Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/135

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BED William, banker at Leeds, and from 1341 to 135221.1’, for that JOHN RusseLL, of Khsgatsn-Rnasell, iii. Eh’ralseth, dan. borough, 6.3 March, 1181; a. 20 Nor. 1841, Prances-Adelina, and co-heiress of Johu homing, and was father at sister of liogo-Meynell Ingrain, Esq. of Temple Newsharn, Sin Jonas RUSsELL, Rut., speaker of he House of Coin- no. York, and rf.2t Jan. 1862. Euaiusn, formerly H.P. for lbs west riding of Yorkshire, 6. 29 mono iu the 2nd and 10th of llonny VI. This gcntlcutan Jan. 1187; is-. 14 13cc. 1614, Maria, dau. of William Beverlcy, its. Elizabeth, dams. and heiress of John Froxntere, and was of Beverley, Esq., and great-niece of lhc wife of Sir Thensas o. by his oldest son, Denisen, Knt., judge of the Common Pleas, and has issee. JAaIes RusseLL, who a. Alien, dan. and heiress of John (See Buexe’s LooPed Gentry, p. 360.) SIr. Edmund Beekett Wyae, Esq., and dying in the lot year of tlsxmav VIII., loft assumed the surname and arms of IlnNieos, in 1810. henry, 6. 11 April, 1791; sa. Olary, dan. of James Lyle, Esq, two son,, the elder of wham, merchant af Philadelphia, U.S., and grand-dan. ef Jasocs Joan RusseLL, said to bc one of the mast accomplished Manstltun, Colonial Gaverner nf Pennsylvania, under GEeanE gentlemen of his tiume, reoidod at Bcrwick, almont fonr 111., and had (with a dan., Marion, ma. to Sir Then,as ruilcs front liridpart, ca. Dorset, and obtained a favossrahlo Whiehcote, Ilart. and accidentally killed, 1649) live sans, introduction to court through sue of thase unexpected James, if. young; and lfamiltnn, 6. 15 Oct. 1329, s’s. 14 incidents which may he attribnted solely to good fortune, Per. 1614, Sephia-Clarcece, 3rd dan. and co-heir of Sir In the 21st sf Hexav VII. (lIOf), the As’claleke PHiLIP 05’ John-Singleton Capley, Lord Lyedliurst, ansi has issue, AUSTRIA, only sou of the Emperor 5IAxmammLiAN I., and llenry-Lyndhnrst, 6. 8 April, 1657, and Censtanee-Olary. Geerge, in holy orders, pmchend of Lincoln, rector of Epsworth, hnsband of Joanna, dan. of FeRDINAND and IsAsem, Ring and vicar of Gainsbornmsghs, 6. 10 Feb. 1791; ii. 11 and Queen of Castils and Aragou, having encountered a April, 1643. Eliasbcth, ii. 26 March, 1361. Sir Jehss, it. IS Sept. ISIti, assd was a. by his eldest son, IT. THE Rmunv HON. Sin Joux BFXRETT, F.R.S., SIP, for gentleman of rank us the ucighbona-hesd. Sir Thomas Leeds from 1350 to 5637, 6. in 1775; whe is. 50 Jan. 1617, immediately apprized the court of the circunsstanco, ass’l Lady Anne Lewther, dan. of William, Earl of Lenadale, in the interim, while waiting for iustrnctians what course KG. ; but (lying a. p. 21 May, lSl7, was s. by his next to adept, invited lila first cousin, • Mr. Russell, thems recently survivismg brether, the present Sin TssoalAe BEcKETT. Crnatiaa—2 Nov. 1811. Ares—On., a fesse, between tlmrac bears’ heads, eanped, him to Wiudsor, whither the king had invited his highimese erminois. Crrsl—A bear’s head, cenped, or, pierced by a cress patiefilches, to repair. On the jonrimey we are informed that the archdisks erect, sa. s’caf—Semerby Park, Lineelnslurc. BEDFORD. BEOTORO, DUKE AND EARL OF (William Russell) 3154-5, (anasngat his other hoaours, we insist not omit his Marquess of Tavietock, Barosa Russell, of Chcncya, FRANCiS, 2msd earl, E.G., t. ism 112S. This smableman, in no. Buckingham, Baron Russell, of Thornhangh, no. the lot af RLmzAsezn, was sworn of the privy casssscil, and Nomthamptou, and Baron lowland, of Streatham, was oubaeqnemstly a pcrsomm af great cnsinence dsmsing her en. Surm-ey, b. 30 June, 1809; r. his father as 8th I majesty’s reign. If is lordship ma. 1st, Margaret, dams, of Stm’ duke, 14 May, 1861. 3.Liiwar. Sin RALPH RuesmaLs., Rnt.,° son and heir ef Jehn Russell, mm. Jonus, snmmsned 10 Parliament, after the decease of his constashle of C’orfe Castle alias 1211 ; is. Iaabel, one of the dana. and ce-hairs of James Newmareh, feudal Baron of Newmarsh and Derham, co. Dsrsct, and left, with othrr issue, Sin WsLLsAam Russsti,, of Kimsgstan-Rnasell, Dorsetahirc, NP., in the let of EDwARD II., for the cc. of Southnmptnn; ttemmry, Slarqacss of Worcesler. who ms. 1st, Eleanor, only dan. and heiress of iii. FRANCIS (Sb-), saanmoned ta parliament as Lean RussELL, Thomas do Aula, Lord of Yaverland, and had by her a sass, from wham descended the Rnasells of Chippenhasn, extinct harousts. Sir William os. lndly, Jane, dan. and coheir iv. WILL5ASm (Sir), distingnished by his eminent service in of Robert Peverel, and had Isy her a son, Theohald. He it in 1111, and was s. hy his suit (by hts 2nd wife), Sen TusonALn RuasoLe,, who so. 1st, Eleanor (dan. of Ralph do Gorges, Baron Gorges, and heir of her brother, Ralph Gorges), by whom he had a eon, RALPH, wha nosummed his maternal surname and arms of GORGES (aee Bunas’s Es-thin Fs’emsgt). Sir Thesbald a ludiy, Eleanor, dan. of John de In Tour, of Borwick, ca. Dorset, hy whoni years iso was engaged against time rebel O’Maden. On ihn be was father of RUSsELL, whose great grandson, BED violent hurricane in his pasoago from Flanders to Spain. was driveu into Weyeoonth, where he landed, assd sva hospitably received Isy Sir Thsmao Trenchard, Knt., a retiu-ned front his travels, to wait upan the prince. His imperial highmmess, fascinated by Mr. Russell’s coinpanionable qualities, desired that he should aceomptsuy became still nsars pleased with his attcmadammt’s learned discourse and generous depsrtnaeut,” and s-c- commended him strongly to the king. Mr. Russell was, in consequence, taken immediately into royal favonr, and appointed omse of the geutlesnen of the privy ehaumhcr. Becoming subsequently a favossrits of Hewnv VIII., ard a companion of that monarch in his French ware, Sir. Russell was appointed to several high amid confidential offices, and finally elevated to the peerage, 9 Starch, 1115-9, in the dignity of Las-sf Raaoell, Barest Rassell, of Chenrya, no. Bock— ioghom. In the next year, 1210, whesm the great monastories were dissolved, his lordship obtained a grant to hfmuself, and his wife and their heirs, of the site of the Abbey of Tavisteck, aosd of sxtenstrs possessions belonging thereto. After the secession of EnwARo VI., Lard Russell had a grant of the Monastery of Wohurn, amid was created EARL OS Menrono, I Jau. 1510. In MAny’s time, the sante ceurtly snmsshins centinsoimmg, his lordship obtained a new patent, dated 1 Nov. 3511, for the office of lard privy seal, and was appabmted asubassador to Spain, to esnduct bei’ smaajesty’s royal comisort, PismLmr hi., tusts Essglmssmmh. The earl its. _stne, dan. aud heiress of Guy Sapeate, Esq.,.aud uvidow of Sir John Broughtsn, Rut amid dying II March, betmsg a ksmight of the Gaiter,) was s. by his only son, John St. John, and sister of Oliver, Lord St. Johss of Blctshoc, and hmad, m, Enws.sin, Lsm’d ihmtasehl, who prcdeeeased hits fatTier, withnnt issne. brathcr, as Loan RusseLL. His lordship is. Eliaabeth, dan. of Sir Anthony Caske, of Gidea lIali, co. Essex, and widow of Sir Tisomsas Mabby, sf Beshsm, cs. Perks, by whom he left two damsi., ELsaAEeTn, n-ho it. snm,m.; and Anne, ths wife of as. Jalian, dan. and ca-heir of Sir Jahn Faster, Rut., by wham he had an snly son, EnwAae, wha s. as 3rd EARL OP Beoronn. Ireland, Sesap. ELizABeTH. In 1580, SIr. Itnsssll first cmi nsanded ill harse theme, which lhe clergy sf England had raised, far the redeetian of the queen’s rebellians snh’jerls; and, fer his gallantry, received the hansnr at knighthsaosl. Soon after Ihmus we find bins in the Low Csnntrics, under ilsbert Dudley, Earl af Leheester. Ta 1194, Sir Willians was canstitnlsd lnrd-dsputy of Ireland, and for the neat Iwo acccsssisn at JAMES I., he was elevated to the peerage, 21 July, 1803, as Ila.ssass Itussets. of yIsm’suagh, cc. .h’Fss’thRat3sbssi. His lordship as. Elizabeth, dan. of henry Lomsg, Esq. ef Sheagay, na. Cansbridgc, and left at Imta decease, 9 Aug. 1813, a son, * Per the early descent af the Itnisnlls, and their derivation I BECTIVE, EARL, fec IEABFORT, MARQUESS. from the Dn Roach of Normandy, refer to Wmrrmna’ Mrs-sir ‘y’ Ifie Hssse sf Esasell. 85 Time nephew of lab mother, Alice Russell.