Page:A Compendium of the Chief Doctrines of the True Christian Religion.djvu/203

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no man can approach; who then could approach him, unless he had come to dwell in approachable light, that is unless he had descended, and assumed the humanity, and in this made himself the light of the world? John i. 9. Chap. xii. 46. Who cannot see, that to approach Jehovah the father, in his light, is as impossible, as to take the wings of the morning, and fly thereby to the sun? or to feed on the sun's rays instead of elementary food? or for a bird to fly in tether, and a stag to run in air?

VI. That the Nicene and Athanasian doctrine concerning a trinity have together given birth to a faith, which hath entirely overturned the Christian church.

That both the Nicene and Athanasian doctrine concerning the trinity, asserteth a trinity of Gods was shewn above, No. 172. Hence sprang the faith of the present church, which is directed towards God the father, God the son, and God the holy ghost; towards God the father, as he that imputeth the righteousness of the saviour his son, and ascribeth it to man; towards God the son, as he that intercedeth, and is the mediator of a covenant; and towards God the holy ghost, as he who actually inscribeth on the heart the imputed righteousness of the son, and secureth it with the seal of justification, sanctification, and regeneration; this is the faith of the present church, which alone is sufficient to prove, that a trinity of Gods is acknowledged and worshipped. From the faith of every particular church, not only the whole of its worship, but also of its doctrine is derived; wherefore it may truly be said, that as its faith is, so is its doctrine; hence it follows that this faith, inasmuch as it is directed towards three Gods, hath overturned all things belonging to the church, for faith may be con-