Page:A Biographical Index of British and Irish Botanists.djvu/29

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"In herbis decemendis peritus " (inscription on his tombstone). Dict. Nat. Biog. ii. 439.

Baines, Thomas (1822-75): b. King's Lynn, Norfolk, 1822; d. Durban, Natal, 8 May, 1875. F.R.G.S. To Cape Colony, 1842. Artist in Kafir War, 1848-51; in N.W. Australia in 1855; to Zambesi Expedition, 1858, &c. African plants at Kew. Jacks. 408; R. S. C. i. 161; Biog. sketch in his 'Explorations in S.W. Africa,' 1864; Proc. R. Geog. Soc. xx. 289; Dict. Nat. Biog. ii. 441. Vignette photo, at Kew. Molluyo Bainesii Oliv.

Baker, H. C. (fl. 1836). Captain, Bengal Artillery. 'List of specimens of wood from India,' 1836. Pritz. 12.

Baker, Henry (1698-1774): b. Chancery Lane, London, 8 May, 1698; d. Strand, London, 25 Nov. 1774. F.R.S., 1740. Introduced Rheum palmatum. Hb. Sloane, 152, 252; Nich. Anecd. v. 172; Nich. Illust. iv. 762; Biog. Britann. i. 525. Sloane MSS. 4435, 4436; Dict. Nat. Biog. iii. 10.

Baker, Anne Elizabeth (1786-1861): b. Northampton (?), 16 June, 1786; d. Northampton, 22 April, 1861. List of plants in her brother George Baker's Hist. Northamptonshire, i. 3. Gent. Mag. ccxi. 208; Quarterly Rev. ci. 6; Dict. Nat. Biog. m. 1.

Baker, Robert (1824?-85): d. Leamington, 1885. M.D. Practised in Birmingham and afterwards in Leamington. 'Cat. Warwickshire Plants ' (w. J. R. Young) in Proc. Warw. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1874. Fl. Warwickshire, 507.

Baker, Rev. William Lloyd (ii. 1793). F.L.S., 1793. Of Stout's Hill, Gloucester. Discovered Cephalanthera ntbra. Sowerby Letters in Bot. Dep. Brit. Mus. Contrib. to E. B., 68, 483, 550, &c. Oil-portrait at Hardwicke, Gloucester

Bakewell, Robert (1768-1843): b. 1768; d. Downshire Hill, Hampstead, 15 Aug. 1843. Geologist. 'Pollen,' Mag. Nat. Hist. ii. 1. R. S. C. i. 167; Dict. Nat. Biog. iii. 23.

Balfour, Sir Andrew (1630-94): b. Denmiln, Fife, 18 Jan., 1630; d. London, 10 Jan., 1694. M.D. Caen, 1661. Founded Edinburgh Bot. Garden, c. 1680. Pult. ii. 3; 'Memoria Balfouriana,' by Sir Robert Sibbald, 1699; Dict. Nat. Biog. iii. 48. Balfouria R. Brown.

Balfour, John Hutton (1808-84): b. Edinburgh, 15 Sept. 1808; d. Edinburgh, 11 Feb., 1884. M.A. and M.D. Edin. 1832. F.L.S., 1844. F.R.S. Prof. Bot., Glasgow, 1841 Edinburgh, 1845-1879. Founded Bot. Soc, Edinburgh 1836. 'Flora of Edinburgh,' 1863. 'Manual of Botany,' 1848. 'Class-book of Botany,' 1852. Pritz. 13; Jacks., 518 R. S. C. i. 170; vii. 77; ix. 108; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1883-4 80; Gard. Chron. 1884, i. 220; Hist. Berwickshire Nat Club, xi. 218; E. B., 2918; Dict. Nat. Biog. iii. 56. Balfourodendron Mello. Poa Balfourii Parn.

Ball, Anne E. (fl. 1840). Of Youghal. Algologist. Journ. Bot. 1840, 191. Assisted Harvey in Phyc. Brit. (tt. 14, 356). Sent Algae to Dublin Univ. Herb. Ballia Harv.