Page:A Biographical Index of British and Irish Botanists.djvu/71

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Found various rare Highland plants. Mem. Wernerian Soc. vol. iii. 1821. R. S. C. ii. 314; Scott. Nat. 1881, 62, 109, 149; 1884, 126, 176, 217, 258; 1885, 12; Bot. Gaz. iii. 85. Donia G. & D. Don = Clianthtis, Jungermannia Donniana Hook.

Donald, James (1815-72): b. Forfar, 1815; d. Hampton Court, 13 Dec, 1872. At Chiswick, 1839-42. Pupil of Lindley. Superintendent, Hampton Court, from 1856. Left an herbarium. Wrote on Begonias. Gard. Chron. 1873, 46. R. S. C. ii. 314. Donaldia Klotzsch = Begonia.

Donn, James (1758-1813): b. 1758; d. Cambridge, 14 June, 1813. A.L.S., 1795; F.L.S., 1812. Under Alton at Kew. Curator, Cambridge Garden, 1796. 'Hortus Cantabrigiensis,' 1796. Pritz. 89; Jacks. 409; Dict. Nat. Biog. xv. 222.

Doody, Samuel (1656-1706): b. Staffordshire, 1656; d. London, 1706. Apothecary. F.R.S., 1695. Keeper of Chelsea Garden from 1692. Assisted Ray in 'Historia,' vol. ii., and in 'Synopsis.' Left MS. on Mosses, Sloane MS. 2315. Corresponded with Petiver and Plukenet. Herbarium in Sloane's at Mus. Brit. "The Dillenius of his time," Pult. "Inter pharmacopoeos Londinenses sui temporis coryphaeus," Juss. Rich. Corr. 11; Sloane MSS. 2972, 4043; Phil. Trans. 1697, 390; Fl. Midd. 376; Dict. Nat. Biog. xv. 236. Doodia Roxb. = Uraria, Doodia R. Br.

Doubleday, Edward (1811-49): b. Epping, 1811; d. London, 14 Dec, 1849. Entomologist. Assist. Zool. Dept. Brit. Mus. V.-P. Bot. Soc. Lond. F.L.S. 'Lilium Martagon,' Phyt. i. 62. Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. 84; R. S. C. i. 326; Dict. Nat. Biog. sv. 254. Portr. at Entomol. Soc.

Doubleday, Henry (1808-75): b. Epping, 1 July, 1808; d. Epping, 29 June, 1875; bur. Epping. Brother of preceding. Entomologist. 'Bardfield Oxlips,' Phyt. i. 204, 275; 'Naturalist's Pocket Almanack,' 1845; R. S. C. i. 326; vii. 551; 'Entomologist,' x. 53 (w. photograph); Dict. Nat. Biog. xv. 254.

Douglas, David (1798-1834): b. Scone, Perth, 1798; killed. Sandwich Isles, 12 July, 1834; bur. on spot. A.L.S., 1824. F.L.S., 1828. Apprenticed at Scone. With W. J. Hooker in Highlands. Sent to America by Hort. Soc, 1823. At Rio, 1824; in British Columbia, 1825-7; in California, 1830-2; on Fraser River, 1832-3. PI. at Kew, Mus. Brit., and Cambridge. Collected 800 species in California. Introduced 217 new species into England. Pritz. 570; R. S. C. ii. 327; Loud. Gard. Mag. xi. (1835), 271; Cott. Gard. vi. 263; Gard. Chron. 1885, vol. xxiv. 173, with engr. portr.; Comp. Bot. Mag. ii. 79 (w. portr.); Dict. Nat. Biog. xv. 291. Original portraits at Kew and Linn. Soc. Douglasia Lindl.

Douglas, Francis (1815-86): b. Kelso, 14 Mar., 1815; d. Kelso, 7 Mar., 1886. M.D. Edin., 1836. To India, 1845. Pres. Berwick Nat. Club, 1841-2. Berwick Plants in Hist. Berw. Nat. Club, i. 32. R. S. C. ii. 327; Hist. Berw. Nat. Club, xi. 538; Johnston Corr. 73.