Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/124

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&875275 - A875305
JUL-DEC. 1977

A875275. Arguing uith God: the angry prayers of Job. By Dale Patrick, art by Robert Naaioks. 121 p. G The Bethany Press; 15llay77: &B75275.

A875276. The Japanese vorld. By Hilliam J. Miller. 81 p. Foran Press; 3Jan77; A875276.

A875277. Leader's guide for The New Testament experience of faith. By Marvin £. Smith & Herschell H. Richmond. 47 p. 6 maps prey. pub. in The Oxford annotated Bible £ Understanding the Sen Testament, e H. A. Welsh: 13May77: A875277.

A875278. IMS — individualized mathematics system, level 3; neasareDent skill folders 6 geometry skill folders. Developed by The Center for Individualized Instructional Systems. Cards in 8 folders. Appl. au; Educational Systems, Inc. NM: editorial revision & new text matter. 6 Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation); 1Nov75; A875278. (Copyright claimed until 31Dec78)

A875279. IMS — individualized mathematics system, level 2: measurement skill folders & geometry skill folders. Developed by The Center for Individualized Instructional Systems. Cards in folders. Appl. au: Educational Systems, Inc. NM; editorial revision & new text matter. © Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation); 1Nov75; A875279. (Copyright claimed until 31Dec78)

A875280. Staten Island, NY, address telephone directory, June 28, 1977. 6 New York Telephone Company: 28Jun77; A875280.

A875281. Queens, NY, address telephone directory, June 22, 1977. 6 New York Telephone Company; 22Jun77; A875281.

A875282. Opinions of the Attorney General of California. Vol. 59, Jan. -Dec. 1976. Editorial director: Warren L. Hanna, group associate editor: Wellington Lee. 752 p. Add. ti: Opinions, Attorney General, California. Appl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. © Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 16Jun77: A875282.

A875283. The Southwestern Legal Foundation labor law developments, 1977; proceedings of 23rd Annual Institute on Labor Law. Editor: Virginia S. Cameron. 189 p. Add. ti: Proceedings of 23rd Annual Institute on Labor Law Developments. Lectures presented at the Institute on Labor Law, Dallas, TX. Oct. 21-22, 1976. Appl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion done by a U.S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties. C Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 9Jun77; A875283.

A875281(. Flags. Original text by Brenda Thompson, revised text £ additional drawings by Rosemary Giesen, illus. by David Brogan. 1 v. Based upon material originally prepared by Sidgwick and Jackson, Ltd. £ Brenda Thompson. NM: new text £ illus. Lerner Publications Company: 5May77; A875284.

A875285. Gold and newels. Original text by Brenda Thompson, revised text 6 additional drawings by Rosemary Giesen, illus. by Caroline Austin. 1 v. Prev. pub. abroad 1975. on additional text fi illus.; Lerner Publications Company; 26Apr77: A875285.

A875286. The Children's Crusade. Original text by Brenda Thompson, revised text by Cynthia Overbeck, illus. by Simon Stern, additional drawings by Rosemary Giesen. 1 V. Prev. pub. abroad 197U. © on additional text 6 illus.; Lerner Publications Company; 21Apr77; A875286.

A875287. Monkeys and apes. Original text by Brenda Thompson, revised text by Cynthia Overbeck, illus. by Bob Williams, additional drawings by L'Enc Matte. 1 v. Prev. pub. abroad 197U. © on additional text fi illus. ; Lerner Publications Company; 3May77: A875287.

A875288. Famous planes. Original text by Brenda Thompson, revised text £ additional drawings by Rosemary Giesen, illus^ by Andrew Martin. 1 v. Prev. pub. abroad 197a. NM: revisions, additional text fi illus. © Lerner Publications Company; 9May77; A87528e.

A875289. The Great Wall of China. Original text by Brenda Thompson, revised text by Cynthia Overbeck, illus. by Barry Mosscrop, additional drawings by Rosemary Giesen. 1 v. Based upon material originally prepared by Sidgwick and Jackson, Ltd. £ Brenda Thompson. NM: new text fi illus. O Lerner Publications Company; 27Apr77; A875289.

A875290. Bones and skeletons. Original text by Brenda Thompson, revised text 6 additional drawings by Rosemary Giesen, illus. by Carole Viner. 1 v. Prev. pub. abroad 1974. NM: revisions, additional text 6 illus. © Lerner Publications Company; 5May77; A875290.

A875291. Where am I? Original text by Sylvia Caveney, revised text fi additional drawings by Rosemary Giesen, illus. by Simon Stern. 1 v. Prev. pub. abroad 1974. NM: revisions, additional text 6 illus. © Lerner Publications Company; 28Apr77; A875291.

A875292. Pirates. Original text by Brenda Thompson, revised text fi additional drawings by Rosemary Giesen, illus.> by Simon Stern. 1 v. Prev. pub. abroad 1974. NM: revisions, additional text 6 illus. © Lerner Publications Company; 9May77; A875292.

A375293. Rockets and astronauts. Original text by Brenda Thompson, revised text fi additional drawings by Rosemary Giesen, illus. by David A. Hardy. 1 v. Based upon material originally prepared by Sidgwick and Jackson, Ltd. fi Brenda Thompson. NM: new text £ illus. © Lerner Publications Company; 3May77; A875293.

A875294. Spaceship Earth. Original text by Brenda Thompson, revised text by Cynthia Overbeck, illus. by David A. Hardy, additional drawings by Rosemary Giesen. 1 V. Prev. pub. abroad 1975. NM: revisions, additional text £ illus. © Lerner Publications Company; 3May77; 4875294.

A875295. The Winds that blow. Original text by Brenda Thompson, revised text by Cynthia Overbeck, illus. by Simon Stern, additional drawings by Rosemary Giesen. 1 V. prev. pub. abroad 1975. NM: revisions, additional text 6 illus. © Lerner Publications Company; 9May77; A875295.

A875296. Volcanoes. Original text by Brenda Thompson, revised text by Cynthia Overbeck, illus. by David A. Hardy, additional drawings by L'Enc Matte. 1 v. Prev. pub. abroad 1974. NM: revisions, additional text £ illus. 6 Lerner Publications Company; 9May77; A875296.

A875297. The Story of steel. Original text by Brenda Thompson, revised text fi additional drawings by Rosemary Giesen, illus. by Terry Furchgott. 1 v. Prev. pub. abroad 1975. NM: revisions, additional text 6 illus. © Lerner Publications Company; 26Apr77: A875297.

A875298. Under the sea. Original text by Brenda Thompson, revised text by Cynthia Overbeck, illus. by Monika Beisner, additional drawings by Rosemary Giesen. 1 V. Prev. pub. abroad 1974. NM: revisions, additional text S illus. © Lerner Publications Company; 9May77; A875298.

A875299. Animal attackers. Original text by Brenda Thompson, revised text by Cynthia Overbeck, illus. by Thomas Houghton, additional drawings by Rosemary Giesen. 1 v. Based upon material originally prepared by Sidgwick and Jackson, Ltd. £ Brenda Thompson. NM: new text fi illus. © Lerner publications Company; 27Apr77; A875299.

A875300. Athlon' s Big Eight. Vol. 1: Colorado. Contributing editors: Bill Beck £ others. 159 p. Add. ti: Athlon's Preview to Colorado and Big Eight football. Appl- au: Athlon Publications, Inc. © Athlon Publications, Inc.; 1Jun77; A875300.

A875301. Atfalon's Big Eight. Vol. 1; Missouri. Contributing editors: Bill Beck S others. 159 p. Add. ti: Athlon's Missouri and Big Eight football. Appl. au: Athlon Publications, Inc. C Athlon Publications, Inc.; 1Jun77; A875301.

A875302. Western football. Vol. 1. Contributing editors: Bill Beck 6 others. 159 p. Appl. au: Athlon Publications, Inc. © Athlon publications. Inc.; 1Jun77; A875302.

A875303. Athlon's Big Eight. Vol. 1: Nebraska. Contributing editors: Bill Beck fi others. 159 p. Add. ti: Athlon's Nebraska and Big Eight football. Appl. au: Athlon Publications, Inc. © Athlon Publications, Inc.; 1Jun77; A875303.

A875304. Athlon's Big Eight. Vol. 1: Oklahoma. Contributing editors: Bill Beck 6 others. 159 p. Add. ti: Athlon's Oklahoma and Big Eight football. Appl. au: Athlon Publications, Inc. © Athlon Publications, Inc.; 1Jun77; A875304.

A875305. Athlon's Big Eight. Vol. 1: Kansas. Contributing editors: Bill Beck 6 others. 159 p. Add. ti: Athlon's Kansas and Big Eight football. Appl. au: Athlon Publications, Inc. © Athlon Publications,

Inc.; 1Jun77; A875305.


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