Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/343

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C U It C U R R I E. Cunni SIR FggnaaicE, 1’. I seal ,sf l’eter ‘Jo Corrie. The namea of isis sleseenslants alpear Feb. l799 rn. let, 7 Aug. 1820 Abasst 1506, Ihe elder branch of Corrie of tbat ilk (Curdle Susannah, eldest dau. of John nr Carrie-Assssandale) nssrged Isa tha Jshnatoooa, by the Pascal Larkins, Esq., E.I.C.S., Es,1. ; hut a Jsr.osch svas nettled t,, lbs east of their and by her (who ci. 14 Jan. 1 832) Dnuoe, Bernuekohn-e, whose the rarlical local rocarsls nosy has issue, (.1 U It Sir David rn. 2udly, in 1017, Oertrude-Ilenrietta, dan. of all the varisstsa and eoissc’tjmnee sass ill icti ug sl utica in William Kimpton, Esq. of Ampthill, in Bedfordahire, and which I base been emmgaged, givsrs uns his eo sims ti of. 10 May, 1954, leaving issue by that lady, i. Henry Sydney-Slyrton, 0.0 Aug. 1919. ii. Willsam-Aug,istus-Charlei-Myrlan, 0. 6 Jan. 1824. III. Aagnstus-.Myrtan, 0. 5 Jan. 1829; as. 27 April. 1894, AnneElba, estlgniout, and exis I biting the reeo oucsa of his e’xpo— older dan. of Baron Moleawarlis ds Mallet. iv. James-Josepli-Myrtou, in holy artier,, rector of Little rieuoo to the great ad i’;asst;sgo of Ihe (is n i’anv’e Wigherangh, Essex, 5. 21 April. 1632. i. Jalia-Slyrtan, ,,s. 4 Jan. 1844, to F’resleriek-William, 2nd waa aftervvai-sja deputed to consinet the Maisarajals son af Sir itichard Kirby, of t4, Harewaod-sqoace, London. Dhnleep Singh in state to his palace in the citadel of Crealian—9 Feb. 1702. Arssas—Arg., a shake-farE beuceen Lalsore, and ti ari-ango the tm’eaty of U,nritvir. lie three firers-dc-lu, ax., one in chief and twa in flank. t’re,f— wan appointed me sober of the Snproine Cs,sisscil of An nnicarn’s head, armed and crined, or. .Sapperfers—Dextcr, India mu Nov. 1840, and created a Iiarssnet, 17 Dec. a knight in armour, halding in his exteriar haad a spear; sinister, a countryman, Isabited, ax., in his exterior hand a following, lie is at present a member of thso Indian earn-fork, braise—Over fork aver. Seaf—Slalshanger, near Council. Basingsteke. advice and aotive aid, as eusstiuiee aeersmop;” nsa in the field, aissi at nil tisnsie rvmuicisg the code-ct aes-vice.” Sir F’redorick’a aervicee a re again ackusswlodged mu the general ssrder, in 1”eb. 154(1 ; ann he IL uiciigc. One of the earliest Scottish charters, daied 1170—a giftsf lands in Kylo, co Ayr, to the .tl’bey of Moiros—bears the eossspienossaly iii various cveuta of early Ses,itiah history. marriage of the heiress of Corns, with James Jolsnstssis-, ;uriantive passevsiousa in Ayr and il,ssafriesvhire, rsoar remaining usc nlion Wills_aM CrosniE, isssscaoed if lands called “Corrio Parke,” living IfO;’. Ttsin William hail 1w,, sons, Cothbert, who its. Elizabeth Little, and of. n. p. 1669 and . Fnauansrn-Lssamws, MA., in holy orders, 0. 10 April, WILLIAM CuaRis, who as. Agnes Nisbet, and 1681, 1523; sit. 1st, 19 Sept. 1649, ERos-Reeve, only dams. ni lean-tog (with a younger eon, James, auceator of Dr. Cssrrie, Matthew Rackhame, Eaq. of Thorpe Hamlet, Norwich, of Lives-pool, the accomplished biographer of Burns) an and by her (svho of. 14 April. 1061) has had issue, eldest son and heir, FaoasaaTcsc-Rsmrve,0. 19 liay,5551; Walter-Looia-Raekham, WILLIAM Cuensa, 0. in 1629, who Sn. Katherine Monte’ 1. 16 March, 1856; Percy-George-Cohn, 0. 24 Dec. laws, and of. in lOsS. leavissg a son, 1857; Arthusr-Edward, b. 1859; Cecil-Edmund, 0. 1001 WsLs.mAnuCunnsx, h. inlOSl, whasettlodinBerwirk-nponTweed, Ehhza-Kats; and Smmaannah-Lonisa. lIe so. 2ssdly, and of. in 1728, leavings sin, MAnse Cs’oosx, 0. in 1692, who Ia. his cousin, Magdalon Anderson, nod dying at Berwick in 1701, left (with a dan., Tm. Stark-Edward, maj. royal artilles’y, 0. 10 Sept.1954; as Mary, wife of William Kiddcll, Es4.) a scsi, 4 Nov. 1947, Jane, eldest dan. of the Rev. T. -T. Upwaod, WILLIAM CURaTE, Esq., h. in 1710, hanker, of London, of Tsrrbngton, by whons (who ha den.) be had iaaue, who am. in i7sS, Sladelcine, dan. of Isaac Lefevre, Esq., Frederick-Alexander, 0. 25 Sept. test ; he es. Sndly, great-grandfather of Viscount Esersley, aunt sO. in t7sl, 21 Oct. 1967, Catherine-Louisa, only dan. of the late leaving issue, i. William, at East }Iocslry Park, Surrey; 0. is 17561 31.1’. rim. Wiflhana-Close, 0. 5 Dec. t026, as. 0 Oct.1951, HarmdettGardiner, far Gatrais ; vs. in 1795, Percy, dao. at Francis Osre, Em., assd sf. in 1025, leaving issue, 1 Wihliass, af East llarsicy, 0. in 1797. 2 Henry, of SCoot llsscslcy Place. Surrey, late SLP. for Guildferd; 0. 1750 sa. IsIS, Emma, ashy dan. of Col. Knox, (See itancovm.v), amid lists issni’, Itenry-William, 0. in 1s27; Rosily; amid Story. oslO Sell. 1050, is K-Il. Sallivaa, Esq., 2nd son of Sir Charles Ssollivan, hart. 3 Prancis-l.lare, 0. in 1890; sO. 16 Joise, 1058. 4 llarace-tiore (a clergyman), i. in 1501 as. in 1859, He net. 2ndly, 3 Sept. 1834, Lucy-Elizabeth, dan. of Clsnrlatlo, dais, of Visc,saot Sidlsssoutb. 5 nlackwoed-Cere, 0. in 1891; Ia is 1029, Laora-OesseIl and of. in 1834, leaving isioe, Francis, 79th ilighlanslers, 0. in 1953. Goargiana. 6 Percy, as. in 1075, ha 11,0 1 lois. ansi 11ev. I israce Pawys. 1 harriet-Gore, as. in 1015, Slajar Robert Webb, of Slilford hlaose, Sarcoy. n. Shea, of scimsnss hirreaftrr. He as. 3m’dly, 10 Fob. 1841, Katharine-Maria, eldest us. Isaac, of lhsssh huh, co. Middlesex, 0. 11 Starch, 1760; m. dan. of Georgo-Powney Thompson, Eeq. of the Bemsgal 2 April, 1700, Stacy—Anne. (oldesi lan. sf W’ihlhasa Ilaikes, Esq. ef Valentines, ca. Essex,) wise of. in Judy, 1s34 lie nO. 10 April, 1041, and had issue, I Isaac George, of hush 11111, 0. in 1702; m. in Slay, 1047, 9lary, widow of Cot. Hay, and sI. e. p. 1050. 2 RaKes, of Bush hill, and Slhnley Master, ltaats, SIP, for Norllsausmpton from 1037 ti loll, a nsagishrarc for hue casusties of Ilants and SI idnhiesox, and dcpuuv.Iiosmh. of list lsother 0. his 1601 1 sa. iii 1625, rIse lion I.assra—Soplsin, eldest dais, of John, Ius,l l.erd Vodchs,,sssc, ansi lies, Lteargo-Vodohonve, b. 13 A;sril, 1526; ai-in 1019, EvelyssElizal,etls, only dan. of Lord Lyvoden. Errtraos-Wadehoisse, 0. 25 Nov. IsIs; oslO Oct. 1 905’, Cas’oliae, younger sian. of usa late Sir P shlsamis-Lawrcn,s, Young, Bart. MO’., amid has a sass, Isnae—E,Isvnrsl, 0. 680111. 1861, aid adan. lIay-nard-W’ssdchiaiisc, b. 25 Eel,. l29, in holy orders, vicar of Mentesore, shocks. -. Pisil ip-llcusry—Woibolsousr, in the F erriga fOlios; 6. 1.1 Oct. l34. llary-Sssphsin, ci. is William-Saniuiel Iboarna, l’.sq. Edith.Salshsia-ll nrs’ict. I Slariasne, lv. 10 Nov. 1014, ho George hhaikas, Big., sail Govornment, Frederick Corrie, Eeq., who has, during of. 1857. 24 Api-il, 1006, Mary-Helen, dais, of tha late Edgar Carrie, Esq. of Arlington Manor, hocks. llajor-Gen. H-SI. Graves. 2nd dan. of John Browns, Esq. of Hall Court, no. Hereford, and baa issue, William-John-Frederick, 8. 26 Aug. 1852; Edward Larkins, 0. 9 Feb. 1954; Charles-Ernest, 0. S atng. 5656; and Tdary-Garbriana. iv. Charles, Bengal CS., 0. 1 July, t829, no. 8 Jan. 1052, Manan, 3rd dan. of the Rev. T.-T. Upwnod, MA., of Serella hall, Terringtnn, Norfolk, and has issue, StanleyCharlea-Cnthhert, 0. St Aug. 1956. Robert-N. Bird, Esq. of the Civil Service, and lsy her (who ci. 25 July following) has one son, s. Robert-George, Bengal CS., 0. 4 July, 1635; vs. 26 Api-il, 1866, Fanny-Calherimss-Oaseley, eldest dno. of AlexanderC. Macrae, Esq., SOD. civil service, and by her has issue, 1. FendoB, hoot, Bengal army, 6. 24 Nov. 1041 ; vs. I 31_arch, 1666, Susan-Elizabeth, yonngeat dau. of the ltev. James R. Pears, St.A., Wooilcabe House, Whadleaham. me. Hugh-Fenton, 0. St tfay, t855. liT. Rivera-Gressfelh, 0. S June, 1857. I. Harriet-Sophia, as. 2 Sept. 1565, So Major John-Underwood Ch’umpain, RE., only surviving eon of the hate Col. Agnew Channpahn, 9th foot. em. Susan-litany, vs. 0 July, 1963, to Edmusmsd-F.lliot T.ewio, Eaq., Sssd surviving scsi of John Lewis, Esq. of Plean, no. SthrBng. ill. Kathsrtns-Lamjhaa. iv. Mable-Thorntosi. Sir Frederick ivan appointed secretary to the govern- mont of India in 1842, and accompanied Lord Hardingo in the campaign of 1841-6. The governorgeneral, iu his dispatch to the Secret Committee, dated, Camp, Ferozepore, 31 Dec. 1845, writes—’ I owe great obligations to the chief-secretary to the 293