Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 1.djvu/246

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232 ST. DIGNA-MERITA all the bodies, after banging a few days on stakes or gibbets, were burnt, and the asbes tbrown into the river. B.M. Baillet. St. Dig^a-Merita (l), June 17, M. 2nd century, or end of 8rd or beginning of 4tb. Died under torture at Brescia, in the reign of Adrian (117-138) or else in tbat of Diocletian (284-305). Her two little sons were tbrown out of a window, and tbus shared witb ber the palm of martyrdom. Tbey are said, in a book of the saints of Brescia, to bave been of the noble family of Layelunga. Papebroob considers tbis so unlikely tbat the assertion tbrows doubt on the wbole story. AA.SS, St Dignamerita f2), or Degname- KiTA. Daugbter of King Isofo, wonder- fully beautiful and learned. At twelve years old sbe began to wear the Gospel in ber bosom and in ber mind. Hearing mucb of St. Mattbew in Salerno and in Bome, sbe prayed continually to bim and to God. Her fatber wanted to make a good marriage for ber, promising to give ber balf bis kingdom; but sbe answered — '* Fatber, I am married to a ricb and powerful Husband, beautiful beyond all otbers. His ricbes never waste away; His wisdom is never mistaken ; His knowledge is infinite; and He is King of all kings and Lord of all lords." Tbe king said, *' Who is tbis tbat you bave married witbont consulting me ? " Sbe said, "If you do not renounce your false gods, you do not deserve to see my Husband." He was very angry, beat ber, and, taking ber by the bair, dragged ber all about the palace. After baving imprisoned ber for some time, Isofo tried to make ber sacrifice to tbe idols ; but sbe ordered the devil who inbabited the idol to appear, wbicb be did, breaking the image witb a great crasb. After undergoing many tortures, sbe was bebeaded, and buried by the Cbristians. Her fatber was destroyed by fire from beaven. Leggendario delle Snnte Vergini. St Dignefortis^ Wilgefortis. St Dimna, Damhnade. Dina. The name of St. Apollonia before ber baptism. Italian Legend. St. Dinach, Nov. 20, M. Nun in Persia. Guerin. Dinalia. Migne's Jerome bas Dinalia for MlNALIA. St. Dioclia, April 7, M. at Pompeio- polis, in Cilicia. Mother of Calliopua, martyr. Sbe died embracing bis dead body. AA.SS., Prwter, St Diodi6 (Dieu-donn6e?). Daugbter of a lord and lady who were long child- less. They made a pilgrimage to St Anne d'Auray, always praying for a child. Their prayer was answered, but ber mother died in giving ber birth. Her stepmother, who bad a daughter of her own by a former marriage, tried various means, witb the aid of a sorceress, to get rid of Diodi6, but could not suc- ceed in injuring the young saint. At last sbe put ber into the hollow trunk of an old oak, and left ber to starve. Diodie's little dog followed ber, and scratched a subterranean passage for himself from the tree to the kitchen, and brought ber food every day. The step- mother meantime tried to make the father believe that Diodi6 bad decamped for some wicked purpose, but be suc- ceeded in finding her by means of the dog. He asked her what vengeance sbe would take on ber stepmother and the sorceress. Sbe said sbe forgave tbem in the name of God, but be bad them both burnt alive. Soon afterwards Diodie became very ill, and her mother came, took ber in her arms, and carried ber straight to beaven. The details of the legend are very like those of many well- known fairy stories. Luzel, LSgendes ChrStiennea de la Basse Bretagne. Another legend of a saint in the same collection is tbat of St. Touine, or Twina, Diomeda, Aug. 12, M. at Augsburg. (See NiMONiA.) AA.SS, St. Diona, March 14, M. at Nico- media, witb otbers. AA.SS. St. Dionina, April 15, M. Daugbter of Veronica (3), and martyred witb her and several others at Antiocb. St Dionysia (1), June 28. + 202. M. with St. Potamicbna, at Alexandria. AA SS St Dionysia (2), Dec. 12 and Feb. 22, M. 249, at Alexandria, with SS. Ammonauia, Meucuria, and others.