Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/191

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BRO IV. Sin BRIAN DR0UGWO0N-DcLvss, 1. 0 Jan. 1717—10; Ariss—Arg., tv-n bars, gn.; on a canton of the second, across s. in May, 1738, Mary, dan. of William Forrester, Esq., C,ctt—A sea-dog’s lscsd, go., erased and fismed, org. lip., by whom he had two sons. Sir Brian assumed the &ola—lloddinghon PanIc, Nanta’iels, Chesisire; and Broagistan lurname of DeLves in sonsplianee with the will of his grandjather, Sir Thomas Delves, upon inheriting that gentleman’s sotate in Cheshire.* Dying 11 Aug. 1744, ho was e. by his ;lder son, V. Sin BRIAN Bnouonvoa-DcLvsss, who a. Mary, dan. of thomas Bill, Esq. of Tern, iii Salop, hnt dying s.p. 10 Jan. i78 6, was .‘. by his brother, VT. THE 11ev. SIR Tisoasxs, who os. 1st, 31 Marob, 1768, Mary, dan. of John Wicker, Esq. of Jlsrslsam, Sussex, and by her had issue, JoaN-DeLves, 7th baronet. Mean-DeLvEs, successor to Isis brother. Thomas-Delves, so. Hester, dan. and heir of Jobn-llewlls Legh, Esq. of Addingten Ilall, by whom (who ci. in 1821) he bad two sons, Themas-Delves, and Lewis-Price, isl,o is,. at Simla, 26 Dee. 1867, Mary-Fdicabotb-Randell, eldest don. of Major-Hen. Fmnlc Turner, CII., royal Bengsl arlillery and five dans., of whom, Mary-Magdalene, so. 10 April, 1634, Archibald-William Blanc, Esq., a nepbcw of Sir Gilbert 0. Joves, lie-st. R.E., Is. 1844. Risne, Dart., M.D., and Laura-Anne, 5,,. Charles-WilliamSelby is. Willians, 1. 3040. Lowndes, Esq. Mr. T.-D. Brsoghten 11.24 Jan. 1616. Charles-Delves, so. lsi, ltary-Anne, dass. of M. Atkinson, Esq. sv. David-Linsssnd, 5. 1053. of Staple-Hayes, near Lirhfield, which lady ci. in 1022. lIe s. Elcasssr-Oalc. Os. 2ndly, 0 Ost. 1625, Csrsilne, 2nd dan. of Col. William Its. Ehicaheth-Snoith. Greene, auditor-gen. in Bengal. lie ci. 11 Feb. 1860. Edward-Delves, so. Eliaabetb, dan. of J. Bath, Esq. of Modhtonham v. Isahellss-Gilnsore. Mall, in Cornwall, and left by her (wIse ci. his widow, 13 March, 1857), a son, Edward-Delves, of Wistaston Mall, WALrcaus Lss Bnuw, or Bnow, progenitor of the Danuns co. Chester, who ss. 1847, Penelope, sister and sole heiress of the late Jamcs-Wslthahl Hamosond, Esq., of Wistsstsn sf Osbisse, was Osse of tlsc witssceses, witis Quecss MATILDA Mall, who ci. s’ssn. 7 July, 1804; by this marriage, Sir. Edward-Delves assd twcssty-tws nobles, ts the inqnisitisss en chssreh lands Brossghtsn hss an snly child, Edward-WatihallDelves, in Glasgow, nssdc by Prince DAvIn (in 1156), slnring tho I. 20 Oct. 1848. Maria, ss. to Thomas-Langford Brooke, Esq. of Mero Idol], Os. reign of his brother, ALexANDER I. Wsshter Is Drums attendod Chester, and ,l. 16 Jano, 1841. Emma, so. to Lient.-Oen. Coghlac, and 1/.22 Olareh, 1820. Henrietta, sc. ts Traffsrd Tralford, Esq. of Onghtringion tlall, CsLavnue, in Iladdingtessohirc, and OL.saasLsssssLs, in Berwickehire. co Chester. Elks, so. to J.-Wm. Clsngh, Esq. of Oxted Hall, Yorkshire, Sm. Dxvsn s.E Bnuss, Baron of Csslstonn, who dsvised to and ci. Feb. 1856. Jemima, ns. to Capt. William Broughton, CD.. U.N., and ci. ths Abbaey of Helyrsad House ‘‘lassds and acr,ss is, territories his widow, 15 Jan. 1863. Sir Thomas so. lndly, iso 1707, Lady Anne Windsor, dan. of ALEXANDnR II. and the health of his ssn.” Sir David was Other-Lewis, 4tls Earl of Plynsontis, whioh lady dyissg issneloss, one sf the witnesses, along with King Davsn 1., in laying 0 Ang. 1703, he ss. lrdly, 1704, Mary, dass. of Michael the foundation stone of the abbey of ltslyrsad house, 13 Resting, of no. Cork, and widsw of T.-Smtt Jackson, Esq. May, 1125. ‘his descendant, Sir Thonsas d. 23 July, 1813, and was e. by his eldest son, fealty at Derwick to EDWARD I., Ii Aug. 1200. His descendant, VII. Sin Jonre-DnLvEs, a genoral in the army, who as. 5 Jnne, 1702, Elizabeth, sister of Sir Johss Egorton, Dart, of idstssAnn LE Bees, kocper of the king’s peace in C’nmherlassd, Fsdton Park, co. Chester; and dying a. p., 0 Ang. 1817 (his widow nrsrvivod until 27 Jan. 1857), was a. by his ssext ssohlcsncn who headed the conspiracy occasis’sse’h by the brother, VIII. Tan Ear. Sin HENRY-DELvEs Bnouossron, Dart., Ssn Wss.LlAss DneuN, 0th L’aross of Colstsssn, iss the rcigss 6. 10 Jan. 1777; who so. 15 Jsnse, 1867, Mary, only dan. of of JAasns i., is, Margaret dc Annand, os-heiress cf the John Pigott, Bog. of Capard, and by her (who ci. 26 Boo. Barossy of Saneby. This Sir William Bronn was warden of 1803) had issne, 1. Mrwnv-DELvE5, present hart. ; is. Deli-os, the West Marches: his grandsoss, in holy orders, b. 23 Jan. 1012; os. in 1835, Jano, dan. of WILL5AM Beousc, 0th Damn of Calstoun, who flourished George Bennett, Esq., and by her (who ci. 22 Sopt. 1600) in 3480 and dewsswards, was lord-director of the sourt of left issue, Dcs.vns, Is. 1838, as. Jssly, 1001, Angnsta, elder dan. Chancery. In deecont from hins, the 10th Baron of Cotstossss, of George Arhnthnot. Esq. of Dronghton; Eleanor-Mary, s,s. 21 July, 5864, to Wtlltam-Charles Newoombe, Bog. of Upper Oeonnn BaouN, sss. Jean Slay, dass. of Lard Tester, anoestar Eyarth, near Rnthbs, Dessbighsbire; and Mary, sss. 11 Mar. 1865, Christopher John Hnmo Tswcr, Esq. ; iss. ThamasDelves; lady consisted of this lameua t’et.’tsssn Pess-, which lIngo sv. Spencer-Delves, lient.-ool. royal art., ci. is do Ghfford, of Tester, who ci. iso 1207, her resssstc ancestor, San. 3067; v. Alfred-Delves, sst. 1858, Clemence, dan. of the famed for his necronsantio powors, was sssppssod to have late C. Fallorini, M.D., of Sidssey; several dans., of whom, invested wstb the extraordinsas-y vtrtne of aocnrtssg, far tho Henrietta, so. 23 May, 1840, the ldev. Wm. Once, of Sherbonito, family who nsight psssess it, ssssfailissg prospesdt3-. This Os. Warwick; Caroline, os. 27 Fob. 1851, the 14cr. Palladissm is preserved at Colstonss with the care dne to so Arohibald Parts, MA.; Mary, s’s. 0 Jan. 1838, the Rev. singsslsr an heir-loom, which regardless of the snpcsvttion, Walter Clarke, son of Liesst.-Gcn. Clarke, and ,f. iss 2844 must be esteemed a very wossderfssl vegetable cnriosity, Jane, sss. the 11ev. Charles-henry Mainwaring, rootor of having existed for mesw than five contnricc. By his marriago, Whitmcrc, oldest snrrivissg son of the late Admiral Rowland Slatnwaning, of Wbitmoce Hall, Staffordshire; and s. OcoaoE, hit heir. Laura, to. 20 Ost. 1840, John-Compton Manl, Rag., barrister- n. John, whose line ended in Anclahnsia Bronn, who so. at-law. Sir Henry d. 3 Nov. 3851. Creefion—lO Marsh, 1660. * The family of Delves, one of consideration for centarios, in the counties nf Stafford and Chester, derived in direct descent Mc sO. in 1008, and was s. by his eldest son, from Sir Henry Delves, of Delves halt, brother snd heir of Sso GEORnE Dnnua, 17th Baron of Coletonn, who sa. Margaret, Jonse DELves, who, in the 20th of EnwAisn in., was one of tho dan. of Sir D. Slnm’ay, of Stanhopc, Hart., assd bad two sons, four esquires who attended James, Lord Andhc3, 1(0., in tho French wars nuder Enwxao the Black Prince, and who, for i. F.s.vscsce, his snccessor. their services at the battle of Psietiers, were rewarded with an is. GeotsoE, to whons his father granted, by chsrtes-, the annuity sf five hundred marks among them, and were allowed an addition to their arms sf a chevron, bearing a similitude to their saptain, the Lsrd Attdlcy’s coat. 141 __________ Baouy, Sin roLL3Asl, of Colatonn, en. Hadshingtcsn, 5. JnIy, 1894; c. his brother, aa 9th baronet, in Dcc. 1858 ; as. 18 JnIy, 1843, Elizabeth, second dan. of the late John Smith, Eeq. of Drnngan, co. Ayr, and has iasne, ItiItgrcgc. Qnecn 51AT5LDA (wile of Dxvsn 1.) ts Scsiland. and obtained fsr himself and his posterity tho haressios of Tic was s. by bee san, do Colstsnn,” for prayers to be saist “far the sc,nl ef RALPH LE DEeR was one of the Scottish Darens who swom then a portion of Scsthss,d, svas ossc of the principal dsmsssd of the Charters iss the year 1223. Silo grandson, of the hIas’qness of Twccddahc. The dawry of this George Dronn had isane three sons, itobert-Alexander Dslzcll, 10th Earl of Csrnwstls. ILL. Wilhians, who as. a dan. of Swisston, of Swioton, snd had issno. His line is represessted tlsrongh six direct descents by Williasn Bmnn, Esq., now of I, Hyde Park Gardens, London. Baroisy or Lsirdslop of Thomydyke, Dorw,ekslssre, and who was known as ‘‘the first Laird of Tlsomydyke”; Ise sss., and had three sons, B R 0 of thse fielsi. tlall, co. Stafford. ‘1 1- 555. John-Smith, 5. 1033. is. Maniass—hhcssdcrosss. sv. Mary. vs. Anna-bl’Dryde.