Page:A Description of New England - Smith (1616).djvu/82

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by Captaine Iohn Smith.

testifie with them our idlenesse, and ingratitude to all posterities, and the neglect of our duties in our pietie and religion we owe our God, our King, and Countrie; and of want charity to those poore saluages, whose Countrie wee challenge, vse and possesse; except wee bee but made to vse, and marre what our Fore-fathers made, or but onely tell what they did, or esteeme our selues too good to take the like paines. Was it vertue in them, to prouide that doth maintaine vs? and basenesse for vs to doe the like for others? Surely no. Then seeing we are not borne for our selues, but each to helpe other, and our abilities are much alike at the houre of our birth, and the minute of our death: Seeing our good deedes, or our badde, by faith in Christs merits, is all we haue to carrie our soules to heauen, or hell: Seeing honour is our liues ambition; and our

ambition after death, to haue an honourable
memorie of our life: and seeing by noe
meanes wee would bee abated of the
dignities & glories of our
Predecessors; let vs imitate
their vertues to bee
worthily their


At London printed the 18. of Iune, in
the yeere of our
Lord 1616.