Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/145

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PER Mary-Letitia, elder dan. and co-heir of Col. George n. hEaRT, snecesser to his brolber. Crump, of Alexton Hall, Co. Leicoater, which lady ci. Its. Knyvet, if. uaor. iv. William, ‘1. in 1792. 30 Sept. 1856; and 2uclly, 21 July, 1857, Henrietta- v. George, in holy ordsr,, rrclar of Dh.dlisgtsn, ci. in Charlotte, only dau. of the late Lord Delamere. He a. his father 26 Feb. 185]. iLl Sin JonN BouacniEu, KG., 4th son of William, Earl of Ewe, by Anne, dan. of Thomas of Woed.otook, links of Gloucester, having married Margaret, dan. and heiress of Sir Richard Boners, of West Ilorslsy, in Surrey, was snnimooed to parliament as “John Bourchier do Boners, Chevalier,” from 26 May, 1459, to 39 Ang. 1462. lIe was o. by his grandson, Stir JonN BouncuiEsa, 2nd Baron Boners, summoned to parliament from 13 ON. 2491, to 9 Nov., 1529. His lordship si. Lady Catherine Howard, dan. of Johss, Duke of Nerfolk, and had two dans., his es-heirs, Jane and Mary: the yesinger ,s. Alexander Unton, Esq., bnt died issneless. ills lordship5 5. 1232, when the BARONY os DEfiNERs appears to have become dsrasanl, althongh his lordship’s estates devolved upon his only surviving dan., JaNo Bnuacnsra, who ci. Edmund Knyret, Esq. ci Ashwellthsrpe, I. Srasanna, at. 1st, to William Russell, of Stobbers, Essex in Norfolk, sergeant-porter to HENRY VIII., by whom she bad, with ether issne, JOHN KNvvrr, ef Plamatead, in Norfolk, who m. Agnes, its. Ilary, rn. Cal. George Crntnp, of Alsxton Half, co. Leiccssir, dau. of Sir John Harceort, ef Stanten-slarcossrt, iii Oxford- shire, and dying before his mother, left a son, Tnoscas. WiBiam Knyvet, ancestor of the Fnndenhall family, represented by CuARLE5 Esyvar, Esq. of Sonning, near heading. iv. Letitia, no. to John Sheppard, Esq. of High house, Campsey (See Buaao’s Exiled Boraaelege.) The heiress of Berners it. in 1561, and was s. by her grandson, The eldest eon, Sm Tnnasas KNYYET, Knt., who petitioned the crown for Ronetrr Wtrsaa, Esq. of Bidlitsgton and Aohwehltlrorpe, the BAaONY OF Bfiimrrns, and obtained a certificate, npcn in whose favour his late majesty terminated the abeyance a reference of his petition by King Jxstss 1. ts the lords its 1832, was suntmoned to parliament in the ancient tsareuy commissioners for the office of earl marshal, of his right of BERNEaa, 7 Slay, that year. lIe it. tiara. 1915, antI was and title to the said barony, bnt it. 9 Feh. 1015, before he s. in the estates and reprsaantatien of the family by his had the king’s canfirmatien thereof. Ito or. If uriel, dan. brrther, of Sir Thomas Parry, Ent, and was s. by his grandson, Tnoasas KNYVET, Esq. of Ashwellthorpe, who nr. Catherine, Tna Rxv. HrNaY Wts.aoa, who was summoned to Parliament yosusgest thu. of Thomas, Lard Borough of Gains- His lardslsip, b. 1 Oct 1765, o. I Slay, 1785, Ehisabsth, dan. borough, and sister and es-heir of tire last Lord Borough, of Thomas Sumpter, of Histon Halt, in Casnhridgsshirc, and had, with younger ehildrets, 5. Jona (Sir), who left with other issue, all of whom ri. op., Eaq., and by her (who it. 10 Dcc. 1845) has iosno, two daus., viz., Elizabeth, wIts ta Thomas Cleruham, Esq., and lelt a son, Robert, in holy orders, rector of Aalswelithorpe, Norfolk; b. Thomas, who ii. 5. p. KaTuExrssE, wile claimed and was confirmed in cIsc barony of Bcrners. Her ladyship ss. Thomas tiokcnham, Esq., but if. s-p. in 1743, when the dignity fell ista abeyance. is. Teotmas. The 2nd san, Tnenas KNYvET, Req. of Mutford, in Suffolk, or. Emme, dan. sf Thomas llaward, Esq., and was s. by his only son, JOHN KNYYET, Esq. of Norwich, who sr. Lucy, dan. and Charlotte, as. in 1809, to Abbot Uprhcr, of Sheringham, co. co-heir of Charles Suckling, Esq., and had several childrets, Elizabeth, ni. in 1810, to the Rev. William Cheater, n’he ii. of whom two dasss. only left issue, s-is., Es.mzaneTu, of whom presently. Leer, who sa. Tisemas halt, Esq., nephew of Lord Chief Ira ‘. Justice Holt, and had an only child, ELIZA5ETO-ANNE Hour, who to. Thomas Strangways, Esq. Anus, sri. to the Rev. John-SI. Jolsuson, rector of Scerilton, of Barhana-woad, Ilerts, and bad (with two sons, who His lordship if. 26 Feb. 2571. both if. a. p.) an only dau., Louisa Sreauuwaxs, Otis of the es-heirs to the barony, Aii,rs—Qsarterlyt lit and fib, sa. a sa’olf, aatisnt, or; in who to. Richard Strangsvayss, Esq. of Well, and had eluof, a thor-dc-lie between two broants, for WILsON; 2nd, several sans and one dan. (See Bumeafs Laadsd arg., a bond, plaits, within a bordtmre, engrailed, Ca., for Kayvar; Gentry.) Ths elder da,t, HLmzannrn KNYVET, sa. 2 May, 1720, Henry Wilson, Req. eased and belied, or; sin’stor, a grsyhennd, ppr., gorged with of Bidlingtou, in Norfolk, and dying in 1757, left (with a cellar, gu., stnddod, or. a dan., Hamet, tc. to John Leighton, Req.) a son and Jlotfe—Le boo tempo viend a. successor, HENRY-WILLIAM WILsON, Esq. of Didhingtsu and Ashwsllthorps, &. in 1728 ; ma. in 1717, Mary, dan of Sir John Miller, Bart., and if. in 1796, leaving isane, 5. Rosxsir, late Lard Bsrnsrs. Of this nobleman Dogdals says: “It is ferthsr observable that he was a person nat a little etninent for his learLung, and that thereupon, by the command of King Bnan VIII., he translated the Chraairfoe of Sir John Freissart out of French into English. Etc likewise translated Out of French, Spanish, and Italian, several other warEs, viz., The Life of Sir Arther, es .Ariaaricaa Knight; The Faraooo .H.eptoifs sf Ilagh rio JI’iorrfoesr; Marcus Aisrrtisss; and the Castle of Lees. hIs also composed a book of the Dafiossf lhol,shatite,rts at f’atais; sad a comedy, intitnied It a iw Vi,ioa:,i.” 95 PER 1797, Anna.Maria, eldest sian. of lbs Rev. Charles Miliazd, ehancelior of Norwich, and it. in 1037, having had by her (who it. 20 Jan. 1046): 1 Ocarge-Knyvet, rear ados. RN., or. end had issue (we past WsLaos, BY.); 2 Edward, io holy orders, rectorofToperoft, Norfolk, so. l2lIay, lall, t.orrelia, eldest dan. of John ICing, Esq. of Frame-Selwoad, Somersetsitire, and has a son, John llracebridge, and three surviving dans.; 3 Willism, licut. R N., it. tunis.; 4 Charles, capt. El. Ca’s. Service, it. antis.; 5 AacnseeLe (Sir), Part., G.C.B. (sec Wss.soa, Br., dstft’a); 6 Philij,, of Lyttn, Norfolk, sir. 31 Oct., 1927, Jane, youngest dan. of Lionel Self, Faq., and if. 29 July, 1066, leaving two dane., harm, st. 1249, to If. Edwards, Esq.; and Adclaidc, or. to the ltev. E.-J. Gregary, mittor canon of Bristol Cathedral; 7 George, hieut.-col., ci. and Itas hoses; S Roland, chaplain, Slicernsis Dockyard; 9 Jatnra, of Preston, Upper Canada, ma: Carohittr, dau. of S. Strowlger, Liii. of l,’uelph, Upper Canada, and has four dana.; 10 Frederic, of Clinton, Upper Catiada, ,a.Janc Slacdonald, and itao issue; II Arthrsr, Dent. lath regt., if. ooc:. ; 12 Jelrn-Conabe, of Cosiph, Upper Canada, to. 1514, henrietta, dan. of ltobcrt Ailing, Esq. ltD. of Guciph, and has lassie; 11 Ilsrbsrt, reclor of Fritton, Norfolk, as. 16 Slay, 1849, Harriet, 5th dan. of Thomas Antyot, Esq. and has issue t 1 CharlotteElizabeth, sir. Lisut. Henry Ainsinek, RN., and has lame. Lag.; and SnrUy, to the Rev. Roger Keddingtan. mm. Elizabeth, ire, to Ccl. E.-V. Syrr, and had one sea. and left two dana., Ilary-Letitia Cramp, ma. Renry-WilBam Lord Semen; and ii. 30 Sept. 1856. Harriet Crnmp, irs. 1st, Johrmi Sheppard, Rsq. of Campssy Ash; Sadly, the htou. and Rev. Robert Whaon; Irdly, the Very Rev. Eda-ard Newenhans Itoars, Dean of Ivaterford. Ash Saffolii. as Basow Hnnwnus, by writ dated 53 April, IRIS. IfnNEY-Wms.Lraztt, present peer. I Sept. 1851; a. let, Emnma, dan. of Ccl. l’igott, of Doddershall Park. Bucks; and Sadly, htts consist, harriet, widow of John Sheppard, Leg., and dan. and ca-heir of Ce]. George Crsmmp. rf Alsxtrn Itall; by thse tatter lady he had tseoe, Harry-William Pigetl,b. 11 Feb. lell; ti toot. 28 April, 1453; and Eaiata-htamsxirr, to. 1 Nov. 1553, to Str l5cnry- Thomas Tyrwhttt, Dart., by whem she had lactic, dye baa ond one dan. Ito ii. 10 tIre. 15.50, and his widow was or, Irdly, to the Very Rev. Edward-Newsnham Reare, Dean of Waterford. Norfolk, Eaq., who it. in 1a19. She it. 8 Feb. 1857. 23 Oct. iSIS; she if. 10 Feb. 1865, their don., Charlotte Chester, in. the Rev. Sallabory Evsrard. Norfrlk, and has issue. lr,I, Reunetrmesr; 4th, Ps,asraaasar; and 5th, RaasEsrs. Sa1sporfers—Dexter, a falcon rising, Ivings clesated, avg., Srats—Ashwellthorpe, and Kirby Cane, Narfolk; and Keythorpe Hall, Leicestershirc. BERNEY. BERNET, SIR HANSON, of Park hall, in Reeelham, Norfolk; S. in Dec. 17S0; no. lot, 1811, Anne, s’]dost dnu. of Honey Tahourdin, Esq. of Sydenhaua, cu. Hoot, which lady a. a. p. 14 Jan. 1838; anti 2nr]ly, 1812, Agnes, dan. of Mr. Thonaas Peck, by whom lie has a sumi,