Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1463

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A929394 - A929440.
JUL-DEC. 1977

A929394. laitinq for yater. By Si Dunn. 22 p. Sone poems prev. pub. in stone drua & others. NM: additions. C Si Dunn; 2»Oct77; A929394.

A929395. ihole in one. By Keith R. Phifer, illus. by Nancy H. Kollander. 139 p. Keith E. Phifer: 180ct77; A929395.

A929396. Earth has no sorroii. Edited 6 photographed by Dee Azadian. 96 p. on teit; Voluntary Action Center of CaldHell County: 3No»77: A929396.

A929397. Earth has no sorroK. Edited E photographed by Dee Azadian. 96 p. 6 on photos.; Dee Azadian: 3Noy77: A929397.

A929398. Photologue. 4 p. Appl. au: Edgar Starbuck. O Huseuas International: 5Dec77: A929398.

A929399. Kidnap. 2 p. Appl. au: Jaoe Thelaa BansbottoB. O Jane Thelaa Bansbottoa; 26Peb77j A929399.

A929II00. Rules for Hystery aansion. 2 p. Appl. au: Jane Thelaa Bansbottoa. Jane Thelaa Eansbottom: 26Feb77: A929400.

A929401. Alone. 1 p. Appl. au: Charles Evans Buckley. Charles E»ans Buckley: 11JU177: A929I401.

A929402. Conscious cookery. 93 p. Appl. au: Siri Ved Kaur Khalsa. NB: additions 6 changes. Siri Ved Kaur Khalsa: 250ct77; A929lt02.

A929U03. He too; a poetry aagazlne. Vol. H, Oct. 1977. Editors: Patricia Barkert 6 Hary Stroh. 31 p. e Be Too; 2aOct77; A929'103.

A9291iau. This side down! up!; the saga of Casiairo Barela. By Charles s. Vigil. 105 p. NH: translation. Charles S. Viqil: 11No»77: 49291401.

A929II05. Doggerel days. By Leon G. Phifer. 8 p. O Leon G. Phifer: 15Jun77; A929105. Kutzaan, illustrated by Hargaret Byan. 36 p. Eleanor F. Noble, Sonda Kutzaan t aargaret Byan: 1Apr77: A929110.

A929111. Ruby Kiraan, ainiature needlepoint kit. No. 101-K. Folder (3 p.) 6 1 p. Appl. au; Barilyn C. Slocoabe, d.b.a. The Chianey Corner. The Chianey Corner; 1NOV77; A929411.

A929I412. Boon nilloii aountain. By Diaaan Tides, pseud, of Nicholas Diaaantides. 59 p. Nicholas Diaaantides; 10Oct77; A929112.

A929U13. History of Saint Paul's Lutheran Church. 84 p. Appl. au: Carolyn H. Brinker, Cleo H. Siaaons £ Vivian F. Fisher. e Saint Paul's Lutheran Church; 9Sep77; A929413.

A929414. 1 can alaost see toaorrow. By Tiaothy J. Lennox. 16 p. e Tiaothy J. Lennox; 20NOV77; A929414.

A929415. Just for fun; a rare little voluae of BOdern rhyaed poetry. By Leo C. Buckley. 29 p. Leo C. Buckley; 8Dec77; A929415.

A929416. Sou to form utility location and coordination coaaittees. 28 p. 6 Aaerican Public Horks Association; 17Aug77; A929416.

A929417. Beaeabering Durango, Colorado. 1 v. Appl. an; Bosa Baria fi. Oe Bodriguez (Bosina) O Bosina Bodriguez; 31Aug77; A929417.

A929418. Eco-tips. No. 14. Folder (8 p.) Appl. au: Brs. Paul Hickey, Ann Asher 6 Catherine Coapton. Concern, Inc.; 29Gct77: A929418.

A929419. The Greatest shoN on earth, huaan beings being husan. By Albert A. Barkonitz. 12 p. 6 Albert A. Barkonitz; 1No»77; A929419.

A929420. The AI script book. 6 p. Appl. au: Philip a. aartin. NB: coapilation of guotations. O Alphabet Innovations International, Inc.; 1Sep77; A929420.

A929426. Proclaaation; ancient heroic order of honorable dads. 1 p. Appl. au: Bobert J. Jaaes. Bobert J. Jaaes; 4Na>77: A929426.

A929427. Proclaaation; ancient aajestic order of great dads. 1 p. Appl. au: Bobert J. Jaaes. Bobert J. Jaaes; 4No>77: A929427.

A929428. Proclaaation; beautiful historic order of apple pie aoas. 1 p. Appl. au: Bobert J. Jaaes. Bobert J. Jaaes; 4Nov77; A929428.

4929429. Proclaaation; apple pie order of greatest aoas. 1 p. Appl. au: Bobert J. Jaaes. O Bobert J. Jaaes; 4»o»77; A929429.

A929430. Tiger in the kitchen. By uilaa L. acDougall. 48 p. O ailaa L. BcDougall; 270ct77; A929430.

A929a31. Journal of a Texas aissionary, 1762-1802; the Diario historico of Cosae Lozano Narvais, pen naae of Bariano Antonio De Vasconcelos, with an English translation by Benedict Leutenegger & an introd. by Marion A. Babig. 47 p. (Docuaentary series no. 3) NM: tran- slation. 6 Old Spanish Bissions Historical Research Library at San Jose Bission, Inc.; 27Sep77: A929431.

A929432. Gda, Noveaber 10, 1977 70 001, and other titles. Bicrofiche. Appl. an: Bichard H. Clark. Purchase Contcol Systeas; 10NOV77; A929432.

A929433. Discovery; a gaae illustrating the support teaa developaent experience. Folder. Appl. au: Jaaes Alfred alnchell. O Jaaes Alfred linchell; 4Feb77; A929433.

A929434. The Little red aitten; a Christaas story of long ago. By Bobert S. Feeley. 1 ». O Bobert S. Feeley; 15Nov77; A929434.

A929435. Abortion is shedding innocent blood. By John Haddey. Folder. O John Baddey; 30NOV77; A929435.

A929406. Eel-bird banders' bulletin. No.E(B)3«1. Editor: Joyce Yasner. 54 p. on articles, short stories, poems 6 artwork: Joyce Yasner: 15Jul77: A929406.

4929407. Pin kits and replaceaent pins for all kits. 1 p. Appl. au: Robert Labbe. O Lab Banuf acturing Coapany; 15Aug77; A929407.

4929408. Pin kit coaparative chart. Lab no. 80. Sticker. 4ppl. au: Bobert Labbe. O Lab Banufacturinq Coapany: 12Sep77: 4929408.

4929409. Shoe baq/utility bag instructions for: Ecnie Engineer, Patty Pigtail, Peter Patter, Frannie Faraer, Freddie Faraer. 2 folders & 2 p. 4ppl. au: Lois L. Boyer. NM: revisions in instructions, copy changes e illus. C Lois L. Hoyer; 2Aug77: A929409.

4929410. Pick-ae-ups for your reading prograa, 1977. By Eleanor F. Noble E Sondra

A929421. Chord digest for organ, piano, guitar. 8 p. Appl. au: Bobert L. Uosser. NB: coapilation S additional text. O Hilltop House; 22JU177; A929421.

A929422. Shards of glass. By aargaret E. Gabbard. 64 p. O Bargaret E. Gabbard; 1NOV77; A929422.

A929423. A Portion of faith, a aeasure of love. By Spencer Leslie Craig. 22 p. Spencer Leslie Craig; 2BNov77; A929423.

A929424. Egual period accounting (E.P.A.) calendar. Appl. au: Donald ilcGaffey. e Donald BcGaffey; 12Dec77; 4929424.

A929425. Notetaking and study skills profile. By Gloria H. yeber. Hamden L. Forkner, Jr. 6 Edwin J. Ueber. Folder. O Forkoer Publishing Corporation; 15Sep77; 4929425.

4929436. God loves Be; using John 3: 16 to lead a young child to Jesus. 14 p. O Bible Club Bovement, Inc.; 10ct77; 4929436.

A929437. Theaatic units in teaching English and the huaauities; first suppl. Edited by Sylvia Spaun e Bary Beth Culp. Sheets (85 p.) e National Council of Teachers of English; 1Nov77; 4929437.

4929438. 3d leader's aanual. 35 p. 6 Diet, Discipline and Discipleship« Inc.; 23Sep77; 4929438.

4929439. House plants; a guide to their selection and care. Editors: Loren Gerald Buchanan a.k.a. Buck Buchanan G Chris Kent, illustrated by Debra Broutaan. 66 p. O Buck Buchanan; 15Nov77; 4929439.

4929440. A Pocketful of poetry; a calendar and engagement book. By Anne Hittels. 1 v.

O Anne Hitteis; 150ct77; A929440.


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