Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/183

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BRO West Suffolk from 1830 to 1850 ; so. 3 Dee. 1830, Katherine- a. lixvasassx-Couusas, present baronet. Isabella, 3rd dau. of John, Duke of Itatlaud, aud by her is. Wsliiam, 0. 0 OcR 1021, in holy orders, rector of New (who sI 20 April, 1840) had, Faenaasea-Wsr.s.iaas-Jonw, present peer. AUOUSTt5S-RENRT-CEAB.LE5, Rb. for West Soffolk, 0, 2 Ang. 1837; so. 30 July, 1861, Maclana, youngest (lao. of the late W.P. Ilodoott, and widow of Ashton Benyon, Esq., heat. 63rd regt., of Sletchworth Paris, and has Charles-IlenryAugustus, 0. 30 June, 1062, Ercderiek-William.Fane. is. 8 Nov. 1863, Waiter-John, 1.20 Jan. 1805; liorvey-Ilanuors, Is. s. alaria-Eiieot so. 20 July, 1039, to tiso ltev. Edward Jlomv, 10 June, 1860; and a dan. Joho-Wiiliam-Niclsolaa, is. in 1841. Franeia, is. 16 Oct. 1048. Elizaisoth-Froderica, (1.1 Jane, 16Sf. Adoliza-Georgiana, sa.’29 Nor. 1066, to Viscount Pools, eldest elder eon, Sm BEaaAax1N-C0LL5N.o Dacron, the 2nd and present coo of Willtam.Thomas, 3rd and present Earl of Claurarty. Mary-Katharine-lsabella. The marquess sO. 30 Oct. 1804, and was .s. by his eldest scsi, Crealioss—20 Aug. 1034. Ennuxnsrx-WsLLsAas, 3rd and preaeut Marqueas of Bristol. civic wreuths, vert. Crratiene—Baroo honey, 23 MorrIs, 1703. Earl of Bristol, 19—i dexter cubit arsn, erect, hsnlding a civic wreaths, aa Oct. 1714. Olarqnoes of Bristol and Earl Jennyss, 30 Jose, 1820. in the anus, witis three arrows, osse 4n Onset and two in collier, Arose—Go., on a bend, org., three lrcfcils, slipped, vert. Creel—An ounce, passant, sa, bceantsi, dtsrally collared aed Jtenisls’ssco—Cawley house, Oxford. chain reflexed over the bark, or, holding iss tlse dexter paw a &ot—Broosno Park, Betelswarths, Surrey. trefoil, slipped, vest. Ssspporiero—Two asences, sa., becantd, dtseaily collared and chain of each refloxesi over the bark, or. .lIsflo—Je n’oseblieray jansais. ,Seof—Ickworth, Bory St. F.dmtsnds, Soffolie. Toss’s Hess.srs—Komp Town, Brighton; 6, St. James Square, London. B R OPT E. Bgomg, Shot BENJA3ION.C0LrJNO, high shoriff of Suffolk, in 1864 ; 6. 26 April, 1812; Bart. of Boxford, en. Suffolk, s. as 3rd baronet, upon the death of his brother, F.R.S., MA., Profoosor of Chemin. 24 Fob. 1SSS;sse. 27 Aug. 1853, Albinia-Marits, 2nd try iu the Uuiveraity of Oxford, S. dau. of Thomas Evane, Esq. of Lyusiuntes-. Sir 5 Feb. 1817; 0. his father ae 2ud George, pursuant to the will of his matornal grandfathor, baronet, 19 Oct. 1862; at. 11 April, Shrubland Hall, Suffolk (whose baronetcy became 1848, I’bilotbea-Mas’garet, dots. of extinct at the death of his son, Sir 3Villiam.F’nwlo Mr. Sorjaaot Thompson, and has Fnwle-Middletou, the 2nd baronet, 2 May, 1660), jas (so, e. PsvoAassee-Vssoxss’r.SxLs.oN, 0. 18 Jssuc, 1502. ci. .0. son, 0. 0006. s. Margaret.Aune. ss. Idss-Pbilothea. iii. Lilian. iv. Ethel. v. Ofary-Isabai. ILintRsIC. ALEXANnEn Bnonsu, of St. James’n Wcstnshssstcr, 5. in IPSI, the descendant of a younger brasseh of the asscient This family, which, has been of itself of impartaneo far Scottish fasuily of Brodie ; us. lhrgaret, dan. of l’eter Shaw, several eessturioa, traces its resuoto dcaceut to a commosa SIP. ; and si isa Jan. 1772, loavang, with othcr issue, a dan., ancestor with the BoocxusefLeiglslea, tlseBeccxns u/Forless, Elizabeth, sss. to Thomae Dessmass, SOD., father of tlse lot Lord Denmass, sessrt a sues, The REV. PETER-BELLINOER Baonsc, rector of Wiuterolow. baste’s Laose,i Ccols’y), nauaehy, Wiltshire ; 8, 17 Nov. 1742 ; who us. 1 Nov. 1773, Sarah, W5LLIAM nn ux Banoan, of Leighton, scu of AnAM, Lord 3rd dan. of Benjamin Collins, of Miiford, Sahiabury, mad of Leightoss, antecode,,t to thc reigsa ssf heNRy III. dying 10 March, 1004, left issue, a. Poter-Bollinger, of Lineahs’a-tnn,, and an less;p. Heeeov VIII. (4th sou rd Thonsao Broke, of Leighstoss, eminent c000eyaaeer; Is. 20 Aug. 1770; 555. 1st, ElizabethMary, by the heiress of Jsshsa Parker, Moq, of Cs’penhali), was dass. of Sntton.Thomas Wood, Esq., by whona (srlse ‘1. father of 0 Slay, t023) he had issue. He s audly, 1st June, 1826, ItnauorBooxu, Req. ssf Nactess, is, Stsff’sih, wham. Elizsaheth, Susan-Mary, dan. of Jolsn Margan, Esq. and by her left hoireon of the Heeoaavno of Ssseeex, a,,sl had a sass a,,d hoir, issue. ii. William-Bird, late SIP. for Salisbury; 1.26 Sott. 1760; us. )toanuv Boson, Esq. of Naeta,a, who was n. by Isis sass, 1st, lo Ccl. 1010, Louisa, dan. of Thensas ttassey, Esq. of Ssa Bsenxeu Baoxn, K,st., of NasA,’,,, wise so. in tha Salisbury, by wham (who si 20 ltarch, 1116) lie lead issse, of time of JAMES 1., Mary, dan. of Sir Jolsn Pssckingtcn, Dart,, which Slary-Hisssoy us. 27 MorrIs, 1015, Jansos-Gay Sawkisu, assd was n. by isis sen. Esq. Me so. 2ndly, 0 March, 1026, Frances, dass. of rIse 11ev. Ssa RODEnT Bacon, l3art, of Nactass (so created at the Richard ltnntley, of Baxwell Coon, in Gloacesterslsire, and Iteotoratias,, 21 May, 1601), wIse m .0.nne, dan, of Sir Lionel had issue; he 5:1063. 155. Baxjaassx-Cna.Laios, created a Baronet. iv. Charies-G cargo, alderman of Salisbury, is. 22Aprii, 3700; witlsant msslo issue, in 1003-4, the title e.rJis’etl, and his us. in 1025, Catherine-Sarah, oldest doss, of Waltor itay, Eaq. of Wickon Hall, Suffolie, and has isssse. nephew (tho son of laia brother Wiilians), s. 3targaret, so. to lice Irex. at. 2iarsh, chatseeilos’ of tise dlieose se. lot, his cousin, .0.nsso, ynunger dan. anti co-heir of tho of Salisbury, and rector of Wintorsiosr, and is drceased. deceased harosset, but by her Md cia s;srviving male issue, is. ataa’y-Jano, N. Cooper, Esq. of Bavertrre, Wilte. The third non, 1. BcaejAaosa-Cuta,ssee Baoose, P.R.S., DCL., earrespondiug and heir, mensher of the Institute of France; sorjeant. Boosts, Eoq. af Naeton, whso sa. in 1732, Anne, surgeon to William IV., and to Queen Victoria; and Pronidesat don. and en-heir of Morti,a Dowea, La1. uf St. Edmtusds. of the Royal Society; one of the nacst eminent stir- bury, ossd was e. by his ossl’ sass, goons this country ever produced; was 0. at Wissteralow, Pnserr Eneste, Rag. of Mactan, 8. 15 May, 1749; us. Wilte, 0 June, 1783, and having entered the surgical profeeeiou, Elicabetia, dan. and aveastuatly heir, of rhe Rev. Chas-ica rapidly ruse to the higheet practice and distinction, Bessumont, of Wttnoshona, in Suffolk, assd S’y her (who ri. and was created a barunnt, 30 Aug. 1034. lIe us. 21 Slay, 25 Jmse, 2032) left at his decease, 20 Aug. lOssi, 1816, Anne, 3rd dan. of Sir. Sorjeant Sollon, and by her rasLsp-Bowrs.VsaE. created a BaroneO, 55 below. (who 5. 36 July 3801) had issue, 133 Alcesford, hauls; so. 2 Oct. 1044; Lady Maria Waldegravc, 3rd dan. of Williaos, Otis Earl of Waldegrare, and has isssse, 1 Aifred-Waldegrave, 0. 13 Nov. 1021. S Edgar-Waidegrave, Is. 19 Nov. 1027. 3 Vilfred-Leslie.Waldogravo, 0. 0 Jssn. 16ff. Elieabeih-Slaeia, 5,5. 3 April, 1006, to the Rev. Sidney- George Guilans, and si. I Slay, 1000. 2 Anne. 2 Mary-Arabeiia. who ,I. 1063. Sir Benjamin Ecudie el. 10 Oct. 1602, and was o. by his baronet. Arose—Az., on a elaovren, between tflreo nsulieis, arg., ilsrce points tnsvards the dexter, org. slfaito—Unite. BRODRICK, BARON, 360 MIBLE3’oN, VtscouNT. BROKE-MIPPLET0N, BROKE-MIBBLETON, SIR GEOIORE-NATHANIEL, of Broke Hall, en. Suffolk, roar-adm. RN., CE.; Sir W.’Fowle Middleton, flrst Baronet, of uooumed, by rssyal licence, 17 July, 1860, tlse our- name of Middleton aftor that of Broke, anti the arms of Middletosa qosarterly is) 61cc first quarter with those of Bruke. He was moda u CR. and a knight of the Sfcdjidi4 for his servieso in command of H.M.S. “ Gladiator,” during the late war with Rtssaio. 3Liiicztjc. created llas-asaeta is, 1662, and the DRunKEn of JIe;v (666 Ssa RsenAEts Buoxu, Ksst., chief baron of the Exehoqssor, Toliemoeho, East., lsy whom ho had two slaus., bnt dyhsg Roomy Denim, Req., became of N’actos,. This gosatlomass Ho sss. 2ndly, Elieaboth, doss. of Sir Jnhsa hlcwytt, Bstrt. ssf OVarosloy, isa ilusatiaag;lesiohh’e, anti by that isedy had a sass Charles (Sir), it.C.B., nsajor-geo. in Ihe aroay, 21.P. for the BRO