Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1284

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A922169 - A922209
JUL-DEC. 1977

A922168 (con.) Lewis. 276 p. C fiichard S. Levis; 310ct77: A922168.

1922169. The Innocence of Joan Little; a Southern arstery. By Janes Beston, Jr. 340 p. O Jaaes Seston, Jr.; KHov77; A922169.

A922170. The Grass roots cookbook. By Jean Anderson. 334 p. Certain chapters preyiously appeared in Fanily circle. NH: new chapters £ coapilation. O Jean Anderson; 91)ov77; A922170.

A922171. Storm passaqe: alone around Cape Horn. By Webb Chiles. 245 p. e iebb Chiles; 70ct77; A922171.

A922172. Consuaer's guide to aental health. By Brian L. flishara e Bobert D. Patterson. 276 p. e Brian L. Hishara e Bobert 0. Patterson: 210ct77: A9 22172.

A922173. Durations; the encyclopedia of hov long things take. By Stuart A. Sandov. Chrissie Baaber £ J. Billiaa Biouz. 297 p. O Stuart A. Sandov, Chrissie Baaber G J. silliaa Bioox; 310ct77; A922173.

A922174. The Horld of Boger Tory Peterson; an authorized biography. By John C. Devlin 6 Grace Maisaith, foreword by Elliot Bichardson, paintings £ illus. by Boger Tory Peterson. 266 p. Soae illus. reprinted froa iild Aaerica 6 others, e John C. Devlin E Grace Naisaith; 16NOV77: A922174.

A922175. Do^s, don'ts and aaybes of English usage. By Theodore Henline Bernstein, vith the assistance of Marylea Heyersohn 6 Bertraa Lippaan. 250 p. NM: coapilation. Theodore B. Bernstein; 310ct77: 4922175.

A922176. The Hev york tiaes daily crossvord puzzles, 2. Selected e edited by Bill lenq. 1 V. SB: coapilation. © Tiaes Books, a division of Quadrangle/The Hev York Tiaes Book Coapany, Inc.; 140ct77; A922176.

A922177. Bill Benq's Crossvord puzzles. »ol. 2. 50 all ne« Sunday-size puzzles selected 6 edited by Bill Beng. 1 v. HM: coa- pilation. 6 Tiaes Books, a division of Quadrangle/The Nev York Tiaes Book COBpany, Inc.; 140ct77; A922177. A922178.

The Nev York tiaes Sunday crossvord puzzles. 2. Selected 6 edited by Bill Beng. 1 v. NH: coapilation. Quad- rangle/The Nev York Tiaes Book Coapany, Inc.: 140ct77: A922178.

A922179. Hother-inf ant feeding profile, 1 v. Appl. au: Deborah Beiner Dickey 6 Huth A. Guaeraan. C Deborah B. Dickey 6 Ruth A. Guaeraan; 20Nov77; A922179.

A922180^ How to use the Onltype copy fitter. Folder. Add. ti: The Coprfitter. e Baumvell Graphics, Inc.; 9Feb77; A922180.

1922181. Psychologically speaking. Sets 10-13. By Thooas Bees, sheets. 6 Thoaas Bees E Huaan Interest Features; 26Aug77; A922181.

A922182. Ansvers to real estate probleas in Hichigau. By L. Edvln Benger. 114 p. e L. Edvin Benger; 5Jan63; 1922182.

A922183. A study guide for the nev Hedical college adaission test. Sheets (187 p.) Appl. au: J. C. Cordaro. S The Charon Corporation; 10ec77; 1922183.

A922184. The Seattle sequenced assessment and curriculuB. By Kristin Nicholls, yicki Versdafal, Deborah Frol 6 Inn Street. 1 v. e Kristin Nicholls, Vicki yersdahl, Deborah Frol E Ann Sveet; 280ct77; A922184.

A922185. Bevised pages of the Stationery and office supply price list compilation, Deceaber 7, 1977. 1 v. e Stationers Price Service Coapany; 7Dec77; A922185.

A922186. Certification, rating and test manual 1062 E4. 49 p. ippl. au: lir Difiusion Council (ADC) HH: editorial revisions 6 additional text £ pictorial matter. O lir Diffusion Council; 20Oct77; A922186.

A922187. Nebulous simulator prograa. By Frances C. Carey. 59 p. Frances C. Carey; 1Dec77; 1922187.

A922188. Sanskrit aantras vith English tran- slation. Prepared by Jyotipryiya, pseud, of Judith B. Tyberg 13 p. English £ Sanskrit, e East-Best Cultural Center; T7NOV77; 1922188.

1922189. Evergreen tide chart: Seattle tide graph calendar, 1978. 18 p. 8 Straub; 18NOV77; 1922189.

1922190. Save gas dollars. Folder. Ippl. au: llvin J. Holt, Jr. JH Supply Coapany, Inc.; 15lug77; A922190.

1922191. lai Executives Institute, Inc. aembership roster, 1977-1978. 177 p. Add. ti: TEI aembership roster, 1977-1978. e Tax Executives Institute, Inc. ; 23NOV77; A922191.

1922192. The Bide-valk jet-ramp. By James John Betts. 16 p. e James J. Betts; 30Nov77; 1922192.

A922193. My glorious brothers. By Hovard Helvin Fast. 280 p. Appl. au: Hebrev Publishing Coapany. on illus.; Hebrev Publishing Company: 30Nov77; 1922193.

1922194. The Banukkah story. By Marilyn Hlrsb. 1 V. e Barilyn Hirsh; 30Nov77; A922194.

A922195. A Genealogy of the descendants of Bichard Porter, vho settled at Beyaouth, Massachusetts, 1635, and allied faailies, also some account of the descendants of John Porter, vho settled at Hingham, Massachusetts, 1635... By Joseph B. Porter, nev index coepiled by Letona Mitchell Elms. 395 p. Add. ti: Porter genealogy; A Genealogy of the descendants of Bichard Porter NM: nev index. e Letona Mitchell Elms; 3Dec77; A922195.

1922196. In Ode to coaaon sense: fieality, vhere is thy ause? By Lucy Elizabeth Bitter.

1922197. Intellectuals and decolonization in France. By Paul Clay Sorua. 305 p. The Bniversity of North Carolina Press; 5Dec77; 1922197.

1922198. Town in transition: Hudson, Nev Hampshire, 1673/1977. Britten by the Hudson History Comaittee. 233 p. 6 Hudson Historical Society, Inc.; 12BOV77; A922198.

A922199. Saints vho changed things. By Leo Knovles. 246 p. Appl. au: Carillon Books, e Carillon Books; 6Dec77; A922199.

A922200. Vital church management. By Philip M. Larson, Jr. 120 p. NM: additional text. © John Knox Press; 310ct77; A922200.

A922201. The Congress book, 1977; forty-third American Philatelic Congress, October 7-9, 1977. Editor: James P. Harris. 210 p. © The American Philatelic Congress, Inc. ; 70ct77; A922201.

1922202. Sunday blues; or. Married lovers and other bastards. By Pat J. Thompson. 1 v. 9 Pat J. Thompson; 18Nov77; 1922202.

A922203. The Methodist, Evangelical and Onited Brethren Churches in the Bockies, 1850-1976. Edited by J. Alton Templin, Allen D. Breck £ Martin Bist. 664 p. © The fiocky Mountain Conference of the Onited Methodist church; 15Nov77; A922203.

1922204. North Elver Electric Supply, Inc. catalog; 1978 diary-price guide. 1 v. Idd. ti: Electri-list catalog for North aiver Electric Supply, Inc., Norvell, Massachusetts, 1978 diary-price guide. e Trade Service Publications, Inc. ; 260ct77; 1922204.

1922205. F. H. Bathke Company catalog. 166 p. Idd. ti: Electri-List catalog for F. H. Bathke Company, nibbing, Minnesota. NM: additions £ revisions. © Trade Service iPublications, Inc.; 29Sep77; 1922205.

1922206. H. H. Benfield Electric Supply Coapany, Inc. catalog. 292 p. Idd. ti: Electri- List catalog for H. H. Benfield Supply Company, Inc., North Bhite Plains, Nev York. NM; additions £ revisions. C Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 28Sep77; 1922206.

1922207. Tristate buyer's index. 206 p. Add. ti: Electri-List catalog for Tristate Electrical Supply Coapany, Inc., Hagerstovn, Maryland. NM: additions £ revisions. © Trade Service Publications, Inc. : 20Sep77; 1922207.

A922208. Capitol Light and Supply Company catalog; 1978 diary price guide. 1 v. Idd. ti: Electri-List catalog for Capitol Light and Supply Company, Hartford, Connecticut, 1978 diary price guide. O Trade Service Publications, Inc. ; 260ct77; 1922208.

1922209. Gilaan Electrical Supply catalog; 1978

diary/price catalog. 1 v. Idd. ti:


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