Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/190

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]3R0 3Lfl1rauc. Flit family of llolthonoo onmo originally from Cormany, Araaz—h’er pair, an. and gas., threr cr0000ntt, arg., iasnarn and sottlod at Minehoad, no. h’omorocl, wlaonoo towardo Iho thorefrom as nsaeyeatailes, irradiated, or. clooo of llao 17th mutiny, they romovod to llrtatol, of which tist osbeile, as in nba areas. city soon adtorss’ardo thoy hootamo tonttdorahlo mcrolianto. shssdder ss’hlh ass ostalle, radiated, or, Dt:xmsiin Ilootiot’oo, Enq., it. in ld$2 ; at. Mary Spraggo, dfohle—Spos vitte nsebiorit. an hoiroot, and had ivsno, I. JO5IN, hit Itoh’. ii. I loan’, of Clifton, it. in 1714; who to. in 1738, Jano, dan, Toanjt Honee—42, Btrkolny Squat-c. of Jainos Bannistor, Esq., and ]oft issue, I lltot’3’, it. in 1713, who so. Sarah, dais, of thn 12cc. Bicltard Jonkyns, canon of Wells, and srao father of TuE BronT ]toa,]tcsny ltoenortE,of lladspeo tlossto, Ia Sontoractahire, tome tuna nuder socrolat’y of atato ; 8. 1 a 1176; s. in I sod, I larriot, 6111 data, of John Turton. Lag. of Sssgssal, and ‘1. 1834, lsaviog by tier (trite it. 7 May, 183$) had issue, henry, 31.8., of ttads;tots Itonac, on. Soaacraot, barrister- at—lair, t,, in loll; to. tat, loaF Ctsartotte—Etrtsria, hIts dan. of Jamot, 3rd Lord Tatbot do Sta]ataide, and by lIar (silo tt. 1655) Itatl taasto. ito at. Sndly, in 1559, Fraticos, oldett atati. of tIm Very flay. Tlaontas Gait— ford, B.])., dean of Chs’istehnroh, .sttd if. It Fob. 1862. E,totnn,t, ‘I ha Ill. Sloe., lIlt., rotirod Bishop at Notaoa, Jana, Lord of Drossghton and Charloots, es. Stafford, testsp. fornaorty vicar of St. l’etcr’a in list East, Oxan, note Ilcxny VI., was gs’assdfolher of vicar of Itotalt itig. Soatorsrtthtro, 8. in 1817; t,t. 1st, 1 Jots. 1819, tltizahoth, 2nd dan. of Con. the bton. John ftsonann BnnuassTox, living 5 hlrxtsv VII., so. Margaa’et, Itrodriok, and by her (a-ho tf. 12 Oct. 2064) ttaa issato. dart, of Mtsgh Sandford, of Soss,lfs,rd, aasd was father of Ito a. Sadly, 11 Jan. 1868, Anne-Maria. yonnoott litanAsu Bautnoruw, livhag 24 llcxnv VIII., whe ma. dan. of the tab floe. TIc. Witlianta, n’ardcn of Now Catharhie, dan. of Btohacd Astan, of Antosa ; atsd (heir son, Cottcga’, Oxford. ltcginald, its Italy ardors, rector of St. ten, noar Lit— TttessAa BECUOnTON, living in 1588, so. Mary, dan. at Leard, Cornwall, 8. in 181$; ti. IS Ang. 1851, Caroline, Frassrtn Boot, of Swinobed asad Laxtnn, Notta, and was 3rd assrriving dao. of Sir D’.—S. ‘lrclawns’, Bars. Artistir, MA., Q.C., 8. in 1819 ‘st. 1845, Slary, 2nd dan. father of a san and heir, of Thomas-henry t’arrcr, Erg. harriet, as. to the nov. tlonry Jonk-yns, TIP., canon of liinsstrsloy, a widow, asad q. hoc had a son asad sncoesses’, Das’taost, and profottoc of divinity in Itairhant Untvor— Tsunotxo Bnuuoora,as, Eaq., st-ho was fitted £3200 by the city, and ltaa ittats. Catherine. Eliza. Etoanor, 7. 1643. I Jane, at. to John Freeman, Etq. of Lottan, Horofos’dahirr, llns.ssc, bin heir. atid had tttroo daus., on-Iseirs, via., Jane, trite of list Bet’. I’etoc, of Losadhasn, Sbus, ancasiss af tb present PETER John I.illy Elizateth, of Joseph ltlissco, Bag.; and Abigail; of tho Boy. Was. Dosnvilc. s. tally, st. to Jotast Slaidntan. The older cost, Jonas tlonnasroc, Eaq. of Woothnry Collogn, Otenoostorshire, Story, ti. to Jolsn Offley, Btq of 3ladoly, en. Stafford. w,ao twtoo effaced the repressntatiosa of the city of VIto elder ten, Ertsl’d. lIe left a sets assd sssc0050s,r, I, Ttnseo.aattae Itnoatnuac, Eoq., 8. in 1757; wIts was croatod a Earanot, JO March, 1 fdg—l. tic sit, isa the same year, a Biacottot, 22 Don. 1812. lIe at. lot, (‘harlot to, don. aaad Bridget, dons, of Sir Thosssas Lncy5 of Charlccate, and hod heir r,f Somtasl Cans, Jtaq. of Chatstry ]innon, Wilts, lay six aotts, whom he had issno, s. Touts-Cats, taste 0mm Pnnrnnena. it. ltoss)asnin. an olltcrr its lisa army, fell at Waterloo. ni., 8. 1791. to. 1811, Mary-Anna-, dan. of sv. Sposseos’, lienl.—coli,tirl its she sls’saav, anal govet-nor af Cape the late John Palmer, Esq. of Calcutta, awl 8. 22 May, 1808, V. hiarrea’, d. s.t. Itaving had isoue, I John — Byron, I StIa tight infantry, lsittnd its aotiats in vs. Charles, sshoro ssn, Charles, of ltambnrgh, mccohasst, as. AFghanistan, Jan. 1842. 2 1 Ionry-Machonzic, ‘7. ysatng in 1838. 3 Cssaaeno-Paan, lIeS., lseir-prcsaamlstirs to Ilte baronetcy, 5. 1825, ii., anal taas issue. 4 Arthnc4’ano, 5.1820. 5 Bdward-Aloxandnr, st 17 Jnly, 1852. I Charlatte-Stary. i. Charlotte. Sir Banjamiss a’. 2ndly, tss 1783, Ansolia, doss, of the Rev. Joihusa ttarry, and asttst of Sir Edward Parry, hy wham (n’ho to deccoond) ho had isone5 i. Edn’ard-Ieaar, formerly a lirnal. mad capt. Coldstrcansguards, privato secretor1’ to Sir John ttetshoatae, at tile War Office, the Irialt t)fiice, and the Itsard of Control, and genttnman issiser in tlte hosssctsohst of Ilor Slajesty ; as. 4 Jon. 1832, ltester—Clsarlattc, lila snrvinhtg stost. of list late Lord Gravra Ha 1. ha Jsaly, 1785, and st-ass. by his eldest son, and it. 16 tbtoy, 1881, leaving iasuc, Angnstsas-Stco’act, 8. 11. Sin ‘fitassas, who ii. Ithada, data. of Jolssa Amconts, 23 April, 1833. is. ‘I honaas-tten)amin, harrisltr-at—law. i. Amelia, a. in Nec. 1841, to Thoosat-Daly, Esq., son of the i. Atnteatt, . o.js. in 1700 ]atn ttonnnick Daly, Esq. of flaln’ay. Shn ,t. 18 Jan. 1867. is. Saphia-Elizabeth, so. 17 Jan. loSS. l’s Boyd Alexander, it. lIesaw, Itaic to isis fahlanc. Fig-. a snngor son of Alexander of ttalisohmalo, and it. sv. John, srho sts. and Isad a st’n, Esdan. 190cC 1889. on. llarriot-Tlttodoca, st. 27 llay, 1823, to list flight 15ev. i. Ithoda, Sit. to Sir J. llsthand, Itart. of Ipaboy. George-Traces Spcsscor, bisisep of Madras, and aftorss-asds n. Mary. chancellor of St. Fool’s, nho 1. 16 duly, totS. iv. Julia, to. 21 July, 1838,10 11ev. C-F. 315cm, and is den. v.Sarah—hlatilda, stt. its May, 1827, to Cotton llassglaiaschi III. Stu Bnsaas. This gnntlesean at. Elizabeth, only dou. Branralcono. vi. Catltccinc, as. 30 Slav. 1828, to John-Williant Fano, Etq., wham iso had a son and two dttua., nanooly, Jane, w:fa of and at. 6 Nov. 1828. ass. Joanna. st. to the lice. F-S-A. Face, 140 a-____ I3ROUGHTON. tuttcat. Fnascrso Bo.euutsrow, livissg 32 Easz.onorts, who bit. Elltsa snqssostratssrs, tar late loyalty 8” I{issg I. He so. Fcanoos, dais, of Sir Harvey hlagot, Bart. of Bhtthfiold5 eo. Stafford, and had two anna and three dana., ItnoconvoN, Bsg. of ‘l’onotoll tIoll, Solop. (Sen Emaxa’s Lsta,( 8 (J,nti’y, p. 160.) Elitatictia, ‘7. Vital. Dorothy, st. loP. Cavcndith, Eaq. of Dsvnndgc, no. Dos-by. I. Stat llstsAta Bnnuonrotn, lInt, of Bs’onghtosa, was created s. Tnossas, his sa000stor. is. Peter, boncher of lIst huddle Tonsplr, sb. °‘ itt. ttriae, Ia.C.L., id e litli. ia 1710. Coast Castle, on lIsa coast of Africa, ti unto. Asane-Ehiaahetlt, dao. of ttaross do ltcrteglao, and had Charles, solso sit. Assnt-Ehioabnlh, dau. of Borsa do llertoghe. and left issase, 1 Chos’Ies, of lIst Andit Office, ,b. net. 3 Vtlltam-ltohort, capt. ln.N.,, wIse sit. Jominsa, dan. of Sir Thomas Brsasnlalon, Earl., osid 1, its MorrIs, 1821, tosartsig (srills Iltrea ihoos., tlso s-ossssgett of sciasm, Penelope, tit 10 1529, use tlov. W.-Spcnoor l’lahlliptj ann son, William, as, capt. ll.N., s’ho at. tdtiza, dna. ofdohn Fccfnnt, Etg., banker, ‘, of Foulafracl, and 8. 17 Aug. 1549, baying four dam. 3 Eriass, rector of Long Itil toss a,. 12 July. 1025, Fs’annes, Sod don. of ttan)ansin Fagg, Esg., late of IVostldhana hail, Kent, anit 8. iii 1538, Inavisag a dots., Ft’ancts. 1 Assno-Elinahclh. 2 Char]arto-htacin. 3 Itoeriot, to. to Daniel Steno, Esq. 4 Caroline. Esq. of .(ystrop, eo. Litsooln, ossal hod iserse, its. Thansas, 5. nest. Sic Thonsat woes. isa 1700 by his oldest essrviving son. of Sir Thomas Delven, Bat-n. of lta’ddissgtnst, no. Chaotor, by Sic Bosvlassd Hill, Port. ; and flhizabnth, who ci. nato. in 1723; and hit anovasoec, 13R0 Ci’catina—Barl., 22 Bee. 1812. Bacon, 1851. .ini—Pot of a csncal cmasan, pcr pale, an. and gn., a crescent Sejtpaa’teas — On author side a horso, so., charged en thn Soso—Cltatttry itonte, Wilit, and Woatbnry College, GIosa ceslertlnoo. EnouonToN,SlnI-JEyIpr DELVES, of Brossglaton, en. Stafford; 8. 1810; 8. his father, as 9th baronet, 3 Nov. 1851.