Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/1488

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A930459 - A930502
JUL-DEC. 1977

4930459. Clean your roon! A prereadinq activity and colocinq book: shapes. 26 p. Appl. au: John J. Meal S Nancy L. Pritchard. e BISP, Inc. (Beading Instruction Support Proqrans, Inc.); 4Nov77; 4930459.

4930460. Boxes, boxes, boxes! 4 readiness readinq activity and coloring book* 17 p. Appl. au: John J. Heal C Nancy L. Pritchard. C BISP, Inc. (Beading Instruction Support Programs, Inc.); «Nov77: A930460.

4930461. Phonics. Level 2. 6 v. Appl. aui John J. Neal £ Nancy L. Pritchard. e BISP, Inc. (Beading Instruction Support Programs, Inc.); 1Not77: A930461.

4930462. Photographic lab handbook. By John S. Carroll. 4th ed. 720 p. e 4aerican Photographic Book Publishing Company, Inc.: 3111ay77; 4930462.

4930463. Create; a handbook for teachers of primary art. Author: Mary E. Platts, with photos, by Gil Masters G Gordon E. Platts. 223 p. NM: different qrade level aliqnment. C Educational Service, Inc.; 140ct77: A930463.

A930464. Psychedelics encyclopedia. By Peter Stafford. 384 p. 6 Peter Stafford; 28Sep77: A930464.

A930465. I'm all dressed in blue; a ballad. 2 p. Appl. au: Geneva Benson a.k.a. Kate Kraft. 6 Geneva Benson, whose pseud, is & d.b.a. Kate Kraft: 3Nov77; A930465.

4930 466. Tour guardian angel. By Joseph G. Sleeker. 2 p. 6 Joseph G* Blecker; 15NOV77; 4930466.

A930467. Exclusive: Tectum air turn by TEC. Folder. TEC Systems, Inc.; 310ct77; A950467.

A930473. Onit washer: installation-operation- maintenance. 7 p. Appl. au: Bichard Moysey. NM: p. 2, 4-8. The De Laval Separator Company; 30Nov77; A930473.

A930474. Biorhytbm: profiles by SOL-3 Besources, Inc. 1 v. © SOL-3 Besources, Inc.; 1Dec76; A930474.

A930475. Basic principles of conduit bending. By Floyd B. George. 40 p. e Floyd B. George; 12Dec77; 4930475.

4930476. The Glory years. By Paul N. Tassell. 126 p. (Adult student, vol. 26, no. 2) Appl. au: Begular Baptist Press. Begular Baptist Press; 30ct77; A930476.

A930477. The Beast system: Europe in prophecy. By Hilton Sutton. 31 p. Appl. au: Alexander J. Di Genova. 3 Mission to America; 21Sep77: 4930477.

4930473. Disco ringers. By Boyd A. Astemborski, Sr. & Leeann C. Astemborski. 2 p. O Boyd A. Astemborski, Sr. & Leeann C. Astem- borski; 40ct77; A930478.

A930479. Model F172 series (1977-1978) service manual. Microfiche. Q Cessna Aircraft Company: 1Jul77; 4930479.

4930480. Model 172 series (1975-1977) parts catalog. Microfiche. 6 Cessna Aircraft Company; 1Jul77; A930480.

A930481. Model 172 series (1977-1978) service manual. Microfiche. @ Cessna Aircraft Company; 1Jul77; A930481.

A930482. Model 177 series (1968-1978) service manual. Microfiche. NM: revisions 6 additions. 6 Cessna Aircraft Company; 1JU177; 4930482.

Tilley. 1 V. on all but cover illus. ; G. Augustus Tilley; 280ct77; A930489.

4930490. Steps toward better scientific illustrations. By Arly 411en. 32 p. NM: revisions & additions. Q Allen Press, Inc.; 2Feb77; A930490.

A930491. Guide to the microfilm edition of Ihe Jefferson papers of the Oniversity of Virginia, 1732-1828. Editor: Douglas H. Tanner & other editors. 96 p. Appl. au: Oniversity of Virginia Library. @ Oniversity of Virginia Library; 280ct77; A930491.

A930492. Cursive wall cards. By Andrea Kricge Bussell & Doreene Hanley Matheny. 6 Ore Press, Inc.; 14Nov77; A930492.

A930493. The Electric pencil. 2 v. Appl. au: Michael shrayer. O Michael Shrayer; 7Feb77; 4930493.

A930494. The Chi-square test. By Paul Lawrisuk. 16 p. (Beel teacher, lesson 115) Appl. au: Beel Teacher, Inc. 6 Beel Teacher, Inc. ; 2Aug77; A930494.

A930495. Osinq measures of central tendency. By Paul Lawrisuk. 12 p. (Beel teacher, lesson 114) Appl. au: Beel Teacher, Inc. e Beel Teacher, Inc.; 180ct77; A930495.

A93a496. Calculating measures of central tendency. By Paul Lawrisuk. 12 p. (Beel teacher, lesson 113) Appl. au: Beel Teacher, Inc. @ Beel Teacher, Inc.; 2Aug77; A930496.

A930497. Pollution abstracts annual index cumulative, integrated. Vol. 7, no. 1-6, 1976. 464 p. e Data Courier, Inc. (in notice: Data Courier, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Courier-Journal and Louisville Times Company); 20May77; 4930497.

4930468. Austin Beed of Begent Street: the pub crawlers collection, fall 1978. 8 p. Suppl. to Daily news record. Appl. au: Hart Schaffner and Marx. © Bart Services, Inc.; 18NOV77; A930468.

A9304e9. 7th annual review of overall reliability and adequacy of the North American bulk power systems. A report by Interregional Beview Subcommittee of the Technical Advisory Committee. 1 v, Appl. au: National Electric Beliability Council. 6 National Electric Beliability Council; 23Jun77; A930469.

A930470. A Study of interregional energy transfers for conservation of coal, winter 1977/78. 29 p. National Electric Beliability Council; 16Nov77; A930470.

A930471. VDABE vocational intake. Folder. Appl. au: Billy Joe McCroskey, Billiam Eugene Hattenbarqer, Timothy Frank Field S Jack Merritt sink. Billy J. McCroskey, Hilliam E. Wattenbarqer, Timothy F. Field S Jack M. Sink: 260ct77; A930471,

A930472. The Top Form story. Polder- Appl. au: Knute Sanford Noland. 6 Noland Enter- prises; 5Dec77; A930472.

4930483. International distributor locator. 128 p. 6 Intercontinental Publications, Inc. ; 5Jul77; 4930483.

4930484. Solar lunar calendar, 1978. 1 p. Appl. au: John Sovinsky. © Katharsis; 18Aug77; A930484.

4930485. The California qeoqrapher- Vol. 17, 1977. Editor: Donald Boltqrieve. 118 p. 6 California Council for Geographic Education; 6Dec77; A930485.

4930486. Thank you for being. By Clinton E. Heyand 2nd. 1 v. NM: compilation, revisions G pictorial matter. O He- yand/Sfaaw Publications; 10Dec77; A930486.

A930487. From bed to verse. By Halter B. Hade. 34 p. Halter H. Rade; 240ct77; A930487.

4930488. Violence and vandalism in public education: problems and prospects. By John B. Ban G Lewis M. Ciminillo. 159 p. © The Interstate Printers and Publishers, Inc.; 3NOV77; 4930488.

4930489. Free riding rainbow By G. Augustus

4930498. oceanic abstracts year-end index. Vol. 13, no. 1-6, 1976. 469 p. © Data Courier, Inc. (in notice: Data Courier, Inc. , a wholly owned subsidiary of the Courier- Journal and Louisville Times Company) ; 9Jun77; A930498.

A930499. Meterama. Kit. Appl. au: Nicholas A. sasso. Crown Games Company; lSDec77; A930499.

A930 500. Bheumatoid arthritis: the nurse's assessment. Britten by Joyce L.Cready 6 Joanne F. Hhite, medical illus.: Bon Filer. 1 V. Appl. au: Bestern Pen- nsylvania Arthritis Project & Saint Margaret Memorial Hospital. 3 Bestern Pennsylvania Arthritis Project 6 Saint Margaret Memorial Hospital (in notice: Bestern Pennsylvania Arthritis Project 6 Department of comprehensive Medicine and Behabilitation, Saint Margaret Memorial Hospital) ; 1Nov77; A930500.

A930 501. The Land that kept its promise; a history of South Lincoln County. By Marjorie H. Hays. 157 p. 3 Lincoln County Historical Society; 16Jan77; A930501.

A930502. Basic transmission; course monitor's

manual. 43 p. Appl. au: United System


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