Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/376

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PER possession of the Isle of Man, he obtained o grant in fee ef the said isle, castle, aod lole, anciently called hoists Town, ond oil the isleo adjacent, oe also all site regalities, fraoelsises, die., to ho tsolden of the said kiog, Isis heirs, atssh ottecessors, by homage, and the service of two folcoos, tyahtle on the days of their eoronatis it. (tu the a,-eessiots of It EstEe V., lie ssas ntadr a knight of the Garter, ais’l oonstitstled tord—tietti. of Irelatisl far six years, in whirls gisrernnient lte 5. to 1114, harittg had (tseaide tea hots.) four Oats, I. dotta (Sir), of soltatit presently. tt. henry. itt. Ttsostsas (Sir), of Elf,ird, co. Statfst’st, jeer tsxacta wttenee esssar the oj’ RI/isv, I’ijic, i.e. to. tlatph ;Sir). The eldest son atid hctr, Ste Jattrs STANLEY, knight of she shire, 2 Itecex V., eonslaisle of Carnarviitt, asist jitstira of Cttestor, .5 ilEsex VI. and sheriff ef Anglesey, at. Isabel (sir Elizabeth), dan. of Sir Robert, and sister and lteir of Sir Witliant ltarrngtott, lint, of I isirnhy, so. l,asseasler, atsil hail, beside tsro dam., Tssaasos Sir), let R,i’sss Efaslost, if wltasti presently. hiii’ttarsl, soeressively archdeacons of Cheater. Edsaarsh, ) The eldest san ant heir, Ste TnsiasAs SnaLEY, lord-hieotenant of Ireland foe six years, )1432,) comptroller of else Isanselsold, assd elianshertain in Jiexax VI.; XIS., 1456; knight of rise shire; asnenioned as Rs’eoa Sl,snt’y, 20 dan. 14Sf (11th lleaex VI.). his lordship so. loan, dan. ansI ca-heir of Sir Robert Genahill, Ens, of I Ievertngbani, cc. Nests, by Etizabetis Isis wife, (widow of Thomas Slowliray. Dsska of Norfolk, assd dan. and cs—heir of Richard Fitaalan, Earl of Arssndel, by Elizabeth, isis wtfe, days. of William Bohun, Earl of Noelhaaslston, eon of llsasssphrey do Bahun, Earl of hbeeefs’ed and Essex, by hta c’ifo, the Princess Elizabeth Plantaronot, dan. of King EnwAen I.,) by wham ha hail, tiesisle Ihreo clans., ‘J’nnis,ss, his successor. William (Sir), of Iholl. who was beheaded as a parfirtpalor in lime earspiracy for placing t’erkin Warbeek upon the throne. Sir William was the richest oulsjeet its sIte Isissgdosa, baring no less than 10.000 snarks in ready money, and £;i,OeO a- year; to svhieh riretuisataitce, eonsidlering the ralsariosts dii— posiliaa of hlrsssx VII,, sssay lie attributed his deslrssrlian more than to his political prinrildes. dohn (Sir), c-ho sti. Elieal,ath, dan. and heir of Sir Thomas Steerer, lint, of Wee’ er, co. Cisester, and by bce ars1isired Iliac estate. Frsns Gus Sir ,Ialus Steals) descends the present donst-TttaasAs, Loon STANLEY or As.nrsss.ev. Jasaes, Archdeacon of Carlisle. Eta lordship d. in 1400-9, and was a. by his eldest son, TssoasAs, 2nd Lord Stassley snmtnassosl to parliament froni 30th of Ihexex VI. to lat of LmessAxn Ill. This nobleman at. 1st, Eleaoar, doss, of Richard Nevil, Earl of Salisbury, and staler nf Ilielsard Novhl (F/sr Kiss’sdas’), use stont EARL 5SF Wiawsca, liy c-ben’. Iso had lasno, s. (smear, .Ljiril Sls”sogi, KG., who ssi Joan, dau. and heir of Johast, Lard Straisge, of Kneckyn, co-lisle of the Barony of Olohysn. by daeqnelta, his saife, than. asid co—heir of Oliehsard V’.-drile, Earl Rivers, and .1 aesjssctinr, lOs wife, ss’idow of shin h’lantageneI. Duke of llrdfoi 1, and c-as snsnmoned to lsas-tiamrnl as I.onn STRANOE. it, she 22od ef EnssAen IV Ills lordslsil’ if. 0 lIce. 1497, (lila falbrr still hivitsg,) and left, )c’islt tsva daus.,) I Tnussas, suecossar to his grandfather. 2 dahn, si.0 oung. 0 dasssrs (Sir), asho was sealed at Croaohall, ro. Lancaster, and seas niarshal of Ireland. lIe s’s. Anne, sridow of Edmntid Tallssst de Ilssshall, Esq., co. York, aerestos-, by her, of the Tsslbosts de Iiaslsa.ll, (ci e Slsresssbisry,) sioler of Sir I’ereeval II art, of Lnlliagstoao, sstsd days, of ,Iohn Itart, Esq., by Elizahseth. his wife, sisler and heir ef Sir John I’eaehe, of Lssllingsteno castle, ro. Kent, and c-as a. by his elder asist, Ssn Gessaae STAa LEY, KnI. of Crassliall, commonly called the tslaek Knight, niarshal sf I rcitsnst, captain of the Isle nfolan, c-Ito had lw-si sons, Edss-ard and theory, who both sssri iced their fattier, best if. issueIrs, avbess the estaica l’assrst Iii Sir Geerge’s 1st-sillier, Iheassy STANLEY. Esq. of Asiglslost, 0. in ISIS; who iii. 20 Seth. Ut67, Margaret. dais, and heir of Peser Stanley, Eaq. of Itselserolatfi’, co. t,ans-astrr, Srih sets of Sir Wihliani Stanley, lint, of ht,,eion, ansI had ts’o sans, Edss’ard and J,snses 5 and dying in lalS, ices a. l’y sIte ehslrr, REwARD Swaas.aa, Esq. if lhiehserstsffe, is-his c-as created a hlssranet, 20 lasi. 1027. Sir Edward a. hal, Catiserine, lass. ef Sir llassdzd Otaitsc’eritsg, Idol. if Over I’eaver, by svhsoni he had three dasss. lIe a. 2nsIlv, Isabel, days. of Sir Peter tVarhnrhsn, tint, of Aelry, east had nx sans of aslisitis, Tisoasas, c-es isis heir. IIenr Stealer, Essi. )llse 2nd) was christened at Orniskirk. 3 Sell. 1617. tie was father of Enc-aaso STANLEY. EssI. ssf t’realssn, eo. h,aneasler, sslso was bstris-d threr t Jan. 1759, aged 103, havin had sic sons, of whom the youngest, 326 PER STANLEY, Eaq. (registered aI Preston, 16 Sehst. 1702), was posseased jute ssxsrfo, of Balla Caigan, die., Isle ef Alan; having sit. Elizabeth, oldesi dan. end co-heir ef Christopher Parker, Esq., by Kailserine, his info, ,leu. of John Statshey, Esq. of tlse Isle of Alan t by her lie hail four sans; tho litres- eldest ii. ciii., but site ysssmgesl, CSSARLE5 STANLEY, EM., b. $ Aural, 17-to, registered al Kirte Shalew, 17th of time seats isyaittts, hetr ot lessgIh to Ihe Jlanx prri’eety, of which ho signed acay the reversion, left one son, Toe hex. lasses STANLeY, vsrstr of Oemskiek; 8. 30 Wet. 1760; nba was prorided for by Edseard, l2tls Earl ot Dertsy, ansi breasssr eventually the re1sresenhstive of Ibenry Stanlty, Esg., 2nd son of Sir Edward, 1st baronet, on site death of his eoestst, Itenry Staoley, Esq. )svhieh Henry sites grandson of ttenry Stanley, Essp, the eldest son of the above Edward Staaley, Esq. of Preston, and was nansed in lIsa n-ill of the 11th Earl ef Drrby, as Iseir sn remaindes’. and if, a bachelor in Jamaica, adasintsleatian of c-bose effeels n-as granted 17 dan. 1799, to Ilohtils Assheton, Esq., his eunsin-gerinan, and one of his steal of kin.) lie ci. in 1097, Sarah, don. of John Eohirsloss, Esq., ansi svas bvsried at Ormakirk, 17 d tine, 1012, leuss-isig tasne, by isis info (into ri. 12 Feb. ISif, in her lIst year), Esac-aen, vice-admiral EN., a distissgssiahed naval nllleer; 0. 10 May, h 790; s,t, let, 1034, Elizabeth, dan. of .iolsn Snelt, Eoq., svhiehs lady if. a. p. 20 April, lOIS; and 2adly, 1000, Cerohine-Cardelta, dais. sf Edward hdanearne, EM., by sshosn he has Isad issue, h Edwarit-Jomes, 0. 12 Dec. 1057 t 2 llissntssgssc-Neville (an christened as a desrendant of the Obantagu assd Nevil families, Earls of Salisbury), 5.5 SepI. 1061; 3 Ilenry-llarrssigten, b. II dan.tSdO; 4 Perdinand-Charles-Nelsen, b. II April, 1060 1 Iiomnaoad; 2 Ensma-Cordelia 0, 4 lhs,rriet and Caroline, tuelna, ri issfants, 10 daly, 1900. Frederick, tiN., b. in 1199; lost in 11,01. sloop Dents,’’ at St. Sisollo, Nessfssusidlussid, in 192-2. Itrnry, 0. 11 Sept. 1000; a,d F’eb, lai7, Charlotte, stats. of — VisItor, EM . Shis,f, o. j. 27 Aprtl, 1949 etch hoist. anshly, 1004, Elina, only dau. of Edc’ard Clsarles, Ecu Ctsuirtes-Thissnaa, 0. 29 Sopt. 1006; ns, S Jnne, 1041, Ehzabetls-Ilusansend, eldest dan. of James W’erd, EM. ‘if W’ih;ey. eo. Sass-roy, assd relirt of Cam— inaisslor hleisert-hfenes’ Stanhope, SiN., siephew of Charles, 3rd Earl of llaerisiglen. Jane, as. 19 lice. 1025, to Itiehard-Bayly Bowden, Eaq,, comic. id-N. Caroline, iii. 2d July, 1027, Its htenry-Robcet Csasrier, EM., and has issue, hlosss’y-Edurard, Frederirk-W’ithinns, Stanley, ‘Walter-James, and f’.imrIea, lii ins. llarrier, She Edward if. in lf4O, and cat e. by the eldest, Ste TnossAs STANLEY, 2nd baronet. This gentleman m Mary, dan, of Peter Egerlan, Esq. of Shac’, and had )ssilh a dan., Mary, sit, 10 John liradshasr, Esq. of Pen ningtor,) Hen seas, EDWARD. his heir. Icier Stassley, Esq.. (2nd son,) sst. 19 April, 1693, Catherine, dan. of Cot. A. Rugby, l.y Olargaret, dan. of Sir I liIh,eet Iloglston ; and c-os buried at Orsnskirk, 27 Jan, 1600, havirg tied an only son, Thsimai Slasilcy, Eiq. of Cs’ass ball, Lancashire, siseriff in 1750, brined at Orsaatriek, 19 April, 1733. lIe as. Catherine, dau. of Anlhony i’erker, Fsq. of Rradhirk, en- Laoeashii-c, by sohomn he Isad ‘issue, svith tn-a other sans, Charles assd James, n-ho both eh.e.;i, a., Thosnas Sinnlcy, 0,1),, )2nd son,) rector of Win- wick, christened 2 dan. 1717 os. Iletty, dan. and eo-hsoir of John Shiasve, Esq. of the city of York, aed was honed at Ornsskirk, 30 Juno, 1764, Ieaaing 155,50, wills two orher sons, Cal. Tlsomas, of Cress hall, and d olin, svhe balls if. titus., anil a dats. Cathsenisse, wife of Jahn-B.-S. Alnrrttt, Eoq. of Iheketsy Park. dnnacs Stanley, Esq. (3rd inn), 8. 26 hler, 1701; sit, May, 1700, Anguste, dan, of Jahn Cos’nss’ahi, Eash. of Ihondon, Ohiddlesea, and ivas boned at Brighton lie had iaesse, I Edward Stanley, Esq of Cross Hall, 0. 1789, as. 3 Sept. 1019, l.ady Mary tllaitlanut, Onsl dan of James, 9th Earl of 1.auderdals, and has, Edn-ard-danaea Stanley, Esq., b. at Genrva, glee, 1926. - Elraaer (loon.), mold of hononr to the Queesu. Aisgisala, at. 12 duly, 1941, to Richard, Earl of Dssrtroy. 2 Thonsas, in Italy orders, 0. 1799. I Aagusta. 2 Elizehseth .3 Catherine. Sir Tluu,mas 1. Slay, 1603, end n-as a, by his eidrr ion, Sssi ErnAan STANLEY, n-ho at. in le6d, Eiaalsohhs, dan. of Tlsosssos llosvilhlr, Esq. of Warsasirortls, eo York; and