Page:A Chinese Biographical Dictionary.djvu/754

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A Chinese Biographical Dictionary

Port Arthur, which he abandoned on its investment by. the Japanese, retiring to Wei-hai-wei. There he remained until it was fully invested by the enemy, when he surrendered the place, he and four of his officers committing suicide. ^^Chief among those who have died for their country," wrote Captain M'Giffin, his brave American colleague, ^4s Admiral Ting Ju-ch'ang, a gallant soldier and true gentleman. Betrayed by his countrymen, fighting against odds, almost his last official act was to stipulate for the lives of his oincers and men. His own he scorned to save, well knowing that his ungrateful country would prove less merciful than his honourable foe. Bitter indeed must have been the reflections of the old wounded hero in that midnight hour, as he drank the poisoned cup that was to give him rest." From the fact that Wei-hai-wei was surrendered before Admiral Ting committed suicide, the much- coveted honour of canonisation has been withheld. Ting Kung T St or Ting Ku T @ . Died B.C. 202. A 1936 general who served under Hsiang Chi against Liu Fang. On one occasion he was pressing the latter closely, when Liu Pang cried out, "Why should two worthy men imperil one another?" Thereupon, Ting Rung retired. However when later on he went to pay his respects to Liu Pang, the latter caused him to be beheaded as a warning to traitors, for it was through him that Hsiang Chi had lost the throne.

Ting Lan T M- 1^* ^®°*^- -^•^- ^ ^**^^® ^^ Ho-nei in Honan, 1937 who on the death of his mother carved a figure of her in wood and continued to wait upon it as though it were his mother in the flesh. One day a neighbour came in to borrow something, and his wife consulted the figure which shook its head; whereupon the neighbour in a great rage struck it over the face. When Ting Lan came in he noticed an expression of grief on the figure's features, and on hearing what had happened at once went oS and