Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/214

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BUT BUT neont. Mr. Alderman horton sra.s leiitgtitod ion the viceroy 3L1 e Lord Harnieptosi, and ‘rae created a It O1i000T or To Os_ANt’, 5 Sept. 1758. lie ‘a, 31 :Lrgars_t, oldest il:tn. of htsolsard JOnN SToo’.snr, the founder of this family, was a nato ‘al Morodyth, Essp ci’ Slns’w-land, co, 11 ildore, hi’ w’lians lie liol Ssii of Rieg bonena II. There is a tradition that his one son and five clans. • Sir ttlen’len il, in 1771, md veto o. ‘‘ ‘thor’s s_santo was Lotteh. Ala sit the year 1385, the king by his soa, oree toil the islands of Itnte,,tn:no, : nd (‘umbrae, will, II. Sin Cn.s errs, of Pollaoton, wise or Cathes toe ,ttr, i their portins nts, into a o osnty, and conforrod Iho offioo of dan. of John (UnITe), 2nd 1,ord Ilesart, by svtstase be hid j hereditary shes if thereof an .1, ‘his Ste,mrt, his son, with a e. ‘nst lerssl Ic ‘cant if hoot. This gn nt wasanbsequontly s. Co set_ass, 3rd baronet, — , ._ , isv Ring llesnr.r,T Ill. liv charter dated 11 Nov. ii, Jeha, a captain so Itso 1 lb hoist 4,o’s’ns, 1, is lab. ‘ .‘ itt, Iteojatnin, tote liens, tn sIte 1 JIlt lancers:,, It rave— 14sf, lIe cc, Joan, dan. of bin .1 ,,lnt ,Sosople, of Ehotstonn, Ann, only ruth of W’ittta,o ltoi,crla, Essi. at It, Gloater’ tisil h:sd issue, ,Jaxro, his heir ; Millions, ancestor of the place, Porlnsas—sqoare t and 1. to ls:t4, leac tog issoe, Ott warts of l”ennoek : Robert ; John; and Andrew, ancestor I C HAS LEs-WtLL5.sat CL’rre, present l’anoaet. si the Stessarts sf ttosl:ussl. The slIest sin, 2 It alert, i. in I o45. Jaatrs Srrn’.iin’, sheriff’ of Stole, appears to have beets 2 .d’slplsas—W’itttasollesarl, Cit., lions-eat,, Isle tilt sirs- ts, ion in 1299 and a, his falser in 141:1, 910 sa. asset hart goon gnarda t. I Rt7 :, . 11 .issise, 1062, Sapbio-Loidse, tss,se 1 Ni eisa’ his heir ‘ 2 Tonics : f ttileatt,sss ‘ S HarlOt sian. ci lice site (‘cii. On Jaissi blade, l,ant., CCII. ‘ 4 Aogssstsss. 1. an infers, of Aelsaa’otsk ; and 4 John, Tue elite’ t son, 1 Cattsersse-Anoe-sJ,cttos’av. Niensw Sens,’,see’, sheriff’ of Itosto, 8. in 1489, sat his 2 Adelaide. ‘ fssthor’a death, in t477, lie rei,snlt the Lisojon, s,r great is’. William, en tie 1914, Morn, el’iest sian. asd co-heiress t,saeen of Itothosay Castle, by order of Jaaseo IV. lIe ‘ci. of Saaiart Sker, Esq. sit Spring firs,n e, neae besvdly, IVorees— lot, a da,s, cf the house of C,ssssphott, snsd bail by bier, torah ire; and 1. to 1028, Ieavtsg lasso’, 1 ,T,saieo, his botr ; 2 Itohert, :ssseester of lb e Stewarta ct I Wtliissos, a Iteisi. its site gnarils, ansi atcle-ile—eanip to Aisihrisssei,re : o Wiltiassi, ntis, islsleeai’o tss have 1. s. p. the ls ing of Banana, b.Aiig. 1st 2 5. It Jidy, 1919, ‘‘‘‘is,. anst 4 Jsssset is, to Nhstsass llaiiiisityiie of K,iiaeos, isa But 0. 2 Iaasaet-Stsc’y. 8. 103 It si 98 Sell. 1881, Sasan hirislasve Ntist,,is Stesiant, a,. fssdtv, Js,iset, otasi. of Csissstaistine Buss- 4 cit-i iIa silas I Tisanis Mitts: L t of Lesee let ‘sib Ic Iii it ilk and 13 hos isasl s n tu bib std ‘ins_c tai 2 Cusarles-,r,ssnos 8. 1s24. ‘ of lice Stass’sints sit 1.argttzano. I Ic si. Srdly, Ehlealeeth, I Jtas’y—L’eotssi, ,f. t 595; etssn. of .1’ ‘Iso Blcdr5 (if Itlair, essict liv her bssd, Alexaisder, 2 Catuioriise-iar,shi. svtso 1, c, ; 7, iiitssn, of Nether K ilisscry, Kililavaisais, asset 1 Lnev-Canotine, ,,. Ic Atfeed—Cani iogtais 1 stole, Baq. Ktle.sttsen, :,tseestor of the soesisct f:sssnly st Stewart of RiP as. Ilietuarst. eatlssis, sf the Stewsirts sit .5 ses’g, thee Stoss’sirts of B’sthtistoy, vi. George. , os. Aiilrucssi ascii (ps’s’] scsi ‘13’) she t’sseileressgte fssncilv. The i.Graen-Aaisa, . ta lhccary l5anltoses’, Lt’2. of Castle shortff:stepears tis hssve shsd befoi’e 2 April, 1258, and was e. Taints, Cssrlocn. by Isis son U. Cat tses’tae, a ass J s_sins Sees .s is-c, sheriff asacl s’h,nssl is’rlsstn of Unto, who sit. Seetita, 5. no ,. ssifl’eted isi,seh stssn’sssg the strnep,’le loot owen the Earl of Sir Ctsas’tes if, bus 1812, and eras a, isy Isis ssie, 1.oniss cx ,sisst llie iteg’s_’ist. Earl sf .

a’s. Ste ii. 1st, Lady III, Sac Co.sssLea, ‘o 5 c( is. in 1897, r,ssanisats, st-itt. ol tlrtsselt Csnipleett, 113’ vets ni tie its es nut apiioar Is, has’s .Joolnia-Pant Meredith, Esq., and left at Ins sloee os a dses. , ttssct aii lassie ; and Ondir, Manic ‘is, class. if ,Js’hn F’airlte, ssf Solstiia, who it. isis I °4’l. and si salt, tIe it tiP, sniel relict of Tte’s,isss itoyd, sit 1,nsss, 1 s’other st IV. Sin (‘ii,s_sss_rs, echo it sits_s., ins_I w’sss a. Isa’ its osissoin This ss,a.o, lord ldcce’uh. Lv lion ho hart two sons, Jssnsc, his tlee proseist batosost. heir ; sit It, 1 sent, who dc’, ji.;aso I asia it,sss,, se to Alex’ ancler Shea-is-f, if Kolcpoteos ,rol Itoh, sehssses toss, Jssmoo Cs’ecsttso2 Sepl. 1708. Ste start si, hi I -ifs, soil es,so o. l’s- tnss’.as, An ‘—Pen late, seated I 5]5., a ens’ ‘a, on;’scttcd, or, Jone tSTnUAssT, of Anshissi drtsts, slim if ,of Unite, whes hesineea (san s-sara, ar,.t. attoicile-P the pantiastient at I-.ilti ii osryls, 10 Oct. 1177, as Ciris_is’s a stiss’at ear,sieot, ss sleahen g.issntlos, the i-attn o,cnsssstssic asor I, r ltsiteststre. lIe , s. tot, llssry, dssu, of tsos asIa, sitl tIn. .9’ ‘his Ciinlsl colt of Ski1 ‘nish ssissl had is,,’ hen a oscn, Jone, _‘tfsli’s—Pees prontiehss. Inc siseeo’s,o’. tIe i, Sssslly, 1- vetoes’s11, dais of Sir James Sect_Pelt5 olin, on. Cssrloer. 21 ‘il,ctial’ I, sit Ittusstvrg, bIts, ,esssl (htensso, list by hes’ (srhss ensc. sntstoes’ of I sssgoh Caniphell sf Aehtt:ibs’ook) he Isad no nlsild, 110 ,,,, :srdly, J sass, dass ccl .1’ ‘his Iblair, of that ilk, BURY, VISCOUNT, XLuNat,sbtr,p’. E.ctsu. inch Icy tier lead a son, Jasoes, of Anhtntcss ; ash a dan., (‘n well, c, to Ps susan atow’anf, oh let1, sitton, The sheriff s1. isis tiltS, asid eran 5. 1)3- his suits, Ssn .1’ lIEN Svr’.eav, Ent. ‘ci ,trdns’ lets],, shses’iff of flute, U U T E. who cc-. IiItz.dooth, doss, s nd c lseh’ s,f fuSion Hehctonti, of F’ninsl, Iv us him (svhss cc, tic’ Ity, Sin ,l0xaisslon lc’osulto, of (‘siltstgt is) he aectntned the ont-,te cf F ,strcl, wilts several oltior los cia hi Use eec, lbadsttsssst, si, ssstct was o, iey his son, Sin J sos:s Norm-n, P An,li,is’lrtsts, shsenitT of Bnte, who nsa ot-esitect a Bc’ ‘out qs’ Xis’’ Pros fcc hi 1817 ; and adleonheg t’ ‘ tIme canoe dsinisig tim cmii evssra, sstffened oonstder— cii ciy bs, th I sy disco assd soqsirot cccii’ tea. Sir Joiseos’ as. list 1,;:: 1, 5 ,ntoss_’Il, class of 0in .Issnsoa Cssisiu,b elI, of Anehtssstsi echo, and lint, cnith oilier toasts’, I 1O5ALS, lit, asseresson, ttssiueni, at ‘l’tthtnosstlny, ea. CIac-hsieanisais, one of the buds st seastoss, antso anoa mooted a hiensasei, 23 April, 1797. Ssr ‘ci ‘ent repre’s’aboch the s-a. htcsts’ in P,n’hiatseessl, and esaa ass ict site cossainissiossona ton lice Inoate’ of t’ntan, which he Ilu TE, M,ct,i 360 01” (Sit 11 ihn.I sets tek C twist so- sleedhtir ssstiiensoh. lie rest gusecl hits gsssnn hi ffsroan of his Staant), Lest sef 11 neslescn Vise, cnnt II’ cibtetjo7’, ss( neihean, Lsssgssld Stuart, at Istatr I lalI, tic 1769. tise Isle ccl Wigist ; 1101:011 J1’cssntotnant, cf lVnntteJ’c Sin .Janses 1. hi 10(2 aced essio e. icr lets etstoot sonY co. 1 sink ; fibrous (,‘sss’sitff, of Ossltle C’ssnstiff oil ill Sits Ili OSLO who ,,, Etieai.cctli, doss, of Sin Thoneas floe peei’age of Great ltnttaiis ; EABL OF Dcain’tstess, htothresa, of Fl’sn-laoa, at-id gs’anuhl.uui., uceaternotlr, of 7,1ev- Vinconsot Am, russ_i Lisnsl C’i’ichtccsi of Sssnqcthrsr anti asmeler, tot E:snl of Lea’ois, 1(3’ onions he hash (bosidos clans.) Cnrnnoch ; Eusu OF DOTE, Vioeisssist Ksngantii, Lsin,l tire Oasis, s-hz,, Mouistatnai-t, Cnmra, atisi Iiscbrnas’is,cek. lit the JAN05, Isis aiuceeaoai’, peerage of Sootlohasi ; a flarsenet of Nova Sec tb - Ilcigsdil, at Itlscis’hahh, who having a1qihtecl hiscuself to Ihe cindy Ieos’eslitsory sheriff asiC orcnonor sf the es-i Bus to ‘‘nil of Ilie loon, hceeanse aoao so relet,s’ated Iliac Iso seat appointesi k- ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘ - uiieoeaus,n Ia hits uncle, Los-st ‘i’tltieonttrJ’c as a lent of session eepei of Rotti.saj Caatle , Ia. 1. Sept. 1847; e. Ins sad jeshirtans’, in 1709. tsagol’t Sscsant, 1. in 1211, hesvisig fothen, as 3rd lllonqnon.e of Ente, 18 Vol-oh, 1848, a high ehanaolen for hanson. integrity, and abilby. lIe Mare’, dssss. and holiest of ,Iolan IRises, of Blainhiahi, ee. PerIls, Of Ilse dassu., Grceo eras icc. tue Sir Eshct’arst Nesu’osshssns - asecl had 0 nssnsrros,s taicitly. end Units enino, to John hlowea flonaan, Esq. I Sin Dagotst 1. he 1870, ausd seas a. Icy his elder son,