Page:A Biographical Index of British and Irish Botanists.djvu/18

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  • Vapereau. ' Dictionnaire Universel des Contemporains,' by G Vapereau, 5th edition, 1880-81.
  • Ventenat, Jard. Malm, 'Jardin de la Malmaison,' by E. P. Ventenat, 2 vols., 1803.
  • Wadd, Nugæ Chirurg, 'Nugæ Chirurgicæ,' by William Wadd, 1824.
  • Wall. List. or Wallich List. 'List of Specimens of Indian Plants,' by N. Wallich (Hthographed), 1828.
  • Wall, PL Asiat. or Wall. Pl. Asiat. Rar, 'Plantæ Asiaticæ Rariores,' by N. Wallich, 1830-32.
  • Walp. Ann. 'Annales Botanices Systematis," by G. G. Walpers and C. Mueller, 7 vols., 1848-68.
  • Watt. 'Bibliotheca Britannica,' by Eobert Watt, 4 vols., 1824.
  • Weston. 'Catalogue of English Authors on Agriculture, Botany, &c.,' by Richard Weston, 2nd edition, London, 1773.
  • West Yorkshire. 'Flora of West Yorkshire,' by F. A. Lees, 1888.
  • Wight & Arn, Prod. Ft. Ind., or Wight Prodr,' 'Prodromus Floræ Peninsulæ Indiæ Orientlis,' by E. Wight and G. A. W. Arnott, 1834.
  • Wight, Ic. 'Icones Plantarum Indiæ Orientalis,' by Robert Wight, 6 vols., 1840-53.
  • Winch, Bot, Guide. 'Botanical Guide to Northumberland and Durham,' by N. J. Winch, 1807.
  • Wood, Fasti. (See Ath. Ox.)
  • Wood's Naturalist. (See Naturalist.)
  • Woolls, or Woolls. Bot. Discov. in Austr, 'Progress of Botanical Discovery in Australia,' by W. Woolls, Sydney, 1869.