Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/495

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&890301 - 4890339
JUL-DEC. 1977

i890300 (COB.) Jaae Inqlinq Johnson. Hicrofiln. 6 Jane loqllnq Johnson; 15&aq77: A890300.

4890301. 4 Folloy-up study of students who had taken a chpoical laboratory study skills course. By Ediund Eisenberq. Hicrofilm. e Ednund Eisenberq; 15Auq77; 4890301.

4890302. Leqitimizinq the profession of nursinq: the distinct mission of the Ne« York State Nurses Association. By Veronica narqaret Driscoii. MicrofilB, © Veronica Barqaret Driscoll: 154uq77 (in notice: 1976); 4890302.

4890303. Artists on their art education. By Hictael Robert Cipriano. flicrofila. 6 Hichael Bobect Cipriano; 154ug77; 4890303.

A89030U. A Typology of occupational patterns of eoaan Catholic religious priests in mid-life (30 to 55) By Bichard John aucouski. nicrofila. 6 Bichard John Hucowski; 154uq77: 4890301.

4890 305. The Effects of decision nakinq and self aanaqement on the self concept and behavior of psychiatric clients. By Bichard Peter cerniqlia. Hicrofilo. O Bichard Peter Cerniqlia; 154uq77; 4890305.

4890306. Epidemioloqy of white nold disease (Sclerotinia sclerotiorua) =(8hetzelinia sclerotioruffl) of dry edible beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) with eaphasis on resistance and host architectural disease avoidance mechanisas. By Bovard Frederick Schwartz. nicrofila. © Howard Frederick Schwartz; 154uq77; 4890306.

4890307. Process-reactive schizophrenia and fornal operational thouqht. By Paul James Eeiser. Microfilm. Paul Jaaes Beiser: 154uq77; 4890307.

4890308. 4n Investigation of the avian dilution Dutant lavender: the role of nicrotubules, microfilaaents and interaediate filaaents in melanosoae translocation. By Paula Lynn Dollevoet. Hicrofila. O Paula Lynn Dollevoet; 154uq77; 4890308.

4890309. Repressed coaaunication and the voices of liberation. By Joseph John Pilotta. Hicrofila. e Joseph John Pilotta: 154uq77; 4890309.

4890310. Owe Johnsons Jahrestaqe; die Geqenwart als Variierende Hiederholunq der Vergangerheit. By Boberta Tracy Hye. Hicrofila. C Boberta Tracy Hye; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976): 4890310.

4890311. 4ssociation and coaaunity: a case study in probleas of voluntary action, integration, oligarchy and leqitiaacy. By Vincent Louis Bolduc. Hicrofila. e Vincent Louis Bolduc; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A890311.

4890312. The Developaent of Greek 4aerican education in the united States, 1908-1973: its theory, curriculua, and practice. By George 4rthur Laqios. Hicrofila. O George 4rthur Lagios; 154uq77 (in notice: 1976); 4890312.

4890313. Computer control of materials testing aacbines. By Paul Floyd Boolvecton. Hicrofila. O Paul Hoyd Woolverton; 154ug77: 4890313.

4890314. Television in the North: its effect on the cultural "images" Inuit children have of their own and other qroups. By 4ndre H. Caron. Hicrofila. 4ndre U. Caron; 154uq77; 4890314.

4890315. Laterality effects in a tachistoscopic optional shift task in young adults. By Kirmacb Natani. Hicrofila. 6 Kirmach Natani; 154uq77; 4890315.

4890316. Optimal ffluitishift proportional rotating schedules. By Villiaa Wayne Stenzel. Hicrofila. © Milliam Wayne Stenzel; 154ug77; 4890316.

4890317. 4 Comprehensive study of twelve very rich clusters of galaxies. By 41an Hichael Dressier. Hicrofila. C 41an Hichael Dressier; 154uq77: A890317.

4890318. The Exercise of influence on ad hoc child study teaas. By 4rthur Benfro Crowell, Jr. Hicrofila. 4rthur Benfro Crowell, Jr.; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976); 4890318.

4890319. A Pupil development program for primary school teachers in Oqanda. By Arnetia Sampson Haasha. Hicrofila. Arnetia Sampson Haasha; 15Aug77; Ae90319.

A890320. Adainistration and intervention in social action programs. By Charles C. Hurphy. Hicrofila. © Charles c. Hurphy; 15Auq77; A890320.

A890321. Local labor market structure: its effects on wages. By Bichard Walker Stratton. Hicrofila. © Bichard Walker Stratton; 15Auq77; A890321.

A890322. Automated outpatient appointment systems. By David Ke-Chianq Tao. Hicrofilm. © David Ke-Chiang Tao; 15Aug77; A890322.

A890323. A Jewish aqinq experience: a description of the role of religion in response to physical dysfunction in a sample of Jewish women 65 to 83 years of aqe. By Hartha Kaufer Siegel. Hicrofila. © Hartha Kaufer Sieqel; 15Aug77; 4890323.

489032U. The Mature of curriculum evaluation and iaproveaent procedures in Connecticut public school systeas. By David Boss Bennett. Hicrofila. © David Boss Bennett; 154uq77 (in notice: 1976); 489032«.

4890325. The Foreign policy of Louis Philippe, 1830-32: a study in interventionist diploaacy. By Daniel Paul Schmidt. Hicrofila. Daniel Paul Schaidt; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976); 4890325.

A890326. Levels of moral reasoning in a selected group of nursing practitioners. By Catherine Patricia Hurphy. Hicrofilm. O Catherine Patricia Hurphy; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976) ; A890326.

A890327. The Kelationship between locus of control and location of school to acceptance of behavior by eleaentary school teachers. By George fiayaond Healey. Hicrofilm. George fiayaond Healey; 154ug77 (in notice; 1976) ; A890327.

4890328. Working women: prostitution in San Francisco froa the gold rush to 1900. By Jacqueline Baker Barnhart. Hicrofila. 6 Jacgueline Baker Barnhart; 154ug77; 4890328.

4890329. The Development of the child's concept of ecology. By Gordon Tboaas Ovley. Hicrofilm. C Gordon Thomas Owley; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4890329.

4890330. Britain and the crisis of Liberian independence, 1903-1909. By Judson Herrick Lyon. Hicrofilm. © Judson Herrick Lyon; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4890 330.

A890331. Supervisors for the classroom: a study of the professional growth of educational supervisors in a program of clinical training. By Gillian Elizabeth Cook. Hicrofilm. O Gillian Elizabeth Cook: 15Aug77; 4890331.

4890332. Regulation of the mitochondrial pyridine nucleotide redox state through a calcium-dependent stimulation of fatty acid oxidation in hepatic systeas. By David 4nthony Otto, Jr. Hicrofilm. David 4nthony Otto, Jr.; 15Aug77; A890332.

A890333. The Deterainants of foreign investment with special reference to Japanese investment in Korean industries. By Joong Ki Hwang. Hicrofila. © Joong Ki Hwang; 15Auq77; A890333.

A890331t. Follow through: decisionaaking in a large-scale experiaent. By Bichard Frazier Elaore. Hicrofila. O Bichard Frazier Elmore; 15Aug77; A89033II.

A890335. Protein synthesis inhibition by aengovirus: studies on the role of native UOS ribcsoaal subunits. By Hark Haxiaillian Hanak. Hicrofilm. © Hark Haximillian Hanak; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A890335.

4890336. Perceived environmental changes and illness behavior. By Douglas Carter Smith. Hicrofila. O Douglas Carter Saith; 154ug77: 4890336.

4890337. 4 Coaparative analysis of a two-phase and a four-phase driver education program: an evaluation model. By Clarence Beed HcCormick. Hicrofila. © Clarence Beed Mccormick; 154ug77; 4890337.

4890338. The Tripartite structure of the works of Sir Thomas Halory. By Patricia Carol Boby. Hicrofila. © Patricia Carol Boby; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4890338.

4890339. Identification, self-concept, and attitude toward disabled persons in selected groups of normal hearing and hearing-impaired adults. By Peter Glenn Grey. Microfilm. C Peter Glenn Grey;

154ug77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4890339.


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