Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1287

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JUL-DEC. 1977

4922289 (con.) The Johns Hopkins Univecsity Pres 28NOV77; &922289.

i922290. Spenser's pastorals: The Shepheacdes calender and "Colin Clout." By Nancy Jo Hoefaan. 152 p. C Tbe Johns Hopkins Oniversity Press; 18llo»77; i922290.

J922291. Critical care nuisinq. By Carolyn H. Budak. Thelaa Lobr & Barbara a. Gallo. 2nd ed. 562 p. C J. B. Lippiocott coapany; 1SHov77; A922291.

A922292. Self-assessaent in electrocardiography. By Stelio Danqiola. 203 p. J. B. Lipplncott Coapany; 3Noy77: A922292.

4922293. Rork aanual £or Critical care cursing, second edition. By Carolyn H. Hudak, Thelaa Lohr e Barbara M. Gallo. 162 p. NB: additional text t pictorial aatter 6 editorial revision. C J. B. Lipplncott Coapany; 151lov77; i921293.

4922294. Sports car oenopause. 4 novel by Page Stegner. 2U3 p. C Page Stegner; 5Aug77: 4922294.

4922295. Psychiatry: essentials of clinical practice with exaaination questions, ansvers, and coaaents. By Ian Gregory Donald J. Saeltzer. 31*3 p. O Little, Brovn and coapany (Inc.); 13Sep77; 4922295.

4922296. Biological aspects of recoostr active surgery. Editors: Desaond A. Kecnahan & Lars H. Vistnes. (t17 p. Little, fironu and Coapany (Inc.) ; 4Nov77; A9 22296.

A922297. Bow to be a cloan: a Bioqling Brothers and Bacnua and Bailey book. By Charles Bobert Heyer. 51 p. O Charles B. Beyer 6 fiingling Brothers-Barnca and Bailey Coabined shoas. Inc.; 30Sep77; A922297. A92229B.

A922299. Pads for pets; hoa to aake habitats and equipaent for saall aniaals. By Alex Whitney, illustrated with drawings G diagraas by Harie Ostberg £ Nils Ostberg. 115 p. Alex Hhitney; 30Sep77; A922299.

4922300. Sea Bonsters: a collection of eyewitness accounts. By Jaaes B. Sweeney. 88 p. O Jaaes B. Sweeney; 2itOct77; 4922300.

4922301. aira Silverstein's Guide to upright stitches: exciting needlework pro-Jects, patterns and desiqns anyone can aake. 4rtwork by Boberta Frauwirth, photos, by Sandy L. Studios. 127 p. Hira Silverstein; 270ct77: 4922301.

A922302. Bira silverstein's Guide to slanted stitches: excitinq needlework prolects, patterns, and designs anyone can aake. Artwork by Boberta Frauwirth, photos, by Sandy L. Studios. 128 p. Bira Silverstein: 270ct77; A922302.

A922303. Lie detectors: their history and use. By Eugene B. Block. 211 p. Haterial on p. 21-22 prev. pub. in The Tale law -journal, vol. 70. O Buqeoe B. Block; 30Sep77; A922303.

A922304. Make way for the ark. By Betty Dianeen. 177 p. Betty Dianeen; 26Sep77; A922304.

A922305. Fodor's Europe, 1978. created by Eugene Fodor, editor: Sobert C. Fisher, executive editor: Bichard floore, aanaging editor: Leslie Brown, drawings: K. Kaaiaura, aaps: Oyno Lowenstein £ Bayaond Xhardez. 789 p. Fodor 's Bodern Guides, Inc.; 26Sep77; 4922305.

A922306. Fodor's Turkey, 1978-79. Created by Eugene Fodor, area editor: Peter Sheldon £ other editors, drawings: U. Bondas. 344 p. Fodor's Bodern Guides, Inc.; 270ct77 (in notice: 1978); 4922306.

4922307. Four Bossettis; a Victorian biography. By Stanley Ueintraub. 303 p. Stanley Ueintraub; 270ct77; A922307.

4922308. The Happy ship cookbook. By Barioo Berick, illustrated by Bichael Keeney. 307 p. e Marion Berick; I10ct77; A922308.

4922309. Tyrants and conguerors. By Fon iyaan Boardaan, Jr. 183 p. Fon U. Boardaan, Jr.; 270ct77; A922J09.

4922310. Bira Silverstein's Guide to looped and knotted stitches: exciting needlework proiects, patterns and designs anyone can aake. Artwork by Sooerta Frauwirth, photos, by Sandy L. Studios. 107 p. Bira silverstein: 270ct77; A922310.

A922311. Hira Silverstein's Guide to coabination stitches: excitinq needlework projects, patterns and designs anyone can aake. Artwork by Boberta Frauwirth, photos, by Sandy L. studios. 120 p. 6 Bira silverstein; 270ct77; 4922311.

4922312. 4 Bespectable ainority: the Deaocratic party in the Civil Bar era, 1860-1868. By Joel H. Silbey. 267 p. O V. H. Norton and Coapany, Inc.; 5Dec77; 4922312.

4922313. Uandecec. By Sterling Hayden. 1977 ed. 434 p. O Sterling Hayden ; 5Dec77: 4922313.

4922314. Show boat: the story of a classic 4aerican ausical. By Miles Kreuger. 246 p. 4ppl. states all new except prev. pub. photos. O Miles Kreuger; 17Nov77; 4922314.

4922315. Chekhov: five major plays. Translated £ with an introd. by Gonald Hinqley. 322 p. Prev. pub. in The Oxford Chekhov, voluaes 2 and 3. O on introd.; fionald Hinqley; 17I10V77; 4922315.

A922316. Procureaent and inventory ordering tables. By Jerry Banks £ Charles Louis Bohenstein. 336 p. Pergaaon Press, Inc.; 30ct77; A922316.

4922317. Trees in the city. By Ira Bruce Nadel £ Cornelia Bahn Oberlander, illustrator: Lesley B. Boha. 94 p. Pergaaon Press, Inc.; 16BOV77; 4922J17.

A922318. Microwave systea engineering principles. By Saauel J. Baff. 120 p. Pergason Press, Inc.; 30ct77; 4922318.

4922319. 4pplying the assessment center method. By Joseph L. Moses £ uiiliam C. Byhaa. 310 p. NM: editorial aateriai. Pergaaon Press, Inc.; 9»ov77; 4922319.

4922320. Heat transfer reviews, 1970-1975. Edited by Ernst B. G. Eckert £ Thoaas Francis Irvine, Jr. 321 p. (Progress in heat and mass transfer, vol. 8) NH: editorial aateriai. Pergaaon press. Inc.; 9Sep77; A922320.

4922321. The Twenty-second High fidelity annual Becords in review. Compiled £ edited by Edith Carter. 1977 ed. 465 p. O ABC Leisure Magazines, Inc.; 1Auq77; 4922321.

4922322. 4nnealing and strengthening in the glass industry. Compiled by Alexis G. Pincus £ Thomas B. Holmes. 332 p. Appl. au: Magazines for Industry, Inc. NM: revision, coapilation £ additional text. O Magazines for Industry, Inc. (in notice: Magazine for Industry, Inc.); 180ct77; A922322.

A922323. Scientists confront Velikovsky. Edited by Donald Goldsmith, with a foreword by Isaac Asiaov. 183 p. O Cornell Oniversity; 210ct77; A922323.

A922324. Of cabbages and kings cookbook. By Charlotte Turgeon. 135 p. The Curtis Publishing Company; 151lov77; A922324.

A922325. Lead-acid batteries and electric vehicles. Edited by Karl ». Rordesch. 514 p. (Batteries, vol. 2) Marcel Dekker. Inc.; 2Dec77; 4922325.

4922326. Measure and integral: an introduction to real analysis. By Bichard L. Bheeden £ 4ntoni Zygmund. 274 p. O Marcel Dekkez^ Inc.; 23110V77; 4922326.

4922327. Carty. By Gardner F. Fox. 185 p. Gardner F. Fox; 251lov77; 4922327.

A922328. The Making of the Trek conventions; or. How to throw a party for 12,000 of your most intimate friends. By Joan Hinston. 252 p. C on additions; Joan Hinston; 25BOV77; 4922328.

4922329. The Strayed sheep of Charun. By John Baddox Boberts. 163 p. C John Haddox Boberts; 25Nov77; A922329.

A922330. Song of songs; a new translation with introduction and coamentary. By Marvin H. Pope. 743 p. (The Anchor Bible) NM: translation, notes, introd. £ coamentary. Doubleday and Coapany, Inc. ; 2Dec77; 4922330.

4922331. Fuzzy autoaata and decision processes. Edited by Madan M. Gupta, with associate editors: George N. Saridis £ Brian 8. Gaines. 496 p. O Elsevier North-Bolland, Inc.; 140ct77; 4922331.

4922332. Ordinary differential equations. By Tyn

Myint-O. 29S p. Elsevier North-


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