Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/311

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coo ROBERT, his heir. Goorgo, d. ssst,a. Cisarles, dean of Kilfenora, who 4. leaving issue.° John. Thomas, whose eldest son, Brigade-Major Thomas Sir Charles st. 5 Oct. 1061, a,sd wa* e. by hia ct’lest c’s,,, Code, loft one snrviving son, Charles-Fyro Coote, SsR CsssteLea-hlevav Coon, the 111th and prosesst hsaro,set. of Farway Honse, Clifton. Fnae (Sir), lift., of West Park, Rants, at ono limo CreuC’so—I April, 1620. A rase—Ang., a clsevron, sa., l,etween commander-in-chief in India. Hr. Coete’s oldest son, ItoBmrs’ CoweR, Rsq. of Ash lIifl, sa. in 1730, Anne, dau. Jleltoea—V’i,seit vorilas. Cosstc qni esssshe. Sea.t—ltailyass, and heir of Bartholomew Pordon, Esq.; and d. in 1740, Queen’s Ceassty. Tswa lie o,,e—1, Conssanglst Place. leasing issue, CusoLey, his heir. Bartholomew, whose son, Robert-Eyro-Pnrdon Coote, was of Batlyloagh. Charles, in holy orders. Jane, so. to William Pordon, Rsq. Catherine, so. to tho Roy. William Dorran. The elder son, Cs,sns.Ev COOTE, of Ash Hill, eo. Limerick, so. 31 Aug. 1700, Rlizabeth-Anne, dan. of the Rev. Italph Corr, of Bath; and a. 6 Aug. 17911, leaving issue, CasRees-HesoRy, who o. on the death ef Lord ltoontratls, and wao the 0th baronet. Rohert-Carr, so. hiss Margaret Once; and 11. 1 Nov. I. S,n Cnsntns Cssnve, laet Ranh ssf RelL’smont, and Ts’isis 1034, leaving issue, faar sons and three daus., viz., Pnrdon, so. Itiss Wingfield, and f. 1040 Rolsert peer, having tin legitisnate snahe tess,e, ebtaisse’l ass Englisis Carr, so. hiss Farror; Ralph ; Chidley; Caroline; barnssetey, 16 Slay, 1774, with namatsssler to IsLe illegitisssate Maria, so. to henry-H. Smythe, Rsq. of New Park, can, Co. Roseensmon; Elizabeth, d. 1663. Jahn-Chidley, of ltontingteo, Queen’s Co., J.P.. liesst.eel. 11. Sue CHARLes, 6. 1763, wIse so. and left at his deeeaee, in the army, 1,. 13 Jan. hOd; us. 0 Slay, 1627, isa 1027, a son and sneeessssn, Jane-Deborah, 2nd dan. of the Rev. Sansuet Close, of Ill. Ssn CHARLEs, wlso was 6. a7’6, ansi se. in 1646, SIlas RIm Park, and has, Clsidley-Samuel, 0. 21 Pee. 1020. Macseen-Henry, 0. 4 Slay, 1032. Jane-Rlizabeth-Anna, so. 2 Jan. 1050, to the Rev. Crealien—IS Slay, h774. Ara;e—.kvg., a chevron, helween Chanles-Lyndisuret Vaughan, son of the late Baron three costs, sa., svitldn a bsrdne-e, soavy. Cr,ol—A taut, ppr. Vauglsan and the Dowager Lady St. John. hlarriet-Stary. Ralph. in holy orders, incumbent of Forcall, Tullaanore, so. 1020, Miss Ilarriei Close. Mary, so. te Charles-L. Sandeys, Esq. of Indiaville, Queen’s Co.; and d. 6 Feb. 1002. in. Itielsard, ancestor of the Ran of Itellament. iv. Thomas, of Coote 1-lift, in Cavan; heat-cal. of the Burl of Oesory’e regiment of foot; ci. e. p. I. Letitia, so. to Sir Francis Itasnilton, of Killiehandra. Sir Charles being clam in a sally to protect the town of Trim, 7 Slay, 1642; was o. hsy his eldest sen, II. SIR CHARLES, who woo olevatesl to the peerage of Ireland, by the title of Earl ef Jiooatreth, isa 1661, and tbe• baronetcy mes’ged in the ssiperior dignity ssntil the demise of VIII. SIR C55ARLE5-HEPRY, the 7th earl and 6th baronet, without male issue, 1 March, 1002, when the earidom expired; a new barony, that of Castle Cooto, which his hardship obtained, 20 July, 1060, with opeelal remainder, passed accordingly, as,d ceased likewise in 1627; while the asscient s. Hesaseeon-W5LLIAH 6, 07 Siarch, 1026; vs. 15 Sept. 1607, baronetcy reverted to the gneat-gnendson of the Rev. Chidley Coote, PD., grandson of Chidley Ceote, 2nd ann Rdtths-L’uekhsirsl, only chIld of the late Jas ass—Kerr of the 1st baronet, viz., to IX. SIR, who was 3. 1704, and so. 1511, as. llenry-fleysse, at 22 Jssly, 1642. Caroline, dan, of John Whalcy, Eeq., of Whaley Abbey, st. Asitbuny, heat, rifts brigade, 0. 0 March, 1642. co. Wieklow, and granddan., maternally, of John, Marl of lv. A son, 6. 10 Sept. 2667. Clanwilliam, and by her (who ci. 1007) had issue, CnARLes-Hrssay, present baronet. JORN-CnIDLEY, late captain in the army, 9. 10h6; vs. 6 Dec. 1600, Slargaret-Mary-Pole, daa. of Sydney Cosby, Req. of Stradbatty Hall, Queen’s Co. Algernon, in bely orders, rector of Nonington, Kent, la 1017; lv. Snaassna-Mat’y. so. 12 Feb. 1647, Cecilia-Matilda, dan. of Jehu-P. Plumptee, Sir WiHiam set. 2ndly, 30 Aug. 1865, IlnssriettoMargaret, Esq.. SIP., of Fredville, and has six sons. Robert, capt. RN., 6. I June, 1020; so. 14 Feb. 1004, Lucy, eldest Lee of the late Rear-Admiral Sir W.-E. Pars-y, and has issue, Stanley-Victor, 3. 30 May, 1062. Chidley-Downe, in holy orders. * The issue of Dr. Coete, dean, of Kihfqnara, were, I., father of Eyre Coete, Loed Castle Cede. II. Pyre (Sir), of Wool Park, vs. 1st, Sarah, da,u. anfi co-heir (with her sister, Elizabeth, wife of Aadresv Rain, Esq., ND., In very remote periods this f;snaily pssseeoeed ee,sstdenalde of h5effieten, and mather of Olary-F.tseahehh, wife of J.-C. estates is’ Nsntbamhstansbire, whence the deseen,h,nste of Fyler, Esq.) of John Rodbard, Req. Their son, Rms iv. in JoaN Corn, the first upesa necord, extended tbeseselvos 1617, Eliea-Rosesta, dan. of J.-lI. Slaseey Paw-eon, Rsq.; and tntss Oyfendsbine, Ha,ss1,elsire, St;sfl’andahsre, th’ ,sieeslerehis e, ci. So May, 1034, leaving (with a dan., Catherine, so- to assst lnelassd. This Jc,hss Cope was a vos’y ins1sontasit 1serunn Capt. William-Houston Stuart, heN., C-B.) an only son, in the reigsae ef R,rsssRn II. assd Hewsir IV. In mliv lattr,’, Evnv Coon, Req., of West Park, who, b. 4 Oct. 1630, 0s. 17 Feb. 1617, Jessie-Mary, dau. of Slajer-Oen. hl.-L. Iverrail. ho represented the co e,f Northasulitols, ;snd was tsvieu H.E.I.C.S., and ,t. 23 Aisg. 1064, at Osehi, Austria, havsng had high sheniffi tIe sf. 1415, and f,’usn Isiru lisseashly ehesroseded, by her (who sa. Iad]y, 21 Slay, 1067, Wihliam-Selbp Lowndrs, SIR Awrnoav Core, Rut., viee.ehssnsborhii55 h’ CarneRsNe Eoq., 2nd sen of Willians-Selby Lowndes. Faq. of Thadden Pasen, and esse ssf thu most he;ss’sie’h nscss el the era in ss’lsiele Halt, and Winslow, Bucks) EYRa, b. 31 Dee. 1007, and CI,arleshhenry, he ilvod. lie was ksstghted in the let hts,waRn VI., as,d 6. 0 Aug. 1600. s. Grace, vs. to tise Might Rev. Henry Baisurot, H. D., bsshop served tbc office of sheriff for Oxfs,rtshiru avd Benke thu of Norwich. 261 C 0 P Caroline, es Marquis do Slaseingy de Ia Pierre; and ,f. 16.18; leaving a duo., Caroline. Slelooin,s. Ilseoo coors, s’lose, ppn. t’,’ret—A coal, close, ppn. coo ‘P E. COOTE, SIR CHARI.ES-ALORDNON, o5 Donnybrooko, en. Dublin; is. 1847; o. his father as 4th hart. in 1861. Smith, and ci. 1661, leaving a San, Sin Cnautee-Ats;rna’os Cessve, the 4th as,d lsreaent bs;snossct. C OP E. Cops, SIR Wac.Ll.toI - HRNRT, of Hanwell, cc. Oxford, anti Enanashill, Haute ; in Isoly ot’sioru ; late minor easson of St. I’eter’e, Vestlslillaten, M.D.; 5. 27 Fob. 1811 & se i2tls )saranot, ott tlsu doeease of his relative, thu late Sir Jsslsn Cs’pe, 18 Nov. 1851 os. 1st, 12 Aug. 1834, Marianne, dan. of henry Gannett, of Green P;ss’k, eo. itiesith, FRy., and by her (who d. 20 Doe. 1862) has had leuste, Ewast, Iisq., B.C.S., and gs’anddan. of the hate Rev. Canon Reptuss. 1. Charhstte, 1. 25 Dec. 1638. ss. Teresa.IaneSIatihd5, s;. 11’ April, 1660, to Nigei Neville, hey In,l san of ths late Thonsas Nevilhe, Esq. of Ihaselussn hall, cc. Stafl’ard. 551. Ailee. 2nd dan. of Robm’t-Jalfray Tlas,tunvihle, Eag. of Vneey Place, Monlesten’n, ess. Dublin, and by her hao had a eon, Robert-H’ntunvi1le, is. 17 July, 1566, si. 3 March, 1867; another eon, ii. 19 September, 1867. 3Ltn t2it j I