Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/149

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BIll The baronet a. in 1688, and was a. by his eldest son, it. SIR MICna.EL, who vi 1sf, Maria, dan. of Colonel Tnossaa-Bniateann, present baronet. Richard Whitlcy, and had TREOP5TILUO, his successor; Snsannah; Fhioby-Anse, salt Aug. 1816, to Henry Usborne, of Branches and Charlotte. 185 sic. anrily, Elizabeth, dan. of Ehicabcth, Nov. 1840. William Boyley, Req., and by that lady had three dane., Sarah, it. 30 July, 1865. Arabella, Sarah, and Bridget Sir Michael ‘4. 2 April, 1718, Sir Joseph ii. in 1633. and was s. by his son, III. Stu This gentleman is. Carow, dan. of t’rcuGost—30 Sept. 1831. Sir Charles Lyttelton, Bart. of Prankley bnt dying without Ai’i,,o—Ar., three Sears-dc-his, arg.; ess a chief, ef the last, isosso, in 1743, thc baronotcy dovalvad npon his kinsman three ssinllels, in. (refer to issue of Simon Biddnlph, Req. of Birdingbnry, son t’ree,’—A nionsi, von, tlserenn a hare, ta. collared, arg. of Sir Theophilne, 1st baronet.) IV. SIR TnrornsLuo, who so. Jane, only child of his uncle, Seal—The Itaslcs, Preseot, Lancashire. Michael Biddnlph, Esq., and had (with four dane., Jane, deceased, Sasannah, Elizabeth, and Charlotte-Stabdlla) three sons, i. TIIEOPn5LUS, his successor, 8. 28 March, 1783. is. Jelin, in 11013’ orders, to. Sophia, dan. of Sir Charles- William Wheler, Barr., and it. 19 Aug. 1837, leaviog, I Jolts, is holy ardors, who Ia. Francis Wilnsot, but if. s.y. 20 Ang. 1837. 2 William, to. 17Apr11, 1841, Hannah-Sarah, eldest dais, of Br. Nathaniel Walleck, RICo’s Botanical Garden, Calcutta, aed if. in Jan. 1082, leaving one sos and one dna. 3 Trever, it. onto. 4 Francis, d. oRal. S George, E.I.C.S. 1 Sophia, it. in 1838. ]. twins. in. William, d. noel. Sir Theophilns, it. in 1801, and was e. by his elder son, V. Sin Tnr.ornscua IlInnuLpu, who is. in 1784, tlonnab, dan. nIH. Prestidge, Req., asid by her (who died in 18d4) had, Prom WALTeR Bsasnorr, who came into England from, 6th baronet. Charles, capt. tIN., it. users. 24 April, 1815. Edward, heat-eel., CB., RICo’s 31. Art.. m. Lanisa, dan. of Colonel Kelly, aod has hail issue a son, Edward-TlseophCosPrice, Tnnosva Btsonesrp, Esq., SIP, for Gatton, in 1542; whn it. at lloodarabad, 28 Oct. 1864; and three dans. Simon, capt. in the infantry, so. Anne, dan. of Francis-linenson its. Ellzabeth, relict ot William Scot, heq., and only den, of Siddulph, Esq. of Annamore, Ireland, and el 25 April, Sir Edward Belknap, lint, privy conncillnr to Heonv VH. 1823, leaving one dan. henry, in holy orders, St.A., rector of Birdinbnry, Warwickahirc, Snosex, where be afterwards resided. Ho was a. by his son, and rural dean, so. 1 July, ]034, Emma-Susan, 1. Sin TnnosAe Bissnos’?, list. SLP. for Gattoss, and only dan. of Jahn Nnttall, Esq. of IVorley Bank, Worcester, sheriff of the so. Snrrcy, in 1503, and again in 1602, wbn and 1. 19 Sept.1967. havinc Isad issue a dan., Aelelaide-Enssna, was created a Baronet 23 July, 1628. Sir Thomas lived to so. 26 Oct. 1868, to the Bev. Hnmbcrston Skipwith, san of an advasscsd age, and was e. at his decease, in 1656, by his the late Sir Gray Skipwiils, Bare. Chanlette, it. 30 Sept. 1983. Fmnces-Anne, is. 9 Jnse, 1610. to Admiral SirWilliam Parker, 11. Sin Enwo.nn, wlao, dnring the civil war, suffered fine Bart., G.C.t1., and has two sons end six dans. Sir Theophilns et. 38 July, 1841, and was e. by his son, VI. Sin Tnnopnsrrse, 8. 18 Starch, 1785, who in. 11 April, Thasset, and woo e. by his only surviving son, 1625, Jane-Bebocca, dan. of ilobert Vyncr, of Eathorpe, co. Itt. Sin Cncis., who to. Ansse, dan. and heiress of George Warwick, Esq., and by hen (wlao d. 80 Starch, 1843), had, Berry, Req. of Cnilom, Oxon; and dying in 17t5, was a. TneoensLes-WiLLiAas, present baronet. Laura, si. yonng Jane-Constance, its. 6 Jnne, 1888, to, Sir WilBam-Biddolph sole heiress of Henry ttunch, Esq. of Newington, co. Oxfsrd, Parker, Cart. Creation—2 Nov. 1664. Arsoe—Vcre, an eagle, displayed, arg. Creel—A wolf, rampant, org., wounded on the shoulder, ppr, Boscawen, 2nd dan. of ltngh, 2nd Viocosmt Folmonth, and Ifs Molts. Seat—Birdingbnry Hall, Rugby, ce Warwick. BINGHAM, Lonn, eec LUCAN, EACh OF. BINNING, Loun, ccc HARBINCTON, EABL OT. BIROIL BIson, SIB TBO8IAS-BERNARD, Anne, to. to the lion. llotert Brudcnell. of The Haslos, co. Lancaster; 8. Frances, tee. is Sir George Vanrrn, hill. 18 March, 1791 ; c. his father, as Catherine, re hot, is Sir Charles Cope, Cart.; and lndly, to 2nd baronet, 22 Aug. 1833. ILl nrac. TH0MA0 Btncn, of Liverpool, son of Caleb Birch, mayor and eventssolly sole Iseir, of John Hedges, Roq. of Fimschley, of Whitehaven, in 1777, sa. Eleanor, dun, of Bernard Bushby, co. thiddlesex, sod svao A. in Sept 177;;, Isy his elder son, Gent., of the en. Cnmberland, and left at his decease, iii VII. Sin Cncmv, who having cst,’stshishcd his ehaint to the 1782, an only surviving child, I. Jeocon Biucn, of the Haslea, co. Lancaster, Req., (See Zoucne.) His lantlohip, ovho was 8. Ill 11cr. 1751, vi. 1. 18 Jnne, 1758 ; who was created a Baronet, 30 Sept. 1831. 17 June 1782, Harriet-Anne, only davt. assd heir of William He to. 6 March, 1786, Elizabeth-Story, 3rd dan. ef Bessjamm Sonthwsll, of Hampton, itt Glonceotcrohh’e, Req., and he Heywood, Esq. of Liverpool, and had by her, who d. 18 Slay, 1818, had issue, 99 - IllS Ilsywood, 3. 1584; ii. in 1834. lark, cc. Suffolk, Esi. Jfeetn—Lil,orlas. B IS SIlO P P. Bxasanpp, Sm EBWABB-CECIL, of l’arhatn I5nrk, no. Sussex; 8. 23 Feb. 1826; s. his brother, as litla barnnet, 15 Dcc. 1895; sit. 13 April, 1817, Mary, ossly dau. of Rear-Admiral Taylor, of the Brazilian Navy. Sir lfdward was formerly in the II. N. he esrved through the Syrian war of 1840, and has a modal and clasp, and the Turkish medal. ILihIrztgc. Gaveesty with Hercnv II., through a long line of disthagniehed persons, descended assd Hcnnx VthI., tsy whosn he acquired a large estate in only snrvivittg asn, and imprisonment for his devotion to the royal cause. Ho sic. Lady Nary Tnfton, 4th dan. of Nicholas, 1st Earl of by his only son, IV. Sin Ccciv. This g’esstleman sa. Elia-olsoth, dan. ussd and wan e. in Oct. 1725, by his eldest sets, V. SIR Crcsv, SIP., who so. in 1726, the lion. Anne had issue, CeciL, his successor. Tltosnss, a eslonel in the army, d. nsssts. Edward, one of the clerks of the Treasury, and afterwards commissioner of the salt-tax; sobs es. Jane, don, of Wil hans Atkisson, Csq. of Fall Shall, ‘by sehain )whs so. 2ed13’, lIe 11ev. Lncins Cochdan, hl.U.,and it. his seidew, 1634) he heft at lois decease, in 1792, an only child, Gessnr, in holy orders, who inherited as 8th bert STarry, colonel in the army, who stand Isad a nunserons family: Ins only sncvivinC son is Slajor—Geseral Cecil hlis— shspp, C.n., to. Clarissa-l’ltihipps, relict of Liene. Logan, of 11.31. 41st regiment, astd dan. if the 11ev. Thomaa-Franeis I losison, prebendary end treasurer of Cloichester. Cisarisite, oi. so Sir W. Slaynard, Itort. harriet, to. 1st, to Thsnsas Drn,nooer, Rsq.; and lndly, to Nathaniel Bance, Esq. Charles, 1st Carl st Liverpool. Sir Cecil ci. in 1778, attd woos, by his eldcst 5051, VI. Sin Ccciv. This gentleman to. Snson, eldest don. bai-nny of Be la Zonche, in sight of l,ia mother, was snmnooned to parliament so Ilaron lie ho Rosteho, 15 Aug. 1810. a