoraick Advertising Coapany.

O Haywood. Inc.; 70ct77: A9 16652.


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