Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/170

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Bbs I Fraooes-Harriet, sa. 19 Juno, 1815, to Loots Loyd, Esq inn. 2 ItLorgarot-Anselia, so. Foh. 1843, to llrnry-Ketf ‘tanspson, Esq. of tVitelsinghnns hall, Norfolk. 3 Adetaide-Paolina. ltear-Adoiiral Irby ‘1. 24 April, 1844. ill. Williosn-Angns;os, io holy orders, b. 28 Nov. 1785 t if. 10 Jlarels, 1087. iv. Pool - Anthony, in holy orders, rrefor of Cetteslsreok, Iii I’iii Northonsptonslsire, 8. in I 7e4 se. 1st, in 1814, l’atseoceAnise, cutest stan. of Sir 07’. Ito Ci-esptgssy, Start., and by lies (who ‘1. in 1831) hod isssse, I Classde—Fresloriek, is. in 1515. 2 Thonsos—W’illiase, in holy orders, 8. in 1817. 3 Aogaslsss—ltenr , 8. in 1818, major ‘is the :srnsy. 4 Edward, 1. 14 Stay, 1021. 5 Leonard, 8.18221 if. 1e36. 0 Algernon. 0. 1825. I Frances-Anne, ,. 14 Sloy, 1850, to John-Cotton Powell, Esq. 2 Caroline, ass 1sf, 27 E0h. 1849, en the Rev. Septimsss 5. TnnasasFrrvs-ssesm, 8. 5 April, 1830; no 25 Aug. 3004, Stoekdole, rector of Withy, eo. Northampton, who 1. 11 Slay following; lsssllv, 11ev. ttotsert C ihhings, vicar of ss. George, hi holy orders, 8. 2 Sloy, 3837. — Iladley, harks. 3 F.nssoa. He so. Sadly, $ Sept. 1976, Wilhelmina, eldest fan. of ilavid Iv. Williamn-F’totclser, heist. U.N., 8. 2 Sept. 1840. i’owell, Fsqef l.ooghb’n, Essen, nnd ‘1.10 Feb 1805, having v, Ftnlsert, 8. 21 Slarrh, 3842. by tier (elsa ii. 28 Jssly, 1812) had issue, I George-Powell, 0. in 1818. 2 Panl-An;lsony, 8. in talC; 1. in 1940. He so. 3rslty, 9 Aug. 1049, Augusta, dun. of ihe tate John-P.. vlsi. Idossm’y, 8. 29 April, 1530. Cowell. v. Edward-Stolhoen, 8. 21 Slareh, 1788, an officer in the 3rd sis. Lesey-ilarriet. regt. of fact; killed af Tatavero, 27 July, 1809. vi. Charles - Leonard, capt. tt.N., 6. 9 Clef. 17991 is. 1825, Tho fasnily ssf Baughoy, one of asstiqntty in tho ro. nO Frances, dan. of John Slangles, ttsq.; and ,1. 3 Pee. 1045, having hnd (wish a don. Frassees-Elieahetl,, s.22 Nov. 1809, Stafissrd, hoaonso oxtissol on the dernion of Gessrgo hlassghey, to the Rev. R.-J.-lto,vard iliac, NA., Vicar of Sattun Plsq., 11 Feb. 1788, svho tsoqssnatbest hia rotates to his eunsiss, Coariney, RatIos) a son, Jolmn-Josaes-Clsnrles capt. in time Johsss-Fessls,ss Fletcher, Eosl., suiTs of army; adjnfant of Ciselsco Ilaspital, 0. Ii Aug. 1878: ci. I Sin Tn,sisao Frortison, of Ilottey Cnnrt, 00. Stafford, 15 April, 1896, Iteneietla.Ftiznballs, etsiest stats, of the 12ev. Bait. (a,’ as’eotesl 21 Asig. 1790), tsy Assmse, dacs. ansi heiress Tisensas WoItsole (s’’ tiaroen, E. of), and has isssse, I isO J’shn Fesston, Eoq. ° of Newcastle, amid had, with his Charles-Leonard, 8.4 Ateil, lah7 : a eon, 6. 11 April, loGo I Franeos-Raehset-Gertruste; 2 Ttles’asa-Slorgorel; 3 Henrietla-tlorosheo. successor alressstv sssessth,ssad, twss davis., via., Assantaaia, vu. Adatphun-Frederiek, in hnly orders, 8-in 1797,1.29 April, l”ranaio Tovesnl,sw, En1. of the Hill, en. Chester, and if. 38 1865. s. Charlotte, it. woos, in 1848. ii. Albinia, ii. 21 Aag. 1839. us. Clsristian—Elhnsbetls. Iv. Angosla-ttlatildo, as. 20 Jan. 1873, to the Rev. William inhas’ifissg his essssotn’s eofakeo. Sir John as. 9 Feb. lien’ Holdswarfh, 5LA., ineenssbeist of Nolling I liii. v. Anne-3larin-Losdsa, so. in 1817, to lleni-y—John, Lord Selney, toy, Sbuffarsiobire, lsy srhs,us (wba 4. 22 Jan. 15.18) he had, sehe 1.10 March, 1839. His lordahtp 7. 22 Starch, 4885, and waco. by hia non, Goonar, 3rd bonus, hi.t’.l.., 8. 24 lIce. 1777; who so. 17 Oat. 3801, Iiaehsol-t eec, eldeot don. aisd es’-heirs,f Wittiasss Gearge-l”enton-Flolcher, 8. 9 tept. 1813 ci. in 1812, MatildaElvira, Brake, Req. of Amershasa (sioseessetert (nuns the Brakes of Shordeloea, and the Garneyanf Roylansl Hall), and by her IVilltans - Fenton — Flelelser, barrister—at-lao’, reaomder of (who ii. 6 April, 1820) he boo had iaane, Gronnr-lvrs, present peer. Witliam-tlrake, 8. 10 Sopt. 160$; 6. 18 Oct. 1835. Aogostns-An;hony-Frederiek, 8. 13 Feb. 10201 ii. 22 Slay, RoherlFenlon-Flnlehes’, 6. 10 Sept. 1922. 1866, Jessie-Angusra, eldest dan. of Sir T.-Slontgomeey Clsas’les-Fessleo-Fletelser, eapr. u.N., 8. 12 Dee. 1823. Cnninghanse, Start., ona has a dao., 6. 22 Oct. 1808. Lleseeltyn-Chorles-t;obenl, MA., in holy oriters, reefer of Anne-henrietta, i,. 21 lane, 1832, to the lOon. and P1ev. Emrar,l—Rs,lsert—Brnee Whiston, eo. Northampton, 0.14 Nor. 1122; as. 1 July, t845, llenrteBa-llorothy, ass. 1836, In W’alter-i’. Giffard, Esq. Emily. dnn. of Jenothoss Bullock, Essi. of Faistkbonnn, Essex. Anastasia-Ehizaf,evh, s’s. 1st, 20 April, 1910, to Edseard—.Joaepli Eechei-Ensily, as.7 Slay, 1810, to Willions.Jones t’roo-se, Esq., capt. RN., ,rlsa d. 1860. Charlotte-Isahetla, ns. in 1827, to Thomas, Earl of Orkney. Fraeees-Slotil,ta. Frederiea-lllonia-Losdsa, so. in flee. 1840, Ld,vard lfssssey, Esq., Elieahesh, si. to the ltev. Robert Payreli, perp. curate of non of Edoe. Slssssry, Esq. of tioltrins, co Sleath. Georgina-Alt,tnis. Calherine-Ceeilk,so. 11 hlarels, 1052, to Lient.-Col. WalterCoutfeild Sir John if. hiss 1822. Pratt, late 67th regt., son of Cal. Pratt, of Cobra Castle, en. Cavan. Lord Boston if. 12 Starch, 2856. Ceenfiass—P.aronet, 13 AprH, 1704. Baron, tO April, 1701. Aessss—Arg., freely, sa., on a canton, gss., a elsnplet, or. f’s-cot—A Sns’aeen’s head in profile, sr., o’re:sthed abosst the Cnnsht—FoeTnnon: a plole, elsarged with a pheon, par pale, temples, arg. assil so. Sajspsetera—Two antelopes, gis.,00eh gorged with aehaplet, or. points alternate, or and arg., a back’s head, ermisses, atfined Jfslla—Honor fidehiatis prRmitsm. Seaf—Hedsor Loslge, Slaidenlsenil, Bssclss. Tasess Hsssaa—d, Belgrave Square, BOU B 0 U’ GREY, Bouongy, Suua THOBAS-flETEStER-FENToN, Barb, of Aqualate’, an. Stafl’orsI, b. 22 Jan. 1809; 8. an 3rd baronet, at tbe decease of his fathnr, in Jnne, 1823; alL 27 Dea. 1832, Lonisa-Paulina, youngest dau. of Thomas Giffard, of Cbillington, Esq., and ban bad isotte, Sarssh.Assnlsella, only dan. of llorrstel Littledale, Enq. of I.isaos-sl hall, thashire. 555. J,lsn-l”cnten, heist. 2s:d foist, 6. 8 Aug. 4829 ; 5. 186,. vs. Walter, 8. 7 April, 3844. vms. Francis, 8. 2 April, 1048, i. Anise. t Ill ctt. 1. ssnsss. iii April, I 548 ; Nihoalsetls, sss. 21 Jimmie, 3811, to July, 1862. Sir’l’lss,snao ‘1. in 1612, an,1 was n-by his only son, fI. Sin Js,siso-Frmo’cssw llaunnnv, SIP. for the en. Stafford, wtss, hail nsossii:esl, lsy sign-manual, the hotter osn’naiase, ass rictta-llarudhy, elsiest dan. of Sb’ Joins Chekwode, of Oak’ TssnsiAs-FroTcsmrn-FnNTos’, present baronet. Jolsis-Fentan-F’leleher, in holy orders, rector of Fenton, cc. Sholtord, t. C Jane, loll; sf21 June, 1853. dan. of Ilon. G.-W. Oftley, ofAntigoa, lieesf.-enl. 59th regt.; ,f. 20 July, 1635. Shrewolsssry, 8.9 Nov. 1814. Rslward-Fentan-Ftetelser, b. 1 July, 1018. Anehitel-Fentnn-Fleletser, 6. 4 Pee. 1819; nssjor Slit regi. ‘7.5 April. 1896. Flelsling, who ,f. 1031. Sinyllse, Essl., eldest san of Sir E.-J. Smythe, Dart, of Aetoa hlartoss, Shsropslsire, and was left a wielew in 1841. She mis. 2:sdly, IC Slay, (548, to Eduvard-ilenry, 2nd non of fhe late Sir Eslorard Slosl>n, hart. hletstnn Slonk. Salop. Cneehioss—24 Aug. 1799. Arise—Quarterly: IsI and 4th, sa., a cross, wavy, nrminoin, belareen fssssn ustates, each charged with an arrow, in bend, dexter of the first for Frrvrnrn; 2nd and 3rd, arg., Circe bucks’ beads, erased and offrssnfO, ermines for Bornnnv. erneine and so. Rosrnnnv: out of an Eastern eroovn, gold, Ihe ansI collared, of the first. Malls—Nec quserere mice spenssere henorem. Sea t—Aqualate, Staffordslnre. * Jonis FENTON, En. of Fenton Park, in Staffordshire, brother of Elijah Fenton, the poet, was father of TisessAs FENTON, Esq., harristee-ablaw aad recorder of Newcestle, chose siass. and ce-hair (by his wife, Anastasia, dan. of John Cradock, Esq. of Betley), ANNE FENTON, iso Ssa Tnoaian FLnTenrn. il [Uaj Is. Louisa. iv. Solina-Iiesss’ietta. BOSWALL5 BAttT., see ITOU8TON-BOSWALL. 120