Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/267

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C II I 3Linragc This family formerly called CIReNCE5TER, is one sf the most Charlotte-Elizabeth, us. 15 Slareh, 1048, to the Rev, Richard eminent in the Cs. Devon. Sin JOHN liE CleENoerrers, who, in 1433, wap returned Blanche, in. 10 Aug. 1855, to John-Teller Niehelstts, Esq. amongst else prineipsl gentry in Devoeslsire, by the king’s Creefisa—4 Aug. 1641. commissioners, m. Thensasine, dan. rued heir of Sir William Rsleigh, of italcigh, and wiLls Iser acquired tlse estste of Armas—Chequy, or arid wi. a chief, vair. Rsleigh. lie sees s. by Ins son, JOIIN Cnmemmesvse, of Raleigh, higls-shesiff of the en. Deron, Ssstl—Youlstsn, Deeen. in the 3rd of Ensraan IV.. svhn left a son, Rinnann Cnmcnester., Esq., svho se. Alice, dan. and heir of JoIm Wotton, of Widworthy, and wee a. hy isle eldest son, JOHN Cmemcuoaven, Es0. This gerstieman us. Margaret, dan. and heir of Hssgh Beaumont, Esq. of Yermlston, co. Devon (who was great-grandson of his’ Wiiliam Iiearsmnont, and Isabel, Isis wife, dan. and co-heir of Sir John Willing- ton, of Umherleigh and Willington Conrt), witis whom lse had that seat; hy thie lady he had a son, Enwossu. lie m. lndly, Joan, dan. of Richard Brett, Req. of Whitstassnton, and had AimTa5 (ancestor of the Ciemessesreas of Arlingten) and another son. lie was s. hy Iris eldest sets, EnwAun CmeHeeaer., Esq. who ma. Elizabeth, eldest dais. of John Beurehier, Lord Fitewarine and Earl of Bath, and left a son, Sin Jense Casencerea, Rut., H.P. for tIre en. Devon, The Cnmcnesrrae sf Arlisrgloes claim a common ancestor in 1553 and 1563, and high-sheriff of the same en. in 1552 with the aneieirt honse ssf Cnmenesrea sf Raleigh. John and 3578 ; who se. Gertrude, den. of Sir William Co’ertenay Chieheeter of Raleigh ).recesspru Creienrarrn, Bt of lixeemomi) lint, of Powderbam Castle, ancestor of the Earls of Devon, by his 2nd wife, Jests, dan. of Richard Brett, of Whitstanntoss, by whom he had five cone and eight darts. The 2nd son, Arthur lord-deputy of Ireland, In 3603, was raised to the Asemas Cmenrsren, ef .irlirigton, who was bern lnmsperc peerage of that kingdoem, as Lord Belfast, in 1612 ; ci. a. p. Rnwxnn IV., and to whone his father gave the estates at in 1624, when the hareny ceased, and his lordship’s eehstes Am-lingtnn, which have ever since esnihsned in tire possesemit passed, by wifi, to his brother )the 3rd son), Edward, who was created Baron Belfast and Viscount Ch)eheeter, arid Giffard, of Jlrighrley, and hail isene nineteen eons. Rdn’ard, founded the noble house of Unnegal. The 4th son, Sir the ninth eons, was slahi in ns duel, arid Paul, the eleventh, John Chieheetcr the younger (the eldest eon, of whom hereafter, was a wom-timy captain iii the Netherland ware, anrl wee slain heing also called John), was governor of Carriekfergns, in the Portugal action, in 1180. and lest iris life by decapitation, after falhng into Gaas CnseNesrmmn, of Arlimegtome, great-great-great-grandson the hands of James Maehorley MaeDnnnel, Earl of Antrim. The eldest son was Sits JOHN Cnmenaevnn, lint. This gentleman, who, with eelehratesl Roger Palnmem, Ersrl of Castlernaine, by whom Ire the judge of assize and others, died of infection, eaaght had, with a sIan., Mary, me. to William Faston, Req. of from the prisoners in Exeter Casile, at the Lent Aseizee, irs Norten, co. Gloucester, a sets, 1585, was e. hy hie son, Sin Rnnenr Cnmrneavrn, of Raleigh; who ci. 1st, Frances, dan. and ce-heir of John Courtenay, Req. of Holland, en. yonngeet dan. of John, Lord Harringten of Exten, and coheir, of Devon, whielr lady d. a. p. 16 Oct. 1766; and 2ndly, in 1613, of her brother, John, Lord Harringten, and Mam-y, eldest dan. of Alexander Macdonald, of the clan of bad an only dan., ANNE, who mu. Thomas, let Earl of Elgin, and was mother I. JOIeN-FALNER CN!enrsren, eoi. of the royal Cardigan of Robert, Earl of Aylesbury. Sir Robert in. 2ndly, Mice Bill, and by that lady had a son, his eneeessor, I. JOHN Cnieueeren, Eeq. ef Raleigh, who was mvated a Baronet 4 Aug. 1641. He Ia. Elizabeth, dan. of Sir John Rayney, Bait.; and dying in 1667, was a. by his eldest sort, 11. Sin JOHN, at whose demise, in 1600, withont male isene, the title dernlved upon his hrothsr, Ill. SIR Aavnun, 15fF. ; who us. Elizabeth, dan. of Thomas Thvwe, Req. of The Grange, en. Devon; and dying in 1717, left (with seven dane., of whom Florence in. William Northmos’e, Esq. ; Anne, Francis Fulford, Esq.; and another, Stephen Cassan, Esq.) a son and eoeeessom-, IV. Sin JOHN, ll.P ; whom. Anne, dan. of John Leigh, Esq. of Newpert, Isle of Wight; arid had, with three dans., two eons, viz., I. JOHN, his heir. ti. Wlhiam, in holy orders, rector of Ham, en. Devon, tie. Miss Bellamin, and lsft at his decease (with othee ieeue), Aavnun, who inhm-ited isa 7th baronet. Red. hi 1740, and was s. by his elder son, V. Sin JOHN, high-sheriff of Devon in 1751. TIne gentleman Mr. Chicheeter sir. lrdly, Catherimne Ford, dau. of ths late at. Franeee, end dan. and en-heir of Sir George Chmsdleigh, ef Haldon, en. Devon arid dyhig 18 Dee. 1754, was a. n. Charles Chtchester, of Calverleigh Court, Devon, irs, by his only child, VI. Sin JOHN, who d. uiem. S Sppt. 1808, and was e. by hia first cousin, VII. Sin Aarsua, 6. 25 April, 1700; whom. 8 Sept. 1810, Charlotte, yenngeet dan. of Sir Jamse-Ttamlyn Williams, Bart. of Clovelly Court, and by her (who 5. 18 Aug. 1814) left isene at his decease, 30 May, 1842, ARTHUR, present baronet. George, ci. 8 July, 1848, Elizabeth, eldestyiau. of the Rev. Francis Hole, MA., rector uf Georgeham, Devon. James-John, B.A., in holy orders, rector of Clovehly. Devon, cm. 30 Jan 1850, Jane-Barbara, 2nd dan. of the late John West, Req. 217 C I-I I Frederick-Charles, 5. in 1837, aged 10. John ileaden, 01. A., rscter of Shirwell, Devon. ef South Pstherton, en. Semeraet. Creel—A heron, rising with air eel in his beak, ppr. MeJIe—Firm en fei. C H I C H E S T ER. tCmcnsliime, SIR ALEXANOERPALSIER-BRUCE, Bart. of Arlington Court, en. Devon; high aheriff of that en. for 1868 ; 6. Dec. V — 3rd dan. of ‘I’Isninae Charnborlayne, Req. of Cranhmsry Park and Weetoms Grove, Ifants, and hae a dan., Caroline-Rosalie. kilIca ge, Semsrastslnre, hail a een, of Aniias’a posterity, lie m. Jean, dan. of Sir Robert of Amiss, m. Catherine Prslneer, niece mind heiress of the JOHN Cnienrsren, of £trlsnmgten, who m. let, Elizabeth, Macdonald af Keppeels, nsmsd h:sd two eons arid three dane., rifle corps; nmr. 1st, Olrmry-Ann, dan. of George Csry, Req. of Temr Abbey, co. Devon, and hrssd isene one dan., MaryAmsn. 1,1. to Themes Fitzherhert, Esq. of Swinnserton Pam-k, Staffsnrdshirs. His 2nd wilb wae Agnee hamilton, eldest dams. of Tames Ilaivilten, Req. ef Bangour, N.H. (by Margaret Bruce, sister of the celebrated traveller, James Bruce, Esq. of Eimsssrdrd), by whom he had teens, 1 JnnN-PALNEn-Bauee Cnreneaveu, let haromse. 2 George, captain irs the army, sir. ill aria, only child of Hem-y Warren, Rsq. of Beeksmsham, Kent. I James Hamilton, iii holy erdere: so. 1st, Mary, dan. of Richard Dateman, Req. ef Jdartingten Hall, Derbyshire; Smsdly, Lemsisa Blenenwe, dan. ni Robert-Willis Blsucoo, Eeq. of Dawlish; lrdly, llhary-Anrs-Whyte, dsmu. of Robert Meyser, Req. of Rotham, Yorkshire. 4 Rebemt-Drsmce, barrieter-at-law, Ce.. Ilmmry, oldest dau. of Edward Bloxsome, Esq. of Dursley, Glneeestem’ehire, and by her (wIre iT. 3 Nsv. foes) has issue: his eldest dan. Slary-ElizabethColegs-ove, si. 18 Nov. 1564, Major Edgar Grautleam-hlredin. 16-A. 1 llargarst-Cmo’nhine, s,s. J,mna. 1830, toArmguetue-Sahtren Willett, Req. of Tssplsigh Park, mseso’ Bidsfs’rd, fsrnserly ams sHeer in the Inniskihling dragesmne, isbn, in conephiance with the will of his uncle, John Cleel:snd, Req., assnmnsed the surname and aries of Cs,aetaeis. 2 Julia, 5. in 1815. Sir Francis Ford, Boot., and 5. Nev. 1823. Renera French, nises of Joseph Nagle, Req. of BaBy Grilhin, cc. Comk. and had iesne, 1 Joseph Cbiebsetsr-Naghe, irs. Menm’iett.a, dau.ef the lien. Newton Fellnwem, and bae three semis, hugent, capt. 7th dragoems-gatarde, us. 5 April, 1016, Amelia- lii cry, dau. of Jeeepb Lamb, Esq., ef Axwell Park; NewtoncCharlse; Frrsmseie-5herrard; arid two daus. 2 Charles (Sir), colonel of the 81st rsgt., K.C.T., E S.F., K.C.1.C., 5. 16 llareh, 1791 (a distinguished officer mu the service of the Queen ef Spain); es. in 1826, llaryBam’bara, eldest dau. ‘sf the late Sir Thsmmae Constable, Ban.; and 5. 1847, Isaving issue, Charlss- lialeigh, mssjor its the am’nsy, as. 1852, 1d:sry, eldest dan. and ce-heir of the late James Brshfe, Esq., and lnau imssse