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A Desk-Book of

conscious, which relates to knowledge within one's self, should not be used for aware, which implies being on the lookout. The one refers only to the past, or a present allied to the past, the other to the future. We are conscious of suffering, but aware of imminent danger. One is conscious of the inner workings of his own mind, but aware of that which exists without him.

constantly does not always mean "continually." A man eats constantly but he would soon cease to be a man if he were to eat continuously. In this sense constantly means "regularly" and continuously means "without ceasing." Perpetually, which means "incessantly," must also, and for the same reason, be distinguished from constantly. Compare perpetually.

construct: Although this verb formerly had the meaning of construe, both words having the same etymology, being derived from the Latin con, together, + strua, pile up, it must no longer be used as synonymous therewith. You construe a sentence but construct a theory.

construction. Compare building.

construe. Compare construct.

consul, counsel, council: Discriminate carefully between these words. A consul is an officer appointed to reside in a foreign port or city as the representative of his country's commercial interests; a counsel