Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/333

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A883762 - 4883803
JUL-DEC. 1977

4883761 (con.) O Aoerican Mutual iDsurance Alliance; 30Jun77: 4883761.

4883762. Hon to conduct your "Enqaqe-4-Car" proqran. 63 p. DAS Leasing Services, Inc. d. b.a. Enqaqe-A-car services; 21JU177: A883762.

4883763. Coamunication: the secret of love. By Hilliam G. Clarice. 1 v. uilliaa G. Clarice; 1Jun77; A883763.

A883764. Bosh Hashonah (sic) ceaembered. By Jaaes N. Pines, dravinqs by Jacqueline H. G. Polster. 1 V. O Jaaes H. Pines; 11Auq77; 4883761.

4883765. Please, aonay, would you qive ae the opportunity to practice thinkinq for ayself? 4 no nonsense, unpopular, but successful aetbod for perfecting the adult-child relationship. By The Uolden Faaily (John U. Holden, Betty Bolden, Chad Holden, Harty Holden & Jill Uolden) 79 p. The Holden Faaily, John, Betty, Chad, Marty and Jill; 2itJun77; 4883765.

A883766. Onlockinq your ESP: keys to aind developaent. By Jeanie Llnders (Jeanette C. Linders Sosinski) & Gary Hayne, pseud, of Gary Glasel. 78 p. Bainbov Publications, Ltd.; ltAaq77; 4883766.

4883767. Horth Country, 1977. Vol. 1, no. 5. Editor: Hilda E. Sachuy. 96 p. Hilda 8. Bachuy; 22Jul77; A883767.

4883768. 4 Ginqerbread aan book. Britten & illustrated by Rilliaa T. Holter. 1 v. illliaa Bolter; 124uq77: 4883768.

4883769. Dear Anita, God told ae to kill you, but 1 told God that was a no-no. By Winifred Gandy. 1 v. C Hinifred Gaudy; 34uq77; 4883769.

4883770. Gathered floners. Poeas by Toa Doty. 1 V. Toa Doty; I4uq77; 4883770.

4883771. Cataloq of novelties and fun-aakers. 79 p. NH; 25% new copy & illus. O Johnson Saith Coapany; 1Jul77; 4883771.

4883772. How to read your Enqage-A-car leasing rate aanual and instructions for coapletinq all docuaents required. 84 p. 6 Das Leasinq Services, Inc., d.b.a. Enqaqe-A-Car Services: 21Jul77: A883772.

A883773. Coaaunity television education: the warninq siqns of stroke. 1 v. Appl. au: Carolyn B. Ausaan. The Sayaaster Corporation: 94uq77; 4883773.

4883774. Suaaer savings cataloq. 1 5 p. Tandy Corporation (411ied Electronics Division) (in notice: Tandy Corporation) ; 54uq77; 4883774.

A883775. 1977 property tax data. Mew Jersey taxing districts. 27 p. New Jersey State Chaaber of Coaaecce; 14ug77; 4883775.

4883776. Systeas and inforaation aanageaent. By Henry H. Levine, consultant 6 Herbert F. Spirer. 1 v. 4dd. tl: Boae study gaae seainar. O aanageaent Gaaes Institute, Inc.; 5Jan77 (in notice; 1976); 4883776.

A883777. Slavery on the Tennessee frontier. By Edward Hichael HcCoraack. 26 p. (Tennessee in the eighteenth century: a Bicentennial series) O Tennessee Aaerican Bevolution Coaaission; 30Jun77; 4883777.

4883778. From settleaent to statehood: a pictorial history of Tennessee to 1796. By Jaaes C. Kelly. 54 p. The Tennessee Aaerican Bevolution Bicentennial Coaaission; 30Jun77; A883778.

A883779. The Pittsburgh steelers. Super Bowl chaapions. By Julian Hay, pseud. 47 p. NH: editorial revision 6 new pictorial aatter. Creative Education; 11Feb77; A883779.

A883780. Continuing education: a guide to career developaent prograas, 1977. 696 p. Neal-schuaan Publishers, Inc.; 15aay77; Ae83780.

A883781. The Filas of Charlton Heston. By Jeff Bovin. 224 p. St: all new text e coapilation of photos. O Jeff Bovin; 5Auq77; A883781.

4863782. psychological linguistics. By Jacob B. Kantor. 304 p. The Principia Press; 24ug77; 4883782.

4883783. The Horlds of Haurrce Saauel: selected writings. Edited & with an introd. by Hilton Hindus, foreword by Cynthia Ozick. 445 p. 4ppl. au: The Jewish Publication Society, employer for hire- Portions prev. pub. in Little did I know: recollections and reflections 6 others. Nn: coapilation, foreword & introd. The Jewish Publication Society of Aaerica; 26Jul77; A883783.

4883784. Pro football at its best: the greatest gaaes by 15 top coaches. Compiled & edited by Jack Fleischer, foreword by Pete Bozelle. 201 p. 5 chapters prev. pub. in Hy Sunday best, 1971. Nil: revision, updating £ additions. O Jack Fleischer; 94uq77; 4883784.

4883785. Froa the inside out: a collection of poeas. By Barren H. Boldren. 56 p. O Barren B. Uoldreu; 24ug77: 4883785.

4883786. Satsauq notes of Swaai 4Bar Jyoti. By Kessler Frey. 10 2 p. O Truth Cons- ciousness, Inc.; 44ug77; 4883786.

4883787. The Tooth survival book. 1 v. O 4aerican Dental 4ssociation; 114uq77; 4883787.

4883788. The Nuclear catastrophe. By Betty L. Pohnka & Barbara C. Griffin. 295 p. Betty L. Pohnka e Barbara C. Griffin; 14Jan77; 4883788.

4883789. The Coapulator book: building super calculators and ainicoaputer hardware with calculator chips. By Bobert P. Haviland. 320 p. Tab Books; 27Jul77; 4883789.

4883790. Bestocing and collecting antique reed organs. By Norton Presley. 313 p. Tab Books; 29Jul77; A883790

4883791. The Complete broadcast antenna handbook: design, installation, operation and aaintenance. By John Edward Cunninghaa. 450 p. e Tab Books; 29Jul77; 4883791.

4883792. Color TV case histories illustrated: photo guide to troubles and cures. Vol. 2. By Bobert L. Goodaan. 347 p. e Tab Books; 29JU177; 4883792.

4883793. Energy technology and global policy; a selection of contributing papers to the Conference on Energy Policies and the International Systea. Editor: Stephen 4rthur Saltzaan, project director: Elisabeth Hann Borgese. 276 p. Held at the Center for the Study of Deaocratic Institutions, Santa Barbara, C4, Dec. 4-7, 1973. The center for the Study of Democratic Institutions; 3Jun77; 4883793.

4883794. Electri-List catalog for Southern Electric Supply Company. 232 p. NB: new aaterial 6 editorial revision. C Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 18Jul77; 4883794.

A883795. Electri-List catalog for Hyland Electrical Supply Company. Catalog no. 77. 1 V. NH: new material S editorial revision. Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 25JU177; A883795.

A883796. Electri-List catalog for Great Best Electrical Supply, Inc. Catalog no. 4. 1 V. NH: new aaterial E editorial revision. 6 Trade Service Publications, Inc. ; 13JU177; A883796.

A883797. Electri-List catalog for Industrial Valley Bef rigeration. Inc. 196 p. NH: new aaterial & editorial revision. Trade Service Publications, Inc. ; 12JU177; A883797.

A883798. Electri-List catalog for Dever and Edds, Inc. 262 p. NH: new material 6 editorial revision. Trade Service Publications, Inc. ; 27JU177; A883798.

A883799. Electri-List catalog for Industrial Electric Service Company, Inc. 162 p. NH: new material £ editorial revision. O Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 28JU177; A883799.

A883800. Electri-List catalog for United States Electric Coapany. 1 v. NH: new aaterial 6 editorial revision. O Trade Service Publications, Inc.; 26JU177; A883800.

A883801. Electri-List catalog for Loos Electric Supply company. Catalog no. 77. 232 p. NH: new aaterial 6 editorial revision. O Trade Service Publications, Inc. ; 25JU177; A883801.

A883802. Searching: guide to San Francisco employaent resources, 1977. 3rd ed. 14 p. Appl. au: Advocates for Boaen, Boaen in Hanageaent Program e Cheri Bryant. O Advocates for Boaen, Boaen in Hanageaent Prograa (in notice: Advocates for Boaen) ; 204pr77; 4883802.


The Rescue. By Cheri Bryant. 8 p.


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