Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/348

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DAL DAL v. Andrew of Cholteeham, 0. 6 May, 3776; a. 20 J00. 1000, Sin WILLIAM DE MaLE, of Panmure, held the office of Miss Rachel Cock, of lamporc, East lodirs, and by her sheriff of Forihs’shiro at the death of ALEXANDER III and (scho ii. 14 Juno, 1056) had. tioorgo, liotit.-col. Boogal army; swore fealty to EDwARD St Androws 10 July 129° James, lienl.—rolonrl Flinslletls, to. Iii .1 tslv, 1040, to Thomas- , . , 11. Mackay, Eel 1 and Clmarlolle, 0. 7 AlIll, 1042, to JIa).- Ito m. Ethama, dan. ofJehu I aux, Lord of Dsrlctoun ; the Geo. Marioms-,Jollo Olado Qrs SLADE Dart.) ‘the lIon Aisdresv grcat-gcandsou of tins marnmsgc, ltaossay, El April, IsIs. SIN WILLIAM MAOLE, of Panmuro. in. Marion, only child vi. llriiry, iii the El. Cnmyasy’s naval serrice; ml. unit. 21 of Band Floming, of Biggur, and granddau., maternally of Jnly. 1209. SIR DAVID BAECLAY, of Brechisa, From this Sir William Tn. lIarimi, rapt. me the army Ii. mis ii’ .11 0 0111. 1 0l. we pane to his doacendant e. Elioal,ells, m. in I so. ;o Sir I li nEss Jlmciorirlte, Dart., svlms . . rl. in 1919. 11cr ladyship ,l. I Jane, 1010. — PATRicK MALLO, ol Paismuro, whoa, his father in 1600; ii. taiciii,ta, 11.15 ,laisr, 1012. iii. tioorgiaoa. d. 17 May, 1,94. and dying in five years afterwards, was a. by his only son, iv. Mary, a. 29 April, 10111, to ,lasies liar, Esq of Drummr, PATRicK MAULE, of Panmure, who accompanied King who 6. 12 Oct. 1922 silo a. 1 April, 1506. , JAMES VI. iota England, in 1003, and was appointed one Lord Dalhonsic succeeded, on the demise of Ins maternal of the gentlemen el the bedchamhor to that monarch ; an uncle, William bIaolc, Earl of f’aansliro, iii 17a9, to the office which he afterwards held undor CHARLEs 11, who vory cxtoii.sira cstmitos of that family for life, with ro- constituted him keeper of the palace and park of Eltham, ioaimlcr, according to settlsoscut, to his lint son, who and sheriff of the co. Forfar, lIe anbaeqnently adhered nsnusocd tho oanmc of IIauLc, and woo crosstcd, 1021, Baron with groat Oddity to the king in his troubles, and was Fs,sions’e. Earllleorgo 1. 12 Nov. 1707, aol was s. byhioson, I eligag din all the hatcies lbnght by his majesty; for which fie’,NcE, sIb earl; 5. 22 Oct. i770. TICs nobleman, who services he was elevated to the peerage of Scotland, 5 Aug. disthigaishotl himself as anitlitary cosmsnncotor hathse French 1616, as Boron Monte, of Brrrlmiri and A’aoor, and EARL Os’ war, especially at Watcrloo, was s griscral officer us the . PANMUNE. His lordship In. thrice; hut had issue by his army; col. in the 26111 ro4u,icnt of foot, and a knight grand 1st wife, Frances, dan. of Sir Edward Stanhope, of Grimcross of the Bath. On the 11th Aug. 1412, he was created ston, co. York, only. Hod. 22 Dec. 1661, and was a. by his a poor of the United Kingdom, as BARON IioLmsouals, of elder son, Dathsuoie t’ooitr. The earl Ia. 14 May, 1902, Christian, GcsNoe, 2nd Earl of Panmnre, who so. Lady Jean only chill and heir of thorlos Brown, Eoq. of C’olstonn, n Campbell, eldest dan. of John, Earl of Londono, Hiosi Haddi.ogtonohire, and by her (who ‘1. 22 lan. 1921)) had, CIiANUOLLOR OF SCOTLAND, by whom be had isunc, Gtonc.c, Lord Rstasoo. 8. 2 Aup. 1906; 6. untti. 22 Oct. 1112. I, Groouu, his successor, Charles, I,. in 1007; i 0 Joly, 1917. - JAMEs, who s. his brother. Jaaiss-A,sssew. lOlh mit, created a illarqooss. iii. Harry, of Kelly. This gentleman was a member of His lordship 6. 21 Starch, 1929, aisd was a. by his only mr. the Convention ot Estates iii 1690, hot retired from the assemhly when he discovered the determination to doviving On, . throne .ies II. He snhoeqnently joined the banner JAMr0..tNnRr.w, 10th earl, who was 5. 22 April, 1012, and of the CnEvALirR in 1715. and diE Kdtnbnrgh in 1734 m. 21 Jim,. 1926, SosanGrorgiana, dan. of George, Marquess Mc m. 1st, in 1095, L;tdy Ilary Flemiimg. only dan. of of Tweeddale, and by her (svhti 6. on herpassage home from Willianm, 1st Earl of Wigton, and bad enra’iving issue, India, 6 Mao, 1051) hod, I WILLIAM, his snececuor. s. Omssao-Ocorgiana. os II Nov. 1001, ta the Moo, Rebel I 1 JEVN, so. 1st, to George, Lord Ramsey, eldest son of Emsssehe, gil son of E,,l,ert, 21h Earl of Mayo. Wilham, 6th Earl of Dalbonsie, and was msthcr of ii. EGith-Chnsnao, 10. 9 Aug. 1909, to Sir James Fergasoon, CnANLE5 RAM5AY, 7th Earl, and his successor, Part. of ltilkcrran, Genie e RAM5AY, 0th Earl of Daihousie, whove Iodson, Rio lordship was created Marquess of Dalhouslo, of PsI- WiLLmoas BAsiosv, assumed, as hereafter stated, the honsie Castle, co. Edinhergli, and of the l’slojamsl), in the surname and arms of MaLE, and was created LORD peerage of the United Kindoni, 21 Aug. 1049, Be svm;a PANOIONE eunotahic of Dover Castle, and lord wardi,n tmf the tinqne Mr. Staule, of Kelly, si. Indly, Anne, dan. of the Iten. Forts, lord rrgialor of Se’,tland, aol major-gen. of the royal Patrick-Lindsay Crassf,,rd, of Kilbiriacy, and had, with mmrchoro, the Queen’s body gnard of Scotland. The Marquess I John, 071 nverksilor, one of the barons of the court of (If Dalbuwsoic woo gsveruorgon. of India Irusni 194m to 19.6. Excheqsier in Scotlan’I ; who a. oss0. in 1781. Its 6, 19 Dee. 1560, whoa tIm uiarqmm5500te and barony u,f Mc was a. by his eldest son, Dalhomuoio, of tIme United Kisgdons, became extinct, while I 2 WiLLIasi SIAULE, of Kelly, who was created a peer of his Srott,ish hsumn,,urs dev,mlvcd on his cousin lox, 2nd BAROO , Irolaimd, in 1741, as Viscsswl Jlnisle, s.f W/mites/ssrrh, and Paaaitnse present E,ss;L sir IJALi5Ou5IE, EARL orPANaIuise, of Fos’Ih. His lordship purchased the forfeited Pammniure estates from the York-buildings Foodp .0,rlm—Balhosisic Castle, Ilid-Lolhias; and Colotons, Cm,mpany, in 1764, for £49,127 ISa. 46. Ho was a lladdiugtonslore. mihtta;’y oflieer of high reputation, and attained the rank of general in 1770. Ho if. usa. in 1702, when his honm,ors became extinct, and his estates devolved, by zfThlhhItTV at f1ittiTc. a deeroe of the court ef Session, upon his nephew, The ancient family of Ila.nLE was of French extraction, GeoRGe, Eam’l of Dalhonsse, their sursmaiuse having been assemsod from the town and George, 2nd Earl of Panmure, if. 24 Starch, 1071, and was a. lordship of illaule, in ths Vexin Frangois, eight leagues frona by his eldest son, Paris, a lordship which belonged to the lords of that nanse Geonoe, 3rd Earl of Paa,mure, whs a. 1680, when, leaving for four eeut’sries, Eogsr, last lord of Slaule, was slain at no issue, the honours and estates passed to his brother, ths battle of Nicopohis, tn llungary, fighting against the JAaiEn, 4th Earl of Paunaure, This nobleman joining Turks, alms 1290, and his coat of aruis was set up in the the standard of the CHEVALIER ST. Gronue in 1710, was Pariotau cathedral of Nntre Pause, His only dan. and heir taken prisoner at the battle of Shsriffmuir, but rescued by w. Simon do Olorainviliers, Lord of Flsocesirt, his bm’other Harry, when he effected his escape into Prance, Gt’ARiN nc MAULE, a yousnger son of Ansold, Lord of and was attainted. Ills lordship si. Lady Jiargoret HamilMauls, accompanied the CONQUEROR into England. snd ton, 3rd dan. of William amid Anne, Duke and Duchess of acquired. as his portion of tlac spoil, the hom’dship of Hnttou, Hamilton, and if. at Paris in 1721. The Scottish EARLDOM us Yorkshire, with other exlonsive sstsmtes. Ho cl about OF PANNuIRE and BARONY OF SIAELE remain yet under the the year liSt, leaving two sosss, oue of whom. attahsder; but the attaintsd lant’s great-grandnephew, ROELRT no ShAnLe, attaching himself to David, Earl of THE HON. WILLiAM EAM5AY (2nd son of Gearge Eamnay, Huutisgdou, altes’wardo IJxvin It., removed into Scotiasmd 8th Earl of D.slhonsie, fsr whose paternal descent refer to with that uannarch. and obtained br.,ad lands in Lothian, that of the Earl of Daltsesmste), 0. 27 Oct. 1771, having by gr.ants from the crown. From this Roger sTe pass tm inherited through hits grandmother, Jean ManIc, dau. of his dcsccodamst, the Hon. Hsrry Slaule, of Kelhho, the estmates of the Earls sf SIR PETER DR StaLe, who ss,abommt the year 1224, Pamamure, eh mnged his uamne and arms for those of the Christian, silly dan. and heir of Wilhians de Yalontis, of family of Slanhe, and was created Bas’eoPaamasmre, by letters Panmure. with whoni he got the baronies of Pamsure and patent, dated It Sept. 1011. His lordship so. 1st, 1 Dec. Benvie, with s,ther lands, both in England and Scotland, 1704, Patricia-heron, dan. of Gilbert Gordon, Esq. of Hal- and by whsss be had two sons, viE., baths, by whsuias (who a. 11 Slay, 1521) he hid issue, WiLLIAai, his successor. Fox, Ins sneceosor as lnml Baron Panmurc, now Errl of Thomas (Sir), who was govsrnor in 1101. of the conGa Of Dalhsmmsic. Brechiu, the only fortress that interrupted the coum as of Lauderdale-Maule, licsmt.-eoh. 79tb highlanders & 27 Starch the conquests of EDwARD 1. He fell oiortally wounded, 1807’ 6. at Yam-na, 1 Aug. 1804. and the garrisoa of Breehin capitulated the day after. William-Shaule, of Fcarn, 5. 29 March, 1109; he if. 17 Fob. The elder eon, 1829, having m. hi 1944, Sham Binney, eldest dasi. of 298