Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/275

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CLA iv. Power-Henry, 3rd diplomatic see. at Rio ds Janeiro, 8. in 1841. s. Anne, rn. 50 April, 1887, to tho TIon. Frederiek-EidoeyCharles French, older eon of Frederick-Mason, 2nd Lord Aehtown. ss. Sarah-Emily-Grace. His lordship s. his fathor, as 3rd earl, 24 Nov. 1837. sv. Cisarles Le t5zrs-, l5.D., in Isahy arslrrs, arctsds-scsan of Ittticagc. The TRENCHES sre of ancient French extraction, and take their name from the seigneurie of LA TstEisenr, in Foiton, of which they are said to have been formerly ler,ls. FRennRsrse no s.a THENOnE came from France about the year 1573, and took np his abode in the eo. Northnnshorland. His grandson, FREnEHICE TRrw-CH, removed into Ireland In 1621, and 1nsrehaahsg the lands and castle of Garhally, with a cotssiderable estate in the cc. Gaiway, established his residence there. He to. in 1652, Anna, dan. and heir of the Rev. James Trench, and had two sons, FREnCRICE, his heir; and John, dean of Raphoe, ancestor of the Lnssns Len. Tewh. The elder son, EnnnEmesc TRENCH, Esq. of Garbally, was grandfather of RLCHARO TRENCH, Esq., 8. isa 3710, who e. his father at Garbally, in 1752, and represented the en. Galway in parliamerit v. Thomas, b. in 1174; 4. in 1795. in 1761. lie iii. Frances, only clan, and heir of David vs. hebe-Itessry, 8. in 1770; 0. isa 1799. Power, Req. of Ces-heen, cc. Gaiway, and of his wife, ass. Robert Ic Peer (Sir), itCh., R.T.S., cal. in the arasy, Elizabeth Keethsg (throngh which marriage lie obtained the nnited fortnnes of the fannlias of Power and ReNting), and had issne, lVseLsaH-PowEe-ICaaTsNe, Ins Isair. John-Power, a major in the army. Eyre-Pewer, lt.-gen., rn. 1797, Charletle, daa. of Gee. Joliason, of Overatene, and widew of Sir John Bargoyne, hart. Nicholas-Power, ni. Jane, dan. of Sir Richard Rntler; and i. Plorinila, as. in 1702, ;o Williasa, dsssl Lord Cashleniaisse. 0. in 1824. Elizabelh-Poseer, at. te John Nagent, Esq. ef Clenleat. Rose-i’ewer, sw. to James Galbraills, Esq. Esther-Power, iii. to Walter Taylor. Esq. of Castlo Tayler, Ce. us. Elizabeth, ai. in totS, to John 5l’Clhntack-, Esq. of Galway. Anne-Power, as. te Charles Cathe, Esq. of Newhridge, cc. iv. Harriet, as. in 1801, to Sir Dassiel-Tcler Osborne, Eart., iiiihlin. Mr. Trench was o. at his decease, in 1768, by his eldest vs. Leaisa, sO. 8 Aog. 1892. snrviving ann, WILLSAM-POWEn-KEATINO TRENCH, Eaq., 8. in 1741, H.P. vss. Esnily, at. in IslO, to Roberi Latonche, Esq. of Harris- for the co. Gaiway from 1768 to 1797. This gentleman was lOis lordship 0. 27 April, 1805, and acne s. by Ins eldest sesa, elevated to the peel-age of Ireland, 25 Nov. 1797, by the Rsessann, dud earl. GUll., Ii. 18 Stay, 1767, avlse wae title of Barest Kileennel, p1 Garbally, cc. Galseog; created, created a peer of the United Ktssgitesn, isa DARON TRrNCH, 3 Jan. 1881, Vioeeawl Peels. of Bowls and Balinaslse, cot. 4 Ang. 1012, and raised to an Essglisls viscnisssty, as VsacounT Gatway en’! Ra.’eesonon; and advanced to the EAnLnoN or CLANCANTY, es Cat-k, II Feb. 1803, in eonseqnenee of Ins appointed ambassador to tho Iiagsso, and was created by descent from Elena MacCarty, wife of John Power, dan. of the King of the Netherlatsds, its ISIS, Margssees sf Hesssden, Cnrmae Oge HacCarty, Viscount Mnskerry, and sister of having obtained permissioss to aeeet,t the sail heuonr. Donongh MaeCarty, Earl of Claneasty, tesep. CHARLES II. Losvi Claaicarty as. 9 Feb. 1796, Ihsrsrietta-Stargaret, fssd His lordship sa. 30 Oct. 1769, Anne, eldest dan. of the dais, of the Right Hess. Jehss Staples, and by her (who 0. Right Hon. Charles Gardiner, and sister of Lsske, itt Lord 10 Dee. 1047) had issue, Mnnntjoy, by whem (who e’. 8 July, 1829) he bad issue, i. Itsenwan, his heir. ii. Power, 0.15., .krnbbishep ef Tnam, t. 15 Jnne, 1770; so. lischarst-John. 8.52 Maceli, 1009, capt. 92nd regt ; ii. in 1841. 29 Jan. 1795, Anne, dan. of Walter Taylor, Esq. of Castle Rabert bin Oct. 1809. casnsn.R.N.: as. 14 April 1847. Catherine-Iharia, Tayler, and 0. in 1839, having had iasne, I William, in holy orders, reeler of Cleone; rn 25 Dee. Lonisa-Ansgasta—Anee, at- 26 Dcc. 1820, to the try. Wilhasa 1830, his eesssin, I.ody Louisa Trench, eldest dan. of Eiehard, 2nd Earl of Clancarty, and 4. 11 SOny, 1854, leaving two dons., Harriet-Anne, sa. 15 .tp. 1863, to IdenryWilliam, blan-icttc-llargaret, as. in 1821, ho Tlseisias Karassagh, Req. only sen of Sir henry Heredyth, Bart ,and Sarah. 2 Power, lient.-cel. 2nd dragcen-goardo. 1 Heather, sO. sense- 2 Anne, w.- 19 April, 1823, te James O’ltara, Esq. ef West Lacy, at. in 1119, to hdobert lhaxwetl, EamI. of Clsarlevilhe, Co. Ledge, cc. Gahs-ay, who d. in 1830. 3 Plerinda, rn 18 Dee. 1818, to Thesnas-Tralsek Ileolsey, The earl 4. 24 Nov. 1817. Esq. of Dnninga, cc. ltillsenny. 4 Elieabeth, as. 19 Jan. 1810, cc Capt. Henry Gasceyne. 5 T’cances-Anne, as. 18 SIarch, 1040, to Charles Trenrh, count, in 185-I, in hue preasge of the United h{issgdu’ns t STar- Esq., Sad eon of her uncle, Archdeacon Trossels. 0 Emily. sri. William, rear-admiral EN., 8. in 1771; tsr- 1st, in 1800, lucius-ceo tisree fiends—sic—his, at.; on a chief, s,f the tisird, the Sarah, dan. ef Jehn-Loftns Cappage, Esq., and Isad issue, 1 William, D.D., in Isaly orders, rector of .lloylongh, t. sable; over all an escsstcheea, or, rnssigsss-d sciths a rors,eet of 2 Feb. 1801; so. 26 March, 1827, Mary-Laze, eldest dau. a Starqaess of the Netherlands, and clsarge,t antis a ached of ssx of Edward liardman, Esq., and has isaac, a don., SarahRebecca, spakes, go. sic. 1019, to W.-J. Dighy, Esq. 2 John, in haly erdem, 8. 11 March, 1802; m. in Jan. 1034, ptsr.; 2nd, a lion, maspant, or, imus’riaIty creuvncsi, hmdslsssg me Ellen, yosmgest dass. of Charles-Rice Davis, Esq., and has, Isis beater paw a sword, org., passaouc’l antI hilt gsihsl, ins the Power-Digby, lient. BA., t. in 1834; 0. in 1060. Willians Fitzjehn, late al tise 55th regt., t. in 1836. Charles-Edward, 8. in 1838. Richard-John, lient. 34th Bembey NT., t. 1843. Harriette-Elizabeth, so. 1862, to Henry West, Ksq., Q C. dancs’ttde, an. and org., being the ness if Ic Pears; lucia-eon of Leughlinstesen, cc. Dublin. 3 Power, t. in 1809, and 4. in 1833. 225 CIA I Ilarriette, its. 31 Slarels, 1831, to ttsc (Dv. W’illiasss-Noe’ton Gninness; and ii. in 1031. .kdsniral Trends as. laully, in 1837, Ihargaret, slats. of Dawsess Dasaniag, Esq. of loeaegiit, Ce. L.eisslssssuls’rrv, ansi sciduos ssf A. ltandceck, son of Itieharsi, 2ini Ilarssss (‘sallcssiaisss,, anti by her lsasl a san, Frn—dcrirk—Ncttervilhs’. asal attics., 1lsrris,s to— Mar-, as. 0 J.ssne, (804, Is, Cuiarira Dennis 0’ harks-, Rail., J P., of Clanbern, co. Gaiway. The admiral ,(.14 Aug. la46. Ardagis, Is. in Des:. 1775; so. iii 1006, Fr:nss-ca, Inst ku. of Tls,smas Elsreesl, Esq. of Asisferd l’art, cc. Mayo; anti 4. iii 1031, leaving issue, I Preilrric — William, All., rector of Moore anti Drisns, sliorcsr ef Tnam, Ii. 5 ,1s,,. 1008 ( it. in 1846, llatilsla— Soibia, ,bn. sit liii- laid John Irriansi, Las1., capt. It.N., ci Prospect, St. II s-liars. assil loss issue, Clesrlra-Jebn, b. 1805, ,l. 1856; Frrderidli, t. 1057; Gart nsde-F’ranres; Asoclia-Clara, it. 1080; anil Eliealiclli—Easil1-. S Chiarles—’i’lsosnan, s. 2 April, 1810; e’ - in 1s40, his cassasa, Prances-Anne, don. ci ttso archbishop sif Tnans, and hsiasl a san, Charles, b. 104!, antI ii. 1847. lIes?. 18 llarcls, 1014. 3 Henry-Lake, as ssllieer Indian salutary sersice, eel. 13th Eengal infantry, t. 16 Jan. 1020; ni. dl tune, 1892, Clara, yossigest sisal, of tire late Chrhtoplier Ncsgcisi, Lag. em Sla;ie House, llramnonslrr, asnl cousin of the Light I-hen. Eilaissnil Barks, ansi laos a lass., l”rasiccs, ammO sillier issue. 0 Aisac-Lelitia, s. in 1042, Tlioseaa fssh,irrmr, Eaq , hate of the Slailras araay, Issd sen of Sir D.-’r. Osborne, Ilart.; and 0.10 Feb. 1840. t. 1762; as .21 Nov. 1805, Lclilin—Sasonna, ississgcst iI;su. sif Roberl, 1st Larit Chussbreck ; asel ii. I 024, leaving, hiy her (wise 0. at Nice, 23 .Marcls, 1861) Wihliasss, liens. 26th rcgt., and four does., Passny-fiatiserine, isa. I Lag. 1540, Ia Cal. it.—E. Ilsirross-ca, ; Llizabctls, ii. 1040, to Sasisarl Walker, Esq. of The Grange, co. Leiccater, and 0. 9 05w’. 1867; Ensily, ia. 1042, to the 11ev. Joseph 11 nsnsfietd; and Assgsiata, ml Feb. 1850, to the 11ev. W.-ht. Pricaihy. is. Anne, Ci. in 1709, to 11’illiaio tiregsiry, Esii. of Ceohe, co. Gaiway, and if. 21 Nov. 1012. Di’unsiear, co. Leutli, who at. 12 July, 1055. wise 1. 26 Starch, 1851. v. Frances, at. in 1806, to Oienry-Stnnley, Earl ol ilatisdowne; and ii. in 1043. town, do. Kildere; aad din bIG. CnancAnvv, his 1814. In 1013, his lordship woe lVsLLtAss Tssontas, present carl. sian. of ,tehn Tlsompson, Eso. of Choofiss, do. Lengford. and has aeon, ttielsard, 0. 1821. Ic Peer-french (oem af the late As-cbhsislie1i of Tanss), a-Ito a. hi Slay. 1094. if Berris, in the esu. Cusrheur, tOss, sO. us 18:17. - E,nhly-tlerinda, i041, Signor (;ievanai Ceezsrin, efCnrfss. Cork; and 0-in 1839. Ortalisna—Narsn, 29 Nov. 1791, Vinceant, I Jan. 1001, Earl, Ii Feb. 1893, in the Trials peerage; liaron, 4 .tng. ISIS, Via- guess of Ileusdea, in the Netherlands in 1810. Aresa—Qusarterhy u 1st ned 4th, org., a Iran, Instant, 0-st., sun in splendour, or; 2nd and 3rd, org., a chief, indessted, Creshe—Ist, an arsn in armossr, emtsesned, bottling a sword, all sinister a sheaf of arrow’s, ef limo last; Issi, a aisgs bead, eabesned, arg., attired, or; lsetsseee fhs, all Iss’cs us s’rssesthx - Sapparfero—Dexter, a lien, gus., acssss’s’ at sts:isra-uls’-Iss. or; sinisler. a slag, gsunrdanh, ppr., holding a l,assisrr, ior clsscf, the antlers, sa., a dress, gss., tlss’rsssn esar Saa-s,sssr, lups’, M,,tts—Cet;nilio at prnsdeeiil. - Seafa—Garhtslly, cc. Gala-ny ; tied Batlyd;avssl, eo. Waterfsrd. Q