Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1423

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A927771 - A927811
JUL-DEC. 1977

»927770 (con.) O Catneqie-Hellon Oni»ersity; 23No»77; i927770.

4927771. Carpenter full fiaished tubular products. 36 p. Appl. au: Selden E. Douqhty. NH: revisions. O Carpenter Technology Corporation; 12Dec77; A927771.

S927772. Bhat is a huoch? t p. Appl. au: Thoaas U. Hubbard. Thomas H. Hubbard; 11NOV77: »927772.

A927773. Adyertisioq shou and tell. By Harry N. Tabbs. 114 p. Barry N. Tubbs: 19Dec77: A927773.

A927774. Saplioq aen; a short story. By Bay Allen Nayo. 1 v. Allen Hayo; 18Dec77; »927774.

A927775. Psychology for you. By Sol Gordon. 512 p. NH: revisions & additional text. O Oxford Book Conpany, Inc. a division of Hilliaa H. Sadlier, Inc. ; 26Sep77 (in notice: 1978); A927775.

A927776. One faith, one Lord; a study of basic Catholic belief. Parochial teacher's annotated ed. By John P. Barry. 1 v. NH: additions. Hilliaa H. Sadlier. Inc.: 1i*Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A927776.

A927777. Abortion and the Christian conscience: a six-unit course for high school students; quide. By Valerie Vance Dillon. 28 p. O Hilliaa H. Sadlier, Inc.; 31Auq77; A927777.

A927778. Abortion and the Christian conscience; handouts 1-6. 6 folders. Appl. au: Valerie Vance Dillon. O Hilliaa H. Sadlier, Inc.; 31Auq77; A927778.

A927779. Values Tech: the polyteclinic school of values; leading you to a higher degree of self awareness. By Don Koberq 6 Jia Bagnall. 2»0 p. Hilliaa Kaofaann, Inc.; 9Jun76; A927779.

A927780. Professor E. HcSguared's fantastic, original and highly edifyinq calculus priaer. Pt. 16 2. By HoHard Svann S John Johnson. 213 p. Add. ti: E. HcSguared's calculus priaer. NH: additional chapters, art uoric, bibliog- raphy S exercises. UoHard Snano C John Johnson; 15Aug77; A927780.

A927781. Current trends in psychology. Edited, with introductions by Irving L- Janis. 396 p. Readings froa Aaerican scientist. NH: additions 6 coapilation. Hilliaa Kaufaann, Inc.; 110ct77; A927781.

A927782. The Student's guide to optical aicroscopes. By Hilliaa B. Brandt, vith a special appendix by Bobert Barer. 53 p. Reprinted froa Annual revien of aic- robioloqy, vol. 28. O Hilliaa Kaufaann, Inc.: 1JU176; A927782.

A927783. Design yourself! By Kurt Banks. Larry Belliston e Dave Edwards. 142 p. Hilliaa Kaufaann* Inc.; 15Jan77; A927783.

A927784. Osing econoaics. By Hartin Gerhard Giesbrecht. 129 p. O Hilliaa Kaufaann, Inc.; 13Hay76; A927784.

A927785. Of acceptable risk: science and the deteraination of safety. By Hilliaa H. Lowrance. 180 p. O Hilliaa Kaufaann, Inc.; 7Apr76; A927785.

A927786. Into print: a practical guide to writing, illustrating, and publishing. By Hary Hill G Hendell Cochran. 175 p. Hilliaa Kaufaann. Inc.; 1Nov77; A927786.

A927787. Hhat is economics? By Jia Eggert. cartoons by Bobert Cavey, photos, by Jia Eggert. 167 p. HH: revisions. Jia Eggert; 25Sep77; A927787.

A927788. The nystery of B. Traven. By Judy Stone. 128 p. BH: introd. , epilogue, bibliography, p. 89-98. 6 revisions, e Hilliaa Kaufaann, Inc.; 15Jan77: A927788.

A927789. Draw! A visual approach to thinking, learning and coaaunicating. By Kurt Hanks £ Larry Belliston. 242 p. Hilliaa Kaufaann, Inc.; 30Jun77; A927789.

A927790. Bricker's International directory of university-sponsored executive development programs. Pt. 1: general aanageaent prograas, pt. 2: functional management programs. Coapiled by George H. Bricker. 9th ed. 487 p. George H. Bricker; 7Dec77; A927790.

A927791. Electrical repairs. 92 p. (Do it yourself guides) 6 ottenheiaec Pub- lishers, Inc.; 260ct76: A927791.

A927792. Creative crockery cooking. By Ethel Lang Graham. 144 p. Appl. au: Otten- heimer Publishers. Inc. O Ottenheimer Publishers. Inc.; 27Sep77; A927792.

A927793. Carpentry. 92 p. (Do it yourself guides) 6 Ottenheimer Publishers. Inc. ; 260ct76; A927793.

A927794. Outdoor maintenance and repairs. 92 p. (Do it yourself guides) Ottenheimer Publishers, Inc.; 260ct76; A927794.

A927795. Lawns and landscaping. 92 p. (Do it yourself guides) Ottenheimer Pub- lishers. Inc. ; 260ct76; A927795.

A927796. Holly Bobbie's nursery rhymes. 45 p. Appl. au: Ottenheioer Publishers. Inc. NH: coapilation of art work t nursery rhyaes. O Aaerican Greetings Corporation; 29Aug77; A927796.

A927797. House and garden's New cook book. By the editors of House and garden. 404 p. Appl. au: Ottenheiaer Publishers, Inc. NH: updated aaterial £ 2 new pictures. O Ottenheimer Publishers, Inc.; 28Feb77; A927797.

A927798. The Coaplete guide to landscaping and outdoor hoae aaintenance. 185 p. e Ottenheiaer Publishers. Inc.; 17Feb76; A927798.

A927799. Hix and aatch scraabled letters. Edited by T- H. Fallon, Jr.. puzzles constructed by Ann e. Franco. 64 p. Appl. au: ottenheiaer Publishers, Inc. C Otten- heiaer Publishers. Inc.; 1Feb77; A927799.

A927 800. Tricky scraabled letters. Edited by T. H. Pallon. Jr.. puzzles constructed by Ann B. Franco. 64 p. Appl. au: Ottenheiaer Publishers, Inc. O Ottenheiaer Pub- lishers, Inc.; 1Peb77; A927800.

A927801. aaqic aazes. Haze art by Diane H. Edson. Douglas Edson £ Larry Douglas. 63 p. Appl. au: Ottenheiaer Publishers. Inc. Ottenheiaer Publishers. Inc. ; 1Feb77; A927801.

A927802. Easy search-a-word. Edited by T. H. Fallon. Jr.. puzzle construction by N. H. Meyer. 63 p. Appl. au: ottenheiaer Publishers. Inc. ottenheimer Pub- lishers, Inc.; 1Feb77; A927802.

A927803. Crazy mazes. Edited by T. H. Fallon^ Jr., maze art by Diane a. Edson. Douglas Edson £ Larry Douglas. 63 p. Appl. au: ottenheiaer Publishers, Inc. O otten- heimer Publishers, Inc. (in notice: ottenheimer Publications, Inc.); 1Feb77; A927803.

A927804. Hrs. Beeton's poultry and game. Edited by Haggle Black. 118 p. Appl. au: ottenheiaer Publishers, Inc. Prev. pub. abroad 1974. HH: revisions. O otten- heimer Publishers. Inc.; 25Feb77; A927804.

A927805. Preparing food for your freezer. By Hary Horwak. 120 p. Appl. au; Otten- heiaer Publishers. Inc. Prev. pub. abroad 1974. NH: revisions. O Ottenheioer Publishers. Inc.; 25Feb77; A927805.

A927806. Hrs. Beeton's favorite party dishes. Edited by Maggie Black. 118 p. Appl. au: ottenheiaer Publishers, Inc. Prev. pub. abroad 1973. NM: revisions. otten- heiaer Publishers. Inc.; 25Feb77; A927806.

A927807. Mrs. Beeton's favorite sweet dishes. Edited by Maggie Black. 120 p. Appl. au; Ottenheiaer Publishers, Inc. Prev. pub. abroad 1973. NM: revisions. otten- heimer Publishers, Inc. ; 25Feb77; A927807.

A927808. Secret search-a-word. Edited by T. H. Fallon, Jr.. puzzle construction by N. M. Meyer. 63 p. Appl. au; Ottenheimer Publishers, Inc. Ottenheimer Publishers. Inc.; 1Feb77; A927808.

A927809. Holly Hobble's playtime activity book. 1 V. Appl. au: ottenheiaer Publishers. Inc. Aaerican Greetings Corporation: 2Aug77; A927809.

A927810. Judy Garland as Dorothy in the Hizard of Oz coloring book. 1 v. Appl. au: ottenheiaer Publishers. Inc. O Metro- Gold wyn-Mayer. Inc.; 18Mar77; A927810.

A927811. Sidney the elephant coloring book. 1 v. Appl. au: Ottenheiaer Publishers, Inc.

Terrytoons; 18Mar77; A927811.


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