Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/227

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CAM I. Thomas-Edward, 8. 29 Oct. 1824; vi. 22 April, 1861, Catherine, eldest dan. of the late J. Conlthnrst, Esq. of Gargravo Hall, Yorkshire, and niece of Sir C. R. Tempest, Dart., and A 28 May, ]865. ji. FRaNcis, R clerk in the Hence of Lords, 8. 3 Jan. The baron d, 9th of hENRY V., anil was .s, by his gnsndo,s,, 1829 is. 25 Sept. 1855, Eliza, yeinigost dan. of the ifuon uc C.5NIOVS, 2nd hlari,n Caooioys, oil,,, if, in his late Right lion. Sir Robert Peel, Dart., bedehamber minority, 12 Aug., 4th of lImier VI., when bios Baron3- of wonsan to the Prinress ef Wales, and has FrancisItebert, Casnoys fell into abeyance, and so continned onstil 1635. Of 8. 9 Dee. 1856 ; Rcnry-Jnhian, 8. 17 Nov. his lerdahip’s sisters and eu-heirs, the elder, 1859; a son, 8. 16 Oct aBel; and Jnlia-Caroline. iii. Edmnnd (Monsigner), in isoiy orders of the Chnreh eonnty of Ssoaeox, and had b,ssne by him, of Iteme, 5. 2 April, 1851. i. Charlotte, a nnn. is. Catherine. iii. Eliza, ci. 24 Ang. 1852, to henry-Charles Stivertep, lsAsELLA, or ELI-ZARET5I RAnsIvEnc, who ma. Nicholas Lesvk. Eoq. (see Bunic’s Lsio,ie,t Oeislry) of htinster Acres, eo. nss-, Esq., sad svss grest-graedsssther of Enwose’ Lcw,osso, Northnnsberland, and it. 24 Jnly, 1860. iv. Maria, vi. 17 Oct. 1855, te Sir Charles-Frederick Ins son snd heir, Sia EnwoRn l.E5VXNOt5, seas rest,,rc,h in Ssnythse, Dart. V. Agnes, a nsin. vi, Harriet, m. 8 Feb. 1864, to the lion. Leopold-F’. AgarEllis, Esq. of tlsmolanton, co. Norfolk, and JACOB, LORD hAsTINGs. H.P., 2nd son of Geerge, hat Lerd Dover. CII. Caroline, a lion. viii. Margaret-Anne, oo.29 July, 1862, to Edn’ardPeretra, ea. Snosex, who 1. in the year 1495. Their descendant, Esq. ix. Eleaner-Lsuey, a nnn. His lordship was snmmoned to parliament, 14 Sept. Joins DIDDOLER, Eoq., of Dbddnlpli, wIse so. Mary, dan. 1339, being senior co-heir to the Barony of (Jamoys.5 of Cloarlcs Arundell, Esq. of Iierninsgsham, and had, tiiirac, The name of Caaiors was derived frem the Manor of Camoys, in Cambridgoahire, of which manor lltesirnnrv was seized in the reigns of Ilcasn I. and STEPHEN. Ifis son, ROBERT Fira hlusirnacv, iii. Matilda do Dira, a dan. and cs-heir of Pagan do Peverell. Their grandson, RALrn DC Casiovs, in the 11th of Jonx, recovered the presentation to the ehnrrh of Tanesore as the heir of Hnmnphrey. Ralph Camoys vi. Aseelina, the dan. and heir of Roger de Terpoll, by whom ho arqnired very large estates. lie if. in the 3rd of l{csav III., leaving Ras.rn no Castovs his son and heir’. As his son hors the same name of Ralph, he was called Ralph Camoys, senior, and the son Ralph Canseys, jnninr; and they both appear to have beets oonsi,lered Peers of England. Ralph, the father, it. in the 43rd of HENRY hf. Ralph, the son, was snnsinoncd as a Peer to the Parhiansent called in the 49th of hENRY 111. No snbscqnsnt enrolnsent of snmmessses to Parliament is extant until the 23rd of Emvsan 1. Ralph, Lord Cameys, ii. in the 5th of Rnwann 1., leaving JnnN no Casinos his son and heir. The year of his death has not beets ascertahied, bsot ho it. before the 25th of Eow.cxn I. Halph, Lord Camoyo, the son and heir of Joins, was summoned to Parliament finns the 7th of Ilnwann 11. to the 9th of Enwann Ill. Ho si. hlargarct, the dan. of hVithetsn do Draese, and had three sons, Hngh de Cameyo, who it. withont leone; TnoMAo, afterwards LORD Cassovo; and Sir Joins Cameyo, who ii. Margaret, dan. and co-heir of Richard, Lord Foliot, and P. iso the lifetime of his lirother, heaviosg a son, Tnoaoxe CAaiox’us, who o. his mode, Thensao, Lord Camoys. Ralph, Lord Camoys, was o. by his son, Tnostas, LORD Caarovs, who was constantly engaged in the French wars from the time of his onceesoion to the period of ins decease, and in eonseqncnee is. Ass, svho tsi. Atibhtony Wright, Esq. of 3Voalside, and s-as n’aa soot inelndcd in the snmmonseo to parliament. TIe iso. and had two seno, ltngh and Ralph, who beth it. withont issue i’s the lifotinsc of their father. Thonsas,Lord Camoys, Julie Diddtohph was a. by Isis oldest soil, it. withont son-viving bone, 45 EDWARD 111., having settled Rscnonu Rtnuuxru, Esq. of Bm-toso, who of. ssauui. in alt Ins estates on his nephew and heir, Sin Tisoatas no Cassovs, of Broadwatan, in the cc. CHARLEs Rtnnussn, Esq. of Dmtist, who 5i1. Elizabeth, Son’s’oy, lenight-banncret, an eminesst wiorrior isa the tin,co don, of Str Henry Rcdingfsld, Dart., azad it. ho 1781, whet, of RICNARD TI., TIEN5OY TV., and HENRY V., who cenonsassded he was 8. by his son, the left winog of the English army at Aglneeurt; Jolts’ DtnnnLpts, Esq. of Biddulph and But-Iso, n-ho and for labs services on that oceasieso was nsade a kioight d. us so. its 3835. of the Garter. tie received snminonoeo to parliament as Upon the death of Mr. Riddnlph, lbs present Lord Bas’sacaiisoys from the 7th year of the reign of RICHARD TI. Camsyo, as the heir of his groat-grandosother, Mary liiidvolph, to tho 8th ef hENRY V. Lord Camoys had an only son, Rien.s,sn (Sir), wloo it. in his father’s lifetime, leaving, Muon, sneeesssr to Ins grsndfalher. I - SIARGARET,t of whons presently. ALLA5oRA,$ u. to Sir Itoger Lewknor, of Thorsied Keynes; Ai’ria—Qoanlerly: lot and dlhs, as., tsee tam. ilasectTde. r; and frons tlsis lady sprung, C A M HARRIET-ANNE, Rareness Zourlie. NATSIERI5O, wife of Adin. Sir ti-Il. Pecl,ehl, RN., SIP. SerolA, soidosv of the Chevalier Ferdisna,l do Is Coiner. llnnnavcr Castoys, sa. to RelIsh Radmyldc, ltoq., of the ROBERT RADSITLDE, Ins heir, whose only son, Sir W’lllian, Radnsylde, it. op. in 1499. MARGARET RanstvLne. Ksq. of Kongstos lhowsov, oviso seas atiainleit of boiglo tre.osan bleed osly, iso the lot year of ELIZA5ET5I. The co-heirs of Sir Edwaril are, licNirn L’EsTRAsoE Svvocsios LE STRAN0R, This eldest dan., H0000RRT RADNYLDR, so. John Goring, Esq., of Dnrlon, ANN GoRING, davo. and eventisal heiress of Sir Ilenry Goring, 2nd hart, of hhnrton, m. Rtehard Riddulph, Esq. of Dsddnlph Castlo, in Staffordshire, and had a son, I. ttienoau, his successor. n. ChARLEs, seho succeeded his brother. i. SEen, seho soon 1732, Tuosios STesoR, Esq. of Stosoi; cc Oxford, by ss-hom she hod issue, I Charles Stsnss’, Log. of Stoner, her son and heir, 8.20 Jan. 1717; mIss si. 18 Nov. 1705, 3lary Eagenia, dan. of 3hiehael Rleasb, Esq., ef Ilaplcdnrlosns; and d. 1761, lesvioig by her a son and hscir, Thomas Stonor, of Stonor, F. in 1755, who P. in 1931, leaving issno by his svife: (whons lie ci. in 1795), Catherine, sister snd co-heir of Choarles-ltebert hilmsdehh, Eoq. of Itoce Blundell, Tusatos, Dose herd Cameys. Chcrhcs-ITenry-Stonar, of Lostoek, eo. Lancaster, 2. :Bee. 1798; 01. 13 Aug. 1,928, Snphna, dan. of Jolsn, 2nd son of George Cary, Esq. of Torr Abbey, Devon sod it. in 1840, heaving issne, one son, Cnoaeas Josarn, of Andarton lIall, Lsncaslsire, F. be 1037, si. 3 Oct. 1803, Slaode-Hary, 3rd dan. of C-N. lVelmas, Esg. of Norton Manor, co. Sememet (sec BURKE’s Lrsiuefc,h GriPes), and has a son, ii. 14 SopI. 1568, and five datos , 3lary; Emily; Frances, ub. 1850; Clare; and Engeaia-Slary, sit. 28 Nov. lOot, Chorles-Casar Welmatt, Esq., 49th regt., eldest surviving usa of Noel Welmas, Esq. of Norton Slaner, Somemel. Charles, F. in 1763; om. 1734, Qt,erista, dan. of Thensas Parry, Esq.; and it. 1839, heaviog a sos, Charles. John, F. in 1771; ci. Delco, don. of F’ranebs Chadsviek, Eag. and d. s. p. Hotsry. t. iR 1774; no. Clara, dan. of General Harold of the Ilavarias army, svhieh lady is dveeased. Hary-Engonia, a inns. Frances. 2 Denny, sio. Frances, doss. of G. Cary, Fsq., asd loss iaoooo. 3 Chsarleo, Iieal.-col. iii the Sisauoiolo service; tuo Mary, don. of the hale Cloarhes Bntler, Esg.; and it. leaving two sans, Albas-Chanles, and llesry-Jasoes, both tiarriotcrs-at-lasv and a dan., 1lary-Tloerosa. by him grandssother of the hate Anthoony-Oeorge-Wright Rtddalpho, Eoq. of gnrtoa. 1767, aiod was a. by ho ho-other, Isecanoc the sonbssr ca-heir of Thigh, the last 1.ord Camnya; and ins Isis favosor her Shajcsty was ploaseil tis doterinisie the abeyance of the barony of Camoyo, by susnsmuotbog him to parhiameist by writ, douled 11 Sept. 1859. a chief, arg., for STaNeRl 2,sd and 3rd, or, en a eh,oef, gui., three bezanto (plates), for CAsoova. Soppos’teu’s—Bexler, a lies, or; si,uster, silos, so. Although Lord Cansoys has taken his place is the house Crest—Os a svs’eath, or and as., a rock, org., charged srtth of Lords as sharon of the reigis of RiesioRo II., the cososeocioo spots, go. and as., and a dove, ppr., pceloossg theroa., ssolh a stone, gu., in its beak. Seal—Stoner Po,rk, near tlenley-oa-Thamea, Oxfsrdshire. 20 I botss-eeu Thomas, Lord Camoys, Ins immediate ancestor, and the fonsser Lord Caosoys, is very clearly made out and i eslnhlhshed. t Cs-heirs to their hrether. - 177