Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 1.djvu/454

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440 ST. JULIANA miracles. In 1821, Pius VII. approved her worship. A.B.M,, Feb. 25. Her story is in Torelli, Secoli AgoHitnianij vi. St. Juliana (l), Ang. 17, May 21 in the Greek Church, M. with her brother, St. Paul and others, under Aurelian or Valerian, at Ptolemais in Palestine. B.M, AA,SS. St. Juliana (2), Nov. 7, M. with St. Syuenia, at Tarsus, under Maximian. B.M. (See Cyrena.) St. Juliana (3), Aug. 18, M. at Myra in Lycia or at Strobylum. Hon- oured with St. Leo, who was killed at the seaside near Myra. B.M. AA,SS, St. Juliana (4), March 20, M. at Amisus with St. Alexandra (3). B.M. SS. Juliana (5), Sanctia,and Senti- ana, May 25, MM. with St. Vincent at Blera, between Viterbo and the sea. AA.SS. St. Juliana (6). (See Memmia.) SS. Juliana (7-14), MM. at different dates and places. St. Juliana (15) or Julia, July 27, V. of Barcelona, M. c. 303. Patron of Mataro. Commemorated with her com- panion,' St. Sempronia, V. M. They were inhabitants of Barcelona and dis- ciples of St. Cucufas, July 25, who is also called Cougat, Quiquenfat, and Guincfort. They visited and ministered to him in prison and buried him, for which act of piety they were themselves denounced as Christians and put to death. AA.SS. Cahier says the two virgin martyrs are represented together, and gives Aug. 13 as their day. St. Juliana (IG), Fob. IG, 25, Dec. 21 (Greek Church), V. M. c. 304 or 311. Patron of Cumte and of Santillana (Santa Juliana). She is invoked against contagion. She was a young lady of Nicomodia, betrothed from her childhood to Evilasius. At eighteen, as she said she would not marry him unless he wero made prefect, he succeeded in obtaining that rank. She then told her father she could not marry the prefect unless ho was baptized. After some argument her father had her cruelly beaten and sent to Evilasius, who said he would do any- thing to please her if she would only sacritico to the gods and marry him. She said no torment shoold induce her either to sacrifice or to marry any man not a Christian. He said, " I cannot be a Christian, for, if the emperor heard of it, ho would cut off my head.** She answered, " If you fear your perishable emperor, you cannot wonder that I dare not forsake the Emperor of Heaven, who lives for ever." As sbe persisted in her refusal to marry him, he and her father put her in prison. There the devil appeared to her in the form of an angel, and advised her to sacrifice to tbe gods that she might escape from torture. But by signing him wiili the cross, she compelled him to tell who he was. He said he was Jopher the Black, the son of Beelzebub, and that none of the prophets or patriarchs nor even the apostles had given him more trouble than Juliana. After undergoing the most horrible tortures she was beheaded. One hundred and thirty persons were converted by the spectacle of her suffer- ings and courage, and were immediately beheaded by order of the emperor. When peace was restored to the Church, a certain senatress, named Sophronia, passing through Nicomedia and hearing of the glorious miracles of Juliana, took her body away. She was driven by a tempest on shore at Putooli, about nine miles from Naples, where she built a church in honour of St. Juliana, whose relics are spread all over the world. B.M, AA,SS, Leggendario, Baillet. St. Juliana (17), V.M. with Bar- bara (1), Dec. 4, or with Juliana (10), Dec. 21. One story is that Juliana (11) was the foster-sister of Barbara ; another, that she was merely one of a crowd of spectators of her tortures, and so filled with pity and horror that she burst into tears, and was therefore made a sharer of her sufferings and death. AA,SS, Qrmco-Slavonic Mart, St. Juliana (18) of Turin, Feb. 13. Matron. 4th century. When St. Solotor was slain with the sword, a certain vener- able Christian woman, named Juliana, hid the martyr's body. She received tbe persecutors at her house, gave them food and drink, and obtained from them the information that SS. Adventor and Octavius were killed in the environs of