Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/110

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BAI relict of Oswald Perkins, Req., and has, Evelyn, 0. 1842; Ethel; Poosonby; aod Villiers-Speneer. 2 Heory, rear-ad. RN.; 8.12 July, 1810; m. let, 17 Nov. 1846, Wilhclmina-Frederiea, dan. of the late Right lion. Sir Charles liagot, G.C.B.,and by her (who ci. 15 April, 1852) has issue, Arthor-Oreville, 8. 20 Sept. 1840; he icc. lndly, a Feb. laSs, Eleanor, dau. of the late E.-Saehoeerell-Cband”s Pole, Req., of ltadberne, Derbyshire, au’l has by her, ltenry-ilieliard-Reginald. 8. 5 Aug. Ii. Richard, 6. II Sspt. 1818; ci, 14 April, 1813. 1860; Claod-Levessn, 8.1’ .tpril, 1865; Gerald-IVilliam, Icc. Jobn-Crawshay, ‘f hliduard Rouse, Semeroetohire, 6. 11 Slay, 1°66; Flerenee-Eleaoor, 6. 11 Feb. 1859; Slabrl-Ilarriet, 0. 27 Nov. 1863; and another dan. 0. I Sept. 1867. :1 Charles-Walter, 6. 11 Fob. 1812; in holy orders, reetex sv. William-Lathan,, 6. 14 Get, 1820; oc. 24 Ang. 1048, of Castle Itieiog, Nerf’’lk ; ie. 18 Feb. 1840, Mary, 2nd dan. of llajer-Oeneral Chester, and has, Leivis-IliehardCharles, Cancpbelton, cc. Argyil, and has ane son, WiiiamJoseph-Maclean. 8. 1846; Ernest-Alfred-John, 8. 1848; WalterWagstaffe, 6.23 March, 1852; Chae..Frederiek-Ileneage, v. Henry, 6. 11 Oct. 1822 ,‘ca. 22 June, ISiS, Lonisa 6. 21 Jan. 1056; llugh-Villioro, 6. 14 July, 1660; Conetanee-Mary ; Adelaide-Harriet-Sephy ; and MildredEmily-liarbara. 4 Lewis-Francis, 6. 18 Feb. 1813; in holy orders, reeter i, Mana-Snsan, ccc. 25 Jan. 1638, to the Vensmble T.-J’. of Leigh, eo. StaCked; iii. in 1840, Catherine, 3rd dan. Ormsrod, Eoq. of Sedbnry Park, cc. Gloucester, and of of the lion, and Rev. J.-E. Beseawen, 3 George, majer in the army, 8.5 May, 1118, formerly of Tyldeoloy, cc. Lancaster. Ihe henseheld of HR. the lerd-lientenant of Ireland; ii. Margaret, is. 22 June, 1030, to James Oresnfield, Req. ol. 17 Jnne, 1861, Mary-Eleanor-Frances, dan. ef Leril Eilmaine, and cl 8 May, 1867, Ills seidosr was cc. IcIly, in. Jane, ccc. 17 Dee. 1840, toSirJas.-Stsnarthtenteth,Bart. er Thomas—A. SI. Qninlin, Esq., 10th hessai’a. 6 Richard, 6. 21 Feb. 1821; and ci. 6 Jan. 1810. 7 Frederic, b.c n April, 1022; in holy erders, rector of Iry Ilapper, Esq. of Witteci Castle, en. Iinrham, by Ilarpoden, Oxen, and prebendary of Wells, cc. 21 Oct. whom he lcad issue one snrvivbcg child, 1861, tlharlette- Anne- Fbilipina, only dan. of Briee hlary-Anne-Betha, sc. 31 May, 1811, to the lace AlexanderYenng Fearse, Req. of Ashlyne, Great Iicrkhainpetcad, and has issue. I Harriet-Frances, si. in 1837, the Lord Charles Thynne, Sir Joseph Bailey was left a large fortnns by his uncle, and has issue. 2 Fra,seeo-Caroltne, ,I. in 1840. I Emily-Mary, si. 25 June, 1850, to the lion. and Rev. Oeerge-T.-O. Dridgencan; ci. 13 Doe. 1613. e 3lary-Isabel, ccc. let, 25 Jnly, 1843, te William-Henry, extesuotve b’onvsrks at Nant-y-Olc ; he was aloe possessed Viscount Dewne, whe ci. 1657, and 2ndly, 6 Jan. 1861, if c,,nsidcralale landed prsperty in the sonccties of Brecsn, to Sidney L. Lane, Eeq. i. Lenisa, cm. in 1786, to her cousin, Walter Snoyd, Esq. ef several ef which arc handsome seats of his, He represented ICeele, on. Stafford, who ci. in 1829. Shed, in 1834. cc. Frances, 01. in 1805, to Gen. the Urn. Sir Edward latterly for lleeoanshh-e, He seas high-sheriff of Msnmonthshire Feget, O.C.R., and ci. in 1806. His lordship ci. 22 Oct. 1708, and was e. by his eldest eon, acid Breeonshh’e, acid was in tlso commission of the peace WILlIAM, 2nd baron, LL.D., F.S.A., F,L.S., F.Z.S., and l;cr the counties of Breoen, Glamergan, Mennionth, and F,H.S., 6. 11 Sept. 1775; in, lot, 30 May, 1718, Emily, 4th Hereford. Ho was patron of eight livings, lie was vice— ‘Ian. of Charles, 1st Lord Senthamptan, by whem (who ci. chairman of the Birkecclaead Dock Conapany. He ci. .5 Inno, 1800) he had ene dan., Louisa-Barbara, who ci. in 20 Nov. 1550, at Olcncnak, ;nfaney. His lerdohip ‘cc. 2ndly, 17 Feb. 1807, Lonisa, Creabiea—Jnne, 1552, Arma—Arg. betweontwe bars, three eldest dan. of George, 3rd Earl of Dartmontlc, E.G., and annnlets, in fesoe, gn., all between as many morilets of the h’y her ladyship (who ci. 13 Aug. 1818) had iaone, WILLIAM, present peer. Ilervey-Charles, 6. 17 Dec. 1812, in holy orders, hA., Seale—Olanusk Park, near Criekhowell, Llangoed Castle, rector of Bhithfeld, Staffordshire. Alfred-Walter, 6. 4 April, 1818. Louisa-Frances, ci. 17 Feb. 1828, nina. Agnes, Ia. 8 Jan. 1820, Ia John-Newton Lane, Eoq. of King’s Dromley Manor, so. Stafford, and has issue. Eleaner. Crccetisao—Barsnet, 30 May, 1027. Baron, 17 Oct. 1780, Aroco—Erm., two ehevranebs, az. Crest—Out of a dncal eeronet,ag’cat’shead, arg. ,attired, or, Ss,pperlers—Twogoats. erg., attired, or.. Jlslls—Antiqnnm ehtinens. .Seati—Blith f.eld llonse,eo. Stafferd,andPeelFarl,-,Huthin, Denbighshire. BAILEY, Sirt JO5EI’H-RUSSELL, Dart. of Glannsk Pack, co. Brecon, h)gh sheriff of that coin 1864; H.P. for eo. Hereford; ii. 7 April, 1840; 0. his grandfather as 2nd bert,, 20 Nov. 1858; cci. 9 April, 1861, MaryAnn, BAILLIF., SIR Woi.i,i tsi. of I’o!l.enini—t. on. Linlitlsgore, eltiost anrviviscg dan. of 28 Jan. 1854, late Ml’. co. Linlitlcgow; cc. 14 April, Hsnry Lneae, Esq., Ml)., of Glen. 1846, Mary, eldest dan. of Stair-Hathoria Stewart, yr-afon, and has, 1, Jrecern-lIeNav-ResoeLL, 6. 26 Oct. 1864. cc. loon, 6. 28Ang. 1s07. 1. Elizahcth-hlabel. ii. Edith. 3Liiicagr. Sin .Josrrn Ba iLE’, iy”linger son rf J,,lcn Maile3-, Req. WILLIAM BAILLIE, Esq. (grandson of Thomas Baillte, Req. of ancient Ynrkslcire deseei,t, was created a harsnot in ef Polkemmet), appointed, 1701, one of the lords of session bane, 1552. lIe a. lot, 10 Oct. 1810, Maria, 4th dan. Josoph Latham, Esq., b’y whom (who ,t 27 May, 1523) bce Its icc. Margaret, dan. of Sir J. Celqnhonn, Dart .,and had, had issue, i. Jesei’n, 6. 1 Feb. 1812, of Easton Court, cc. lIereferd, James, Ic. 1782; in th,e civil service of the B. I. C. ; ci, on;;’, Hi’, for that en.; cc. 22 Inne, 1035, Elizabeth-Mary, enly child of William-Congreve Rnssell, Seq. (ohs was a, Indiy, BAILLIE. ?4&. ./ t S) cwr tiO b. 2 Feb. 1s1iI; a his father, as 2nd baronet, Esq. of Phyogill, oo. Plgton. IL IlltZlff C. in Seetland, asenmed the henemry title of Levd Pelkemmet, WILLiAM, created a baronet, Robert, RN., 6, in 1180; ci. uasc. Isabella. Mary, m. to James Jehnseo, Eaq. of Straiten. Janet, is. to B-I, Campbell, Seq. of Skcn’ingtoa. BAI hi 1860, to Thomas-A. St. Quintin, Esq., 10th busears) and ci, 11 Aug. 1050, leaving isane, Josern-RussaLL, present baronet. William-Latham, 6. 26 Feb. 1043, ,b, 10 April, 1861. Henry-James, 6. 12 June, 1844, John-Franklen, an officer 13Cc foot, 6, I Bee. 1845, Rirhard-Crawshay, 6. 15 Jan. 1845. Elizabeth-Anne, ci. 10 March, 1043, Marian. capt. RN,, 6, 22 May, 1018; s. 4 Oeteber, 1860, MariaF,,svler, youngest dan, cf Charles Cs’.’eh, F.oq., and has a son, Jshn-Arthnr-Crawshay, 6. 25 July, 1081 Fmnces-Byng, yonngest dan. of John M’Lean, Req. of Careline, youngest dan. of Sir Richard Fnleaton, Dart- of Emral, and hoe one son, Ilenry. Ornaered, archdeacon of Suffolk, eldest son of George of Ryddgaer, eo. Anglesea, and Drynderwen, Monmonthshire, and ci. 11 July, 1818, lie ma. 2ndly, Mary-Anne, dan. of ehe late John-Thomasllen Spearman, Req., oldest son af Sir Alex.-Y. Spear- man, Dart., and ci. 1060. Richard Cr;cwehay, Esq. of Cyfartlca ironworks, Olamos’ganshire, whe ci. in 1510, which has been increased by his Raohcsr, Olccmergan, alonmontb, llereferd, and Ducks, in the city of Worcester in three parliaments, accd sat in 1823, and was a depnty’Iio’ntenant for tlcat esnnty last, Cre.,i—A griffin, .sejaot, arg., semOe of annnlets, gn. Jfstte—Libertai. Trebinshnn Honse, Ilay Castle, Trebariad, and Perristone Cenrt, 00. Breeen ; Easton Cenrt, cc. Hereford; and LIansannor, Olamerganshiro. B A I L B