Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/30

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xxviii THE ROYAL LINE OF SCOTLAND. KENNETH THE FOURTH, whose right being contested by MALCOLM, son of KENNETH III., he was deposed in 1003, and his competitor ascended the tiarone, as MALCOLM THE SECOND. This monarch had two danghtera, I3savmx, st. to Oauara, governor of the Seote Island, and left a son, Drsca, snecestsr to isis grandfather. DevAns, ,a. Signrd, Earl of Orkney, and was great-grandmother of Itsee, Earl of Orbnry, whose dan. and heiress, Margaret, Ceuntess of Orkney, as. Madoeh, Earl of AIhsIl, and from this marriage the Scandinavian Earls of Orkney, and tiseir representatives, the ST. Cs.A,ss, derived descent. Of the Itauss of SI. Clair, the heir of line is JOaN AasraeTaxa Tusasow, Esq. of Charletsn. The King was murdered in 1033, and was ancceeded by his grandson, DUNCAN THE FIRST, who had three sons, MALCOLM, DONALD BANE, and MELMAIIE, Earl of Atholl, whose son, Msdocb, Earl of Atln,ll, m. Margaret, Connteas of Orkney. This nnfertnnate Prince was slain in 1039, by his consin, who ascended the throne, as MACBETH. This Prince te. the Lady GaUACH, grand-dan. of KENNETH IV., the celebrated LADY MACBETH of Shakespeare. He had a eon, Luosen, who was crowned king after his father’s defeat, bnt was slain within a few months by Eing MALcoLM. MACaETH was eventually killed, it is stated, by MACBUFF, Thane of Fife, in 1057, and the rightfnl heir ascended the threne, as MALCOLM THE THIRD, surnamed Ueoss,Alehr,* who iii. MAHOARET, sister of EnoAst ATHELINe, and had three sans, EOnAR, ALEXANBEB, DavID (successively kings,) and Illatilda, at. to HENRY I., of England. MALCOLM fell in battle, when besieging Alnwiek Castle, 13 Nov. 1098, and was a. by Itis eldest son, EDGAR, who ci. a. p. in 1106, and was a. by his brother, ALEXANDER THE FIRST, who ci. also iaauelesa (in 1124), and was a. by his brother, DAViD THE FIRST, who at. Mausj, dau. of WALDEOFF, Earl of Northumberland, by JUDITH, niece of WILLIAM THE CONQUEaOH, (refer te DUBKE’a E.rtitsel Peerage, article ST. Ltz, Earls of Huntingdon,l and had an only son, ilovar, Prince 5/ Sesltoad, who rl. bofore his father, leaving issue by his wife, the Lady Adeline de Warren, dan. of William, Eart of Warren and Surrey, 5. MaLcoLM. who succeeded his grandfather upon the throne. ts. WIL5.reu, successor to his brother. its. David, Eart of Ituntingden, in England; whs as. Mend, dan. of HUeH (Eirclisk), Earl of Cheater, and had a son and tone dana., via., John, (suenanted Is ,Seel), who inlasrited the Earldem of Chester, and st. a. p. Margaret, sa. to Alan, Lord of Galloway, and had two dana., Cnaaaview, Countess ef Albemarte, who a. a. p. DaveaeAL, tn to John de Datiol, and had isane, a son, JeaN as HALSOL, who was declared EtNa OP SCOTLAND by EDWAED I. of England; and four daus., I Margaret Haliol, at. a. p.; 2 Ada do Pallet, who os. Sir William de Lindsay, of Lamberten, and had a dan. Chrietiana, wife of Ingetram, Sire de Ceoey: their descendant and heir-general HONES BE Bouaaos, Draa or DOEDEAUT, is oenier reproarntativo ef the Hoyat Ilouse of Baliot; 3 Cieely de siatiat, so. to John do anegh, ancestor by her ot the Lords Burgh of Oaioaborongh; and 4 Mary do Haliot, as. to John Censyn, Lard of Eadonesh. 2 Isabel, oa. to Rsbert de Brns, and was asathor oi ROEZET Hares, who contended far the crown. 3 Rand, at. uae. 4 Ada, at. to ttenry de Hastings, and had a son, IIENaT BE Haorsaaa, whose grandsao, Jona, 2nd Haaow HssTsoses, was ens of the cesnpetitoea far tha crown. DAVID I. ci. in 1153, and was a. by his grandson, - MALCOLM THE FOURTH, who ci. unaa, in 1165, and was a. by his brother, WILLIAM the Liea,-j- who was a. in 1214 by his only Iota, ALEXANDER THE SECOND, who en. 1st, Joan, dan. of King JOHN, of England, but by her had no issue; and he no. 2ndly, Mary, dan. of Ingelraan le Brun, Sire de Coney, and ha,l a son, his successor in 1249, ALEXANDER THE THIRD, who w. Margaret, dan. of HENRY III. of England, aatd had three children, Alexander, I . . - David, 5 who beth at. a. p. sn thear father’s l,fol,me. MAEeAEET, at. in 1251, to Ease, E’mg of Norway, and loft an only dan., 2IAaeAaET, successor to her grandfather. The Kisag ci. in 1285, and was a. by his granddaughter, MARGARET, The Maiden of Norwey, who’ ci. olsalir. on her paosoge to Scotland. On the death of this Qnoen a vinlesat competition arose for the vacant throne between the deeeesadanta of DAVID, Earl of Hnnlingden (refer to DAYI0 I.), namely, JOHN BALSOL, ResEaT Bares, and Jonts, Lord hastings. The competitors having finally agreed to aubanit their claim to the arbitration of EnwAan I. of England, that monarch decided in favour of * CEAN-Mona, gtvol-tcaalrtl. So surnamed foam having adopttd the LsaN an the armada) bearing of Scotland. Frem this enalalona the chiaf at the Scellish heralds is Called Lion king-of-arms. -