Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/266

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CR1 CR1 Judith, elan, of Oliver, Lord St. John, of Bietshoo and TnossAe Pns,iisss, Esq. of Stannier, es. Sussex (refer to issue dying 13 Oct. 1500, woos, by isis only child, of 3rd baronet), as 6th baronet ansi 2nd bacon. His lordship, OLIVER PELstAas, wiso d. in four years aftcrsvarde, when who was a minister of the crown, ansi fined several high the estates reverted to his snide, offices, was elevated 23 June, 1801, to an enrldom, as EARL or 1. Tnomae I’eLsiaM, Fog., who represesited the co ef CsiicnreTen, en. Soeocx. lie ei. in 1114, Anne, enly dan. and Sussex, in the 20th year of ELizanrvti ; was sheriff of that heiress of Frederick - llleinhardt Franisland, Req., and had shire and Sirn’ey in tine list par of Chic same eovereign inner, and was amongst the fleet raised to the rank of Baronet, on the institsition of the order by Janice 1., 22 May, 1611. Sir Tlionias in. Mary, don. ef Sir Tlionias Waleinuht.ani, of Cetsh, Enq.,5 cad ‘1. he 1797, leaving two dans,, CatherineEhieaheth-Ansse, Scadbncy, cc. Kent, suit niece to the celebrated Secretary walssnglsasn by lice lie hail one dais., one see, his successor at his decease, 2 lice, I 624, 11. Sm Tnoaiae, 11.1’. for the cc. of Sense!, nho so. let, George, 15.15., ilishop of Brislot, afternards Bishop of Exeter, Mary, lait dao.nnil colseie of Sir Thoeias It slbrahani, Rut., lsy whom tie had Jona, his secrennor, anil shire incise, lie 0. Ihenrietla-Anne, as, to George Leslie, 16th Earl of htelhes. Indly, ,bodilh Shirley, tnt l’y that lady had no surviving issue and lrdly, Ilargaret, dan. of Sir llnnry Vane, ltnt. of Fair- lawn, in Kent, Ii)’ whom lie hail several children, of whom tier l.aes-, Os. to dshsn, let Earl of Sheffield, end ii. 18 Jan. 1797. eldest surviving eon, Sir Nich’ ‘han Pelham, 41.1’., was ancestor of the family of Ceeane-s-r Paeans, ne t’coschssrnt, SeSacx. Sir this hardship 6.8 dais. 1801, and wan s. by his eldest eon, Thomas ii. in 1614, mel seas n. by his etilest son, Ill. Sin dons, Hi’. for the co. Seenex ; who ci. in 1647, the Tilovan, 2nd earl; Si. 6 April, 1716. Tints nobleman repre. Lady t.ocy Sidney, 2nd dan. of ttohorl, lnit Earl of Leicenter, senled the co. of Sussex for many years in parliasnent; was and had three eons and two daen. ; of the fermer, ThoMas, s. Is the title. Jehs, it. en,a. Henry, clerk of the Fells in the Exchequer; in. Frances, stale for the llnnsn dcpaetnacet. In 1801, has was suuumenesl dan, and ce-heir of John tIthe, Keg. of Sansex; and dying to the louse of /mrds in his father’s barony, and in 1807, in 1721, left (with foesr dons.. Elleatsetha, so. to Theina s appointeit pnntnaaster.generah. He is, in 1881, Stacy-Hen. Pelhism, Req. of Cateflotsi; Gmee, us. In Williann Poole, rirtta-dnlhasa, dao. of b’m’ancts-Godolphin, 5th PInko ef Leeds, Keg.; Frances, a,. to Sir Fssancin Poole Lecy, oslo ‘falbet, and dying he 1826, heft by her (a’ho ii. 21 Ore. 1862), Earl of Sossew), s nsa and successor, Heavy of Stanmere, neho wass. hy Isle hrofher, Heany-Tuonsas, present peer. Fredenck-Thenias, P. 2 Aug. 1806; rear-edmiral RN., CS. JoaN, who as. Anni,cla, daa. of Thontas Bndget, Req., and a tntght of San Fernando, appointed a lord of the Adasileft anon, calls-, 27 June. 1811’; so. 2s4 dnly, 141. Ellen-Kate, dan. of Tnsnsan, n-ho s. the Boke of Newcastle as Lord Pelhana, Bowiand ItiteiscIl, Fog. of Upper Harley - street, and if. of5ranmer. 21 done, 1861. having had issne, Fredeeick-John, P.11 Jan. - . 1012, ii. 14 July, 1812; Frederick-Sidney, P. 21 Oct. 16111 Sic John us in dan. 1,22-3, end was a. by lets eldest nan, Ccinstonce-Itary-Knte, Emily - Blanche; Beetrtee-EnaiiySin Tnsntas. nsrmhcr of all the parlianienis dering the Julia; and Kathsleen-Mary-llaode. reigns of CnaeLeo 11. and of Jansen It., and of the ceovcnlisn- Jshn-Thomns, B. 1)., Pienor or Nsnwecn, LII June, 1811; no. parliament, whecein he protneled tine election sf WiLLsAas ansi 6 Nov. 1841, htens-tetta, 2nd dais, of she late Thomas-William Plaey to the crown of England in whose snhseqoent reign Taltoe, Es,1. of Wythenshanve, and hen Henry-Francis, Sir Thomas filled e sal hisgh efficsal eniploysnent and en a ‘ ill 1049 llcrtsertbisl and an 1840 Shirley few yearn after the aecessssn of ANNe, 29 Dcc. 1106, n-an Mary, ii. 21 daly, 1860. eevatcd to else peerage by the title of Lss-cl PeYote,, Borate Assclia-Iisiae, ,o.1 Sept. 1814, to Majsr—Oen. Sir doehnadchh, Pet/mm, of Lsaghleit -s. Semen. his lor,lship a. 1st, Ehea. K.C.hl., of the royal engineers, surveyor-general of cossvict beth, dan. of Sir William denen, etismey-general to CoanLes prisons, and inspector of nsilitasy priasnn, who 6.26 dune, II., and by that lady had ewe, dons, lIe a. Indly, 1.ady lofld. - blens’,ella-.Tsslsana. Grace Hoiles, dan. of Gilbert, Earl of Glare, and setter 01 Calherine-Oeerginnn, ‘a. 16 Oct 1817, fo the lion, and Hey. John, Dsske of lsesaeaaile, liy n-hont he had, sculls five dane., Loa-ther-.bohn Jlarringtsn, ll.A., rector of Watlon, Heats. tn-s sons, ate., Lncy-Anne, m, 21 Aeg. 1518, In Sir David Beendas, Bare. Tnonias, his sescceseor. ttenry, an eseinene statesman, n-lie filled use office of SecaeTA5Y gnrhdosn, 23 Jose. 1861. AT Wan is 1721, and was then sn-sen of the privy Aeuuse—Qssarberhy, 1st and 411s, aa., theee pelicans, erg., csnneil. 1st 1741, he n-sn esnsltltsle’i Feesa Conssnessoser.n coining hlseasnehyes, pir.; 2nd and 3rd. ge, Iwo pieces of belts, or vein Tnr.esr-ey, and the sante year wan appointed CHANCELL5R snith hanelshen erect le pale, thae btsrklen nspn’ards, erg. or TnE Bxrnsgsa. the was :!lcen’tse constituted darhsg the sbse’sce of she Kieg beyond -the seas, in 1740, Great—A peacock ha pride, arg. 1741. 1749, 1710, end 171?, one of the lards joaltees. .S’,sjqioeteen—Drxter, a horse of a mooee colour; sinister, a Mr. Felhant as. in 1726, Calheeinc, stan, of Jolts Menaces, bear, ppr., each collared with elude, arg., bnchtr and pendant, link eof ttohland t ansi ‘1. in 1711, leaving taste surviving or. dans., she elds’st of w-tsont, Catherine, is,. Henry Clinton, Mattn—Vincil amar patrice. Earl of Lincoln; and Grace, the third, its. Lewis illonssss Watssn, tsr Lord Sondea. His lordship ,l. 23 Feb. 1711—12, and nan e. by his elder eon, Tnsasas, 2nd baron; sets was creatr,t, 26 Oct. 1714, E”ct qf Ctsece, en, Soffetk, and h’iocesesse lie s’gtloo, wish ressnindes, in defanle of male issue, to his Isroilsee, the list’. Itenry t’elhass Th.44444j Raleigh, on. Devon; b. 4 Oct. and ad caisced, 2 Attn. 1711, stilts use name limitation, to the J/acqae.”nte of Cute, and .Dafeesio,s, qf .Nesee’,elte. In 1718, his grace wan elersest a knight of the Garner. The duke having nnhteqnesatly filled ‘cry highs sssinishcs-tal offices (and Isis brother, Ibesry, Icoving only his decease), was eeeated, 11 Nov. 1716, Jti’f’e of li’, with remainder ho I teney Chinlen, Earl sf e.ieseoln, and else heirs omIt ef the eaid tbessry Chisshs,ss, lsy Inn wife, Cathseeine, elstevh i. Aevera, P. 9 Nov. 1848. dast. of the dos-eased thetary l’ehhmass ; assd 4 May, 1761, Isis si. Ndwsmnd, 8. 20 Nov. 1848. grace olslaine,l, sIne’ t1- ,‘reati,sis. else Jts oessy nt’ Pci/scm us af iii. llessey, P.26 Nov. 1811. Macnice, wilts renaaiss,Icc b,s Thessmat t’rllsasn, Fsq. af IliaC iv, itonald, 6. 1 Oct. 1815. a-. Gerard, P. in 1899. place. The duke ‘2. 17 Nov. 1768; nlsen the bas-eny he hind vs. George, 8. in 1861, vu. Patrick, 6. in 1866. isherited, and else hssoonrt first crsnfeorcsh upon lsimschf, expired; the Inetesisna ,,f Newcas;te_assder_l_ym,.e panned, en limited, to Isis nephew-in-law, Ihe Bat-h of Litscoln; and the Barony of Pehham of Sraoisser, n’ith th;e haeonetcy, devalved upon Ts,csssas, l,ie snceensar llens’y, 6. 17111; os-in 1788, Catherine, eldest dan. efThemas and Fanny the yonager ness ‘as, in 1834, to Capt. ,Ianses-hhasnihhon Murray, tIN., soho if. in 1141, and d. 22 Feb. 1860. and finally, Thishs1, of Lincoln; 8. 13 Oct. 1768; in- he 1792, Mary, liii doe, of Sir Ilielsuerd Rycrsft, RarL, assd ml. a.p. iii 1817. Frances, iii. Is George, 411s Viscount Ihidletan and ci. in 1783. Amelia. secretary to the l,ords Nor;hiagton and Casasden, when these nehlensrn filled the office ef viceroy in Ireland, (the former in 1780, and the laltee he 1791,) and sctbnequcntly serrelury ef C,’enie,,o—Barenet, 22 May, 1611. Bamny, 4 Hay, 1762. Scos—Slanmer Park, Len-en, Snesex. C R I C R E S T E B. OBICHESTEB, Sis ABTHUB, of , 1322 a. as 5th baronet, on the eloseaiaa of Isia father, 30 May, 1542; Be. 20 Nov. 1847, Mary, eldest dau. of Jnhia Nieholetes, Esq., and baa bad issue, i. hteatrice, ii. Noenhs. iii Eveline, is’. ficealslisae, By t.ady Btsautsetle Beresfsrd, lain n’ife, sister of Gesogeh4e Ia Peer, let Harshness of tValcrferd. 216